Liberalization and Privatization Policies in the 1990s and Their Consequences on Telangana

Liberalization and Privatization policies aimed at transforming the Economy. Faced with a severe Balance of Payments crisis in 1991, India embarked on a series of Economic Reforms under the Leadership of Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao and Finance Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. These reforms included reducing state control over the economy, opening up to foreign … Read more

Expansion of the New Economy in Hyderabad and Other Parts of Telangana (1971-1990)

Liberalization policies of the 1980s, which eased regulations and promoted private investment, played a crucial role in this regard. Real estate developers capitalized on the growing demand, leading to a construction boom. Speculative Investments: The real estate boom also saw a rise in speculative investments. Investors purchased properties not only for personal use but also … Read more

Rise of Regional Parties in 1980s and Changes in the Political, Socio-Economic, and Cultural Fabric of Telangana

INFRASTRUCTURE. Political Changes in Telangana The rise of the TDP and other regional parties brought significant political changes to Telangana: Shift in Political Dynamics: The emergence of the TDP marked a shift in the political dynamics of Telangana. The Congress party, which had been the dominant political force, faced a serious challenge from the TDP. … Read more

Rise and Spread of Naxalite Movement in Telangana: Causes and Consequences

INFRASTRUCTURE, limited industrialization, and poor access to Education and healthcare. The economic deprivation and lack of opportunities for social mobility contributed to the alienation of large sections of the population, making them susceptible to the Naxalite ideology. Political Marginalization: The political landscape of Telangana was characterized by the dominance of elites who had little interest … Read more

Telangana G.O. 610 (1985): Provisions and Violations

INFRASTRUCTURE, healthcare, and economic opportunities, are essential to promote balanced Growth and reduce socio-economic imbalances. Continuing Relevance The provisions of G.O. 610 continue to hold relevance in the context of Telangana and the broader discourse on regional equity in India. The lessons learned from the implementation challenges and violations of G.O. 610 can inform policy … Read more

G.O.Ms.No.674 or Presidential Order for Telangana

Administrative Tribunals: The order provided for the establishment of administrative tribunals to handle grievances related to public employment. These tribunals were empowered to address complaints regarding appointments, seniority, promotion, and other service matters. The decisions of the tribunals were binding and not subject to Judicial Review by any court other than The Supreme Court. Presidential … Read more

Article 371-D: A Constitutional Safeguard for Andhra Pradesh

Administrative Tribunals: Article 371-D provides for the establishment of administrative tribunals to deal with grievances related to public employment. These tribunals are empowered to address complaints regarding appointments, seniority, promotion, and other service matters. The decisions of the tribunals are binding and are not subject to Judicial Review by any court other than The Supreme … Read more

Jai Andhra Movement and its Consequences

INFRASTRUCTURE investments, and social welfare programs were initiated to address the region's needs. These efforts contributed to the overall development of Andhra Pradesh, although regional disparities continued to be a challenge. Cultural Revival and Assertion: The Jai Andhra Movement also had a cultural dimension, as it emphasized the distinct identity and heritage of the Andhra … Read more

Mobilisational Phase in Telangana Movement (1971-1990)

INFRASTRUCTURE, and limited industrial development persisting. This period saw the rise of various social and political groups advocating for Telangana's rights, emphasizing the need for sustained mobilization and collective action to achieve statehood. Emergence of New Leadership and Organizations The mobilizational phase of the Telangana Movement witnessed the emergence of new leadership and organizations that … Read more