Violation of Employment and Service Rules in Telangana (1948-1970)

INFRASTRUCTURE, Irrigation, and Industry in Telangana exacerbated its economic backwardness and fueled resentment. Political and Social Consequences The violations of employment and service rules had far-reaching political and social consequences. The sense of alienation and injustice among the people of Telangana led to significant unrest and agitation during this period. 1969 Telangana Agitation: The most … Read more

Migration from Coastal Andhra Region and its Consequences (1948-1970)

INFRASTRUCTURE projects further fueled urbanization and migration. Many migrants from Coastal Andhra found employment in various sectors, including education, healthcare, and government services. The educated middle class from Coastal Andhra, with their higher Literacy rates and educational attainment, were well-positioned to secure jobs in these sectors. This migration contributed to the growth and development of … Read more

Initial Debates and Demand for Telangana State

INFRASTRUCTURE. The region faced issues such as inadequate Irrigation facilities, leading to agrarian distress and lower agricultural productivity compared to the coastal Andhra regions, which benefited from the Krishna and Godavari river systems. The economic policies and development projects initiated by the State Government were often perceived to favor the Andhra region. Key infrastructure projects, … Read more

Hyderabad State in Independent India (1947-1956)

INFRASTRUCTURE projects, promoting Education, and improving healthcare facilities. However, the process of democratization and integration was not without challenges, as the region grappled with political instability and social tensions. The Reorganization of States on linguistic lines, recommended by the States Reorganization Commission (SRC) in 1953, had significant implications for Hyderabad. The SRC proposed the merger … Read more