Central Bureau Of Investigation

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Central Bureau of Investigation

At an early stage of World War-II, the Government of India realised that vast increase in expenditure for war efforts had provided opportunities to unscrupulous and anti-social persons, both officials and non-officials, for indulging in bribery and Corruption at the cost of public and the Government. It was felt that Police and other Law Enforcement Agencies under the State Governments were not in a position to cope with the situation. An executive order was, therefore, passed by the Government of India in 1941, setting up the Special Police Establishment (SPE) under a DIG in the then Department of War with mandate to investigate cases of bribery and corruption in transactions with which War and Supply Department of the Government of India was concerned. At the end of 1942, the activities of the SPE were extended to include cases of corruption on Railways also, presumably because the Railways were vitally concerned with movement and supply of war materials.

In 1943, an Ordinance was issued by the Government of India, by which a Special Police Force was constituted and vested with powers for the investigation of certain offences committed in connection with the departments of the Central Government committed anywhere in British India. As a need for a Central Government Agency to investigate cases of bribery and corruption was felt even after the end of the war, the Ordinance issued in 1943, which had lapsed on 30th September, 1946 was replaced by Delhi Special Police Establishment Ordinance of 1946. Subsequently, the same year Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946 was brought into existence.

CBI derives power to investigate from the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946. Section 2 of the Act vests DSPE with jurisdiction to investigate offences in the Union Territories only. However, the jurisdiction can be extended by the Central Government to other areas including Railway areas and States under Section 5(1) of the Act, provided the State Government accords Consent under Section 6 of the Act. The executive officers of CBI of the rank of Sub Inspector and above, exercise all powers of a station office in-charge of the police station for the concerned area for the purpose of investigation. As per Section 3 of the Act, Special Police Establishment is authorised to investigate only those cases, which are notified by the Central Government from time to time.

After promulgation of the Act, superintendence of SPE was transferred to the Home Department and its functions were enlarged to cover all departments of the Government of India. The jurisdiction of SPE was extended to all the Union territories and the Act provided for its extension to States with the consent of the State Government. The Headquarters of SPE was shifted to Delhi and the organisation was put under the charge of Director, Intelligence Bureau. However, in 1948, a post of Inspector General of Police, SPE was created and the organisation was placed under his charge.

In 1953, an Enforcement Wing was added to the SPE to deal with offences under the Import and Export Control Act. With the passage of time, more and more cases under laws other than Prevention of Corruption Act and violations of Import and Export Control Act also came to be entrusted to the SPE. In fact, by 1963 SPE was authorised to investigate offences under 91 different sections of Indian Penal Code and 16 other Central Acts besides offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act 1947.

A growing need was felt for a Central Police Agency at disposal of the Central Government which could investigate not only cases of bribery and corruption, but also violation of Central fiscal laws, major frauds relating to Government of India departments, public joint stock companies, passport frauds, crimes on the high seas, crimes on the Airlines and serious crimes committed by organised gangs and professional criminals. Therefore, the Government of India set up Central Bureau of Investigation by a resolution dated 1st April, 1963 with the following divisions:

  • Investigation & Anti Corruption Division (Delhi Special Police Establishment)
  • Technical Division
  • Crime Records and Statistics Division
  • Research Division
  • Legal and General Division Administration Division

The Investigation & Anti Corruption Division (Delhi Special Police Establishment) was entrusted with the following mandate in the resolution although it continued to derive its jurisdiction and powers from DSPE Act, 1946.

  • Cases in which public servants under the control of the Central Government are involved either by themselves or along with State Government servants and/or other persons.
  • Cases in which the interests of the Central Government, or of any public sector project or undertaking, or any statutory corporation or body set up and financed by the Government of India are involved.
  • Cases relating to breaches of Central Laws with the enforcement of which the Government of India is particularly concerned
  • Important and serious cases in Union Territories particularly those by professional criminals.
  • Serious cases of fraud, cheating and embezzlement relating to Public Joint Stock Companies.
  • Other cases of a serious nature, when committed by organised gangs or professional criminals, or cases having ramifications in several States including Union Territories, serious cases of spurious drugs, important cases of kidnapping of children by professional inter State gangs, etc. These cases will be taken up only at the request of or with the concurrence of the State Governments/Union Territories Administrations concerned.
  • Collection of intelligence about corruption in the public Services and the projects and undertakings in the public sector.
  • Prosecution of cases investigated by this Division.
  • Presentation of cases before Enquiry Offices in which departmental proceedings are instituted on the recommendation of this Division.

