Chemistry of ores and metals

Ore An ore is a special type of rock that contains a large enough amount of a particular mineral (usually a Metal) to make it economically practical to extract that mineral from the surrounding rock. Not all Minerals are found in a large enough amount in one location to make it worth it to remove the ore … Read more

Food safety and Microbial standards, Food quality standards

Food safety and Microbial standards, Food quality standards Food safety-Indicators of food microbial Quality and safety-Coliforms, Enterococci, Bifidobacteria, Coliphages/Enteroviruses, predictive Microbiology/ Microbial modeling Microbial Standards of Processed and preserved Foods The Center for disease control (CDC) investigates each documented outbreak of food borne disease and attempts to determine not only the specific Microorganisms and foods … Read more

Corossion of metals

Corrosion is defined as an attack on a material as a result of chemical, frequently electrochemical reaction, with the surrounding medium. According to this definition, the term corrosion can be applied to all materials, including non-metals. But in practice, the word corrosion is mainly used in Conjunction with metallic materials. Why do metals corrode? Apart … Read more

Concept and nature of sound.Wave length and frequency, infrasonic and Ultrasonic sounds, Sources of Infrasonic sound In nature, Ultrasonic sound characteristics and some applications.

Sound is a longitudinal wave, in which the particles oscillate to and fro in the same direction of wave propagation. Sound waves cannot be transmitted through vacuum. The transmission of sound requires at least a medium, which can be solid, liquid, or gas. Newton to derive a relation for the velocity of sound in a gaseous … Read more

Solar system, relative position of Earth with respect to Sun and other planets, movement of earth and moon in solar system, lunar and solar eclipses

The Solar System consists of the Sun and its eight main planets, their satellites, asteroids, comets, meteors and other dwarf planets. The Sun is at the one of the two “centers” of The Solar System and the planets revolving around it in elliptical orbits. The sun is in the centre of the solar system. It … Read more

System of Units: MKS, CGS and SI

Measurement of any physical quantity involves comparison with a certain basic, arbitrarily chosen, internationally accepted reference standard called unit. The result of a measurement of a physical quantity is expressed by a number (or numerical measure) accompanied by a unit. A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by … Read more

JPSC Prelims notes for Science and Technology

Science & TechnologyFor Notes Click on the topics [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”100″ tax_term=”1321″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] Physical Science (I)System of Units: MKS, CGS and SI (II)Definition of speed,velocity, gravity, mass, weight, force, impact, work,power and energy. (III)Solar System, relative position of Earth with respect to Sun and other planets, movement of earth and moon in solar system, lunar and … Read more

Important missions and programmes of Department of Space and Indian Space Research Organization.

Space Technology– Indian space programs. Application of Satellites for different purposes   Despite being a developing economy with its attendant problems, India has effectively developed space technology and has applied it successfully for its rapid development and today is offering a variety of space Services globally. Indian Space Program: During the formative decade of 1960s, … Read more