Madhya pradesh budget 2019-20

Madhya pradesh budget 2019-20 Budget estimations 2019-20 Fiscal Deficit Fiscal Deficit in 2019-20 is estimated at 3.34 percent of GDP. GDP The Growth rate of Madhya Pradesh’s GDP (at current prices) has decreased from 12.8% in 2015-16 to 12.2% in 2017-18. Revenue Deficit The budget estimates a revenue surplus of Rs 733 crore (or 0.08% … Read more

Causes of low industrialization in Madhya Pradesh

Causes of low industrialization in Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh (MP) has predominantly been an agrarian state economy which shows co-existence of POVERTY and prosperity in the state. The state’s economic and demographic profile describes an economy of rural mass, poverty and Growth led by agriculture. Despite five decades of planned Economic Development, MP continues to … Read more

Agriculture Developement of Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh Swayatta Sahkarita Adhiniyam:- Madhya Pradesh has enacted a Parallel Act called Madhya Pradesh Swayatta Sahkarita Adhiniyam 1999. Cooperatives which have not received any government assistance in the form of share capital, loan or government guarantee can be registered in it and a registered cooperative Society under the old Act can also be converted. … Read more

12th FYP of Madhya Pradesh

12th FYP of Madhya Pradesh To achieve an overall Growth rate of 12.0%. This is envisaged to be achievedthrough 9% growth in agriculture and allied sectors, 12.0% growth in Industry and 13.75% growth in service sector. To reduce POVERTY levels from 36.7% of 2009-10 to 15% To achieve the Literacy rate of 100% by the … Read more

Madhya Pradesh Human Development Index,

Madhya Pradesh Human Development index   The HDI is a measure for evaluating progress in three fundamental estimations of human change: a long and solid life, access to Learning, and access to an unrivaled than ordinary way of life. The world’s best three nations in HDI are Norway, Australia and Switzerland. India slid one place … Read more

Madhya Pradesh trade and commerce

  Madhya Pradesh Trade and Commerce Madhya Pradesh is emerging as vibrant state now. Gone are the days, when it was called diseased state. It is all because of increase in trade and commerce activities in the state. Trade and commerce has facilitated for all round development of state along with EMPLOYMENT generation. Steps taken … Read more

Madhya Pradesh Major Projects and Schemes

Madhya Pradesh Major Projects and Schemes Madhya Pradesh government has implemented various schemes in the state for all round development of state. We will learn about major schemes of the state which have been implemented recently. MukhyamantriKaushalSamvardhanYojana (MMKSY) The State Legislature of Madhya Pradesh has presented the MukhyamantriKaushalSamvardhanYojana (MMKSY) or CM Skill development Scheme in … Read more

Madhya Pradesh Economy Test Demo

Demo of madhya pradesh economy test. Total 10 questions are randomly selected [WpProQuiz 2], Madhya Pradesh is a state in central India. It is the second-largest state by area, after Rajasthan, and the seventh-most populous state in India, with over 75 million inhabitants. The state is bordered by Uttar Pradesh to the north, Chhattisgarh to … Read more