Over the years, the Central Bureau of Investigation has emerged as a premier investigating agency of the country which enjoys the trust of the people, Parliament, Judiciary and the Government. In the last 65 years, the organisation has evolved from an anti corruption agency to a multi faceted, multi disciplinary central police law enforcement agency with capability, credibility and legal mandate to investigate and prosecute offences anywhere in India. As on date offences under 69 existing Central and 18 State Acts, 231 offences under the Indian Penal Code have been notified by the Central Government under section 3 of the DSPE Act.


The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is an Indian federal law enforcement agency that investigates and prosecutes cases of serious crime, including corruption, economic offences, and terrorism. It is headquartered in New Delhi and has offices in all states and union territories of India.

The CBI was established in 1963 by an act of Parliament. It is headed by a Director, who is appointed by the Central Government. The CBI is accountable to the Prime Minister of India.

The CBI has a wide range of powers, including the power to arrest, search, and seize property. It can also conduct raids and interrogate suspects. The CBI has a reputation for being a professional and independent agency.

The CBI has investigated some of the most high-profile cases in India, including the 2G spectrum scam, the Adarsh Housing scam, and the Coalgate scam. It has also investigated cases of corruption involving politicians, bureaucrats, and businessmen.

The CBI has been criticized for its handling of some cases, including the 2G spectrum scam and the Adarsh Housing scam. However, it remains a respected institution and plays an important role in the fight against corruption in India.

History of the Central Bureau of Investigation

The CBI was established in 1963 by an act of Parliament. The need for such an agency was felt in the wake of the Indo-China war of 1962, when it was found that the Indian intelligence agencies were not well-equipped to deal with the threat of espionage. The CBI was set up to fill this gap and to provide a central agency to investigate cases of serious crime.

The CBI was initially headed by a Director-General, who was appointed by the Central Government. However, in 1978, the post of Director-General was abolished and the CBI was placed under the direct control of the Prime Minister. This change was made in order to ensure that the CBI would be free from political interference.

Organization of the Central Bureau of Investigation

The CBI is headed by a Director, who is appointed by the Central Government. The Director is assisted by a Deputy Director, who is also appointed by the Central Government. The CBI has a number of branches, including the Anti-Corruption Branch, the Economic Offences Wing, and the Special Crime Branch.

The Anti-Corruption Branch is responsible for investigating cases of corruption involving government officials. The Economic Offences Wing is responsible for investigating cases of economic fraud and Money laundering. The Special Crime Branch is responsible for investigating cases of terrorism and organized crime.

Powers of the Central Bureau of Investigation

The CBI has a wide range of powers, including the power to arrest, search, and seize property. It can also conduct raids and interrogate suspects. The CBI has the power to investigate cases of corruption, economic offences, and terrorism. It can also investigate cases of organized crime and cases that involve national security.

Cases investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation

The CBI has investigated some of the most high-profile cases in India, including the 2G spectrum scam, the Adarsh Housing scam, and the Coalgate scam. It has also investigated cases of corruption involving politicians, bureaucrats, and businessmen.

The 2G spectrum scam was a major corruption scandal that involved the allocation of 2G spectrum licenses by the Government of India. The scam is estimated to have caused a loss of over Rs. 1 lakh crore to the exchequer. The Adarsh Housing scam was a scam involving the allotment of land to a housing Society in Mumbai. The scam is estimated to have caused a loss of over Rs. 1,000 crore to the exchequer. The Coalgate scam was a scam involving the allocation of coal blocks by the Government of India. The scam is estimated to have caused a loss of over Rs. 1.86 lakh crore to the exchequer.

