The Charter Act (1833)

The Charter Act of 1833 was a landmark piece of legislation that reformed the British East India Company’s administration of India. The Act transferred control of the Company’s territories to the British Crown, and it also introduced a number of important reforms, including the establishment of a Supreme Court in Calcutta, the abolition of sati … Read more

The Charter Act (1853)

The Charter Act of 1853 was a major piece of legislation that reformed the British East India Company’s administration of India. The Act increased the number of seats on the Company’s governing board from 24 to 35, and reserved 18 of those seats for Indians. It also created a new legislative body, the Indian Legislative … Read more

The Government of India Act (1858)

The Government of India Act (1858) was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that transferred the government of India from the British East India Company to the British Crown. The Act was passed in response to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, which had led to the deaths of thousands of British and … Read more

Pitts Act (1784)

The Pitts Act (1784) was a British law that allowed for the settlement of British subjects in the Ohio River Valley. The act was passed in response to the American Revolution, which had resulted in the loss of British territory in North America. The Pitts Act was intended to encourage British settlement in the Ohio … Read more

Regulating Act, (1773)

The Regulating Act of 1773 was a British law that changed the way the British East India Company governed its territories in India. The act was passed in response to concerns about the company’s growing power and corruption. The Regulating Act created a new system of government for the company’s territories. The act established a … Read more
