Quick Revision-Allotropes of carbon

  QUICK REVISION SERIES   Allotropes Of Carbon: Concept of Allotropes:       An element, in different forms, having different physical properties but similar chemical properties is known as allotropes of that element. Carbon has three well known allotropes which are graphite, diamond and buck minster fullerene. These are formed by carbon atoms. Allotrope Type Properties Graphite Each … Read more

Quick Revision- Type of Missile II

TYPES OF MISSILE AND ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS: Brahmos Supersonic cruise missile, BrahMos, is being developed with Russia as a private joint-venture. BrahMos is a multi-platform cruise missile enabling it to strike from various types of land, sea and air-based platforms. It is among the fastest supersonic cruise missiles in the world with speeds ranging between Mach … Read more

Quick Revision- Type of Missile

INTEGRATED MISSILE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME:   Missile Type Remark Prithvi Short range Surface to Surface ballistic missile – The Prithvi missile is a family of tactical surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missiles (SRBM) and is India’s first indigenously developed ballistic missile. Development of the Prithvi began in 1983, and it was first test-fired on 25 February 1988 from Sriharikota, … Read more

Give an account of following: a) Male and female reproductive organs b) Asexual production c) Binary fission d) Fertilisation

  (a)Male and Female reproductive organ:    The male reproductive organs include a pair of testes (singular, testis), two sperm ducts and a penis. The testes produce the male gametes called sperms. The female reproductive organs are a pair of ovaries, oviducts (fallopian tubes) and the uterus. Ovary produces female gametes called ova (eggs).   (b)Asexual production:  It is a … Read more

Discuss the reproductive events in the Human?

Gametogenesis :  The gametogenesis is the formation of gametes i.e. sperm in males and ovum in females. It is also known as spermatogenesis and Oogenesis. Insemination:        Insemination is the deliberate introduction of sperm into a female animal or plant for the purpose of impregnating or fertilizing the female for sexual Reproduction. The sperm is introduced … Read more

Explain the composition of blood.

Blood circulates in our body and it transport substance like digested food from the small intestine to the other parts of the body. It carries Oxygen from lungs to the cells of the body. It also transport waste for removal from the body. Major components of Blood are as follows: Plasma: Plasma is the liquid … Read more

Tabulate the difference between mitosis and meiosis.

Draw diagram Basis Mitosis Meiosis Number of divisions One Two – meiosis 1 and meiosis II DNA replication Occurs during interphase Occurs during interphase Role Production of somatic cells for Growth of the body Produces gametes or gametogenesis Daughter cell produced Two diploid cells that are genetically identical to parent Four haploid cell(n) containing half … Read more