Geographical location of Odisha

Geographical location of Odisha:- Introduction:- The state of Orissa is situated between the geographical coordinates of 81.27’E and 87.29’East longitude and 17.49’N and 22.34’North latitude. The state occupies a total area of 155,707 square kilometers. It is bound on the east by the 450 kilometer coastline of the Bay of Bengal. In the south, the … Read more

Migration of Odisha

Migration of Odisha Current Status: Migration is one of the most serious issue of Odisha, especially in the western Odisha. Number of transient experts from Odisha to various states is rising tirelessly. Stood out from 55,000 masters migrating from Odisha in 2007, 1.46 lakh left the state in 2015, government figures show up. Social activists … Read more

Scheduled tribes of Odisha

Scheduled tribes of Odisha   Orissa has the biggest number of tribes; upwards of 62 as far as rate they constitute a great 24 percent of the aggregate populace of the state. These tribes for the most part occupy the Eastern Ghats slope run, which keeps running in the north-south bearing. The greater part of … Read more

Natural and power resoures of Orrisa

Characteristic and Power assets of Odisha   Characteristic Resources of Odisha:   Assets in Odishacan be separated into following four classes:   a) Minerals, b) Forest, c) Water and d) Land Resources   Odisha has a lot of a wide range of common assets like minerals, backwoods, water and land. We will talk about all … Read more

Major Cities and Tourist Places of Odisha

Major Cities and Tourist Places of Odisha   Tourist Places of Odisha Jagannath Temple   Category : Religious The Jagannath Temple, Puri is one of the most renowned places of interest that are situated in the town of Puri. There are a number of temples in the town, which form one of the major attractions … Read more


Population OF ODISHA   As per the 2011 statistics of India, the aggregate population of Odisha is 41,947,358, of which 21,201,678 are male and 20,745,680 are female. We need to have a look at the population of the past 5 years. They are as per the following: 2012 – 42.7 Million 2013 – 43.1 Million … Read more

Irrigation and Hydropower of Odisha

Irrigation and Hydropower of Odisha   Irrigation Irrigation assumes a noteworthy part in destitution diminishment and financial development. State Government is giving high need to Irrigation Development. The state has a developed place that is known for 61.80 lakh hectares. It has been surveyed that 49.90 lakh hectares can be brought under water system scope … Read more

Census of Odisha

Census of Odisha:- The capital of the state of Orissa is the wonder city of Bhubaneswar. The city along with the state is a representation of Indian religious culture in every sense of the term. The world famous ‘Ratha Yatra’ takes place every year in the state of Orissa. The Orissa Census 2011 reveals facts … Read more

Horticulture in Odisha

POPULATION OF ODISHA (Rajkhisor, 2007). Most of them are desperately poor, backward, generally uneducated and lead a hard and miserable life . Although Rayagada and Koraput districts are very suitable for horticultural crops, a very small Percentage (5.83) of the tribal households had horticulture as a primary livelihood source.  Besides horticulture as the primary Source … Read more

Fishing in Odisha

Fishing  in Odisha Odisha is one of the major maritime States, offering vast scope for development of inland, brackishwater and marine INFRASTRUCTURE. A difficulty in imposing any limitation or stringent action on over-fishing, as fishing is a livelihood option for majority of poor people. Siltation of the fishery harbours and fish landing centres because of … Read more