Criticism of the Central Bureau of Investigation

The CBI has been criticized for its handling of some cases, including the 2G spectrum scam and the Adarsh Housing scam. It has also been criticized for its slow pace of investigations and for its failure to bring to book the bigwigs involved in corruption cases.

The CBI has also been accused of political interference. In 2013, the then-CBI Director, Ranjit Sinha, was accused of meeting with senior politicians and journalists to influence the course of investigations into the 2G spectrum scam.

Role of the Central Bureau of Investigation in the fight against corruption

The CBI plays an important role in the fight against corruption in India. It has investigated some of the most high-profile cases of corruption in the country. However, it has also been criticized for its handling of some cases and for its slow pace of investigations.

What is the CBI?
The CBI is a premier investigating agency of India. It is an independent body that is not under the control of any ministry or department of the government. The CBI is responsible for investigating serious crimes, including corruption, economic offences, and cases involving central government employees.

What are the functions of the CBI?
The CBI’s functions include:
* Investigating serious crimes, including corruption, economic offences, and cases involving central government employees.
* Providing assistance to state police forces in investigating cases.
* Conducting inquiries and investigations into complaints received from the public.
* Providing training to police officers in investigation techniques.

How is the CBI organized?
The CBI is headed by a Director who is appointed by the Central government. The Director is assisted by a Deputy Director, a Joint Director, and a number of Additional Directors. The CBI also has a number of specialized units, such as the Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Economic Offences Wing, and the Special Crime Branch.

What are the powers of the CBI?
The CBI has wide powers to investigate crimes. It can search premises, seize evidence, and arrest suspects. The CBI also has the power to conduct inquiries and investigations into complaints received from the public.

What are the challenges faced by the CBI?
The CBI faces a number of challenges, including:
* Corruption within the agency.
* Lack of Resources.
* Political interference.
* Public perception that the CBI is biased in favor of the government.

What is the future of the CBI?
The future of the CBI is uncertain. The agency has been facing a number of challenges in recent years, and its reputation has been tarnished. It is unclear whether the CBI will be able to overcome these challenges and regain the public’s trust.

Sure. Here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Central Bureau Of Investigation:

  1. Which of the following is not a function of the Central Bureau of Investigation?
    (A) To investigate cases of corruption
    (B) To investigate cases of terrorism
    (C) To investigate cases of economic offences
    (D) To investigate cases of cybercrime

  2. The Central Bureau of Investigation was established in the year
    (A) 1947
    (B) 1948
    (C) 1949
    (D) 1950

  3. The headquarters of the Central Bureau of Investigation is located in
    (A) New Delhi
    (B) Mumbai
    (C) Chennai
    (D) Kolkata

  4. The Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation is appointed by the
    (A) Prime Minister
    (B) President
    (C) Home Minister
    (D) Justice-of-india/”>Chief Justice of India

  5. The Central Bureau of Investigation has its own
    (A) Police force
    (B) Intelligence wing
    (C) Forensic lab
    (D) All of the above

  6. The Central Bureau of Investigation is a
    (A) Central government agency
    (B) State government agency
    (C) Autonomous body
    (D) None of the above

  7. The Central Bureau of Investigation is responsible for investigating
    (A) Serious and complex crimes
    (B) Crimes that have national or international ramifications
    (C) Crimes that involve public servants
    (D) All of the above

  8. The Central Bureau of Investigation has the power to
    (A) Arrest suspects
    (B) Search premises
    (C) Seize evidence
    (D) All of the above

  9. The Central Bureau of Investigation is accountable to
    (A) The Parliament
    (B) The Supreme Court
    (C) The Central Vigilance Commission
    (D) The National Human Rights Commission

  10. The Central Bureau of Investigation has been criticized for
    (A) Its handling of high-profile cases
    (B) Its alleged political interference
    (C) Its lack of transparency
    (D) All of the above