Horticulture and Irrigation of Jharkhand

Horticulture Plantation and Horticulture sector is one of the important sub sectors agriculture, having ample scope for expansion in the State of Jharkhand. The total area. occupied by various Plantation and Hoticulture (P&H) crop in the State is about 2.57 lakh ha., with an estimated total production of 37.85 lakh  tones  The share of P&H … Read more

Jharkhand Agriculture Part 2

                                           agriculture   Pattern of Land utilization : Area for Land utilization NA, Forests NA.  Not available for cultivation NA. Permanent pastures and other grazing lands NA. Land under misc. Tree crops and  groves NA. culturable waste land NA. Fallow lands other than current fallows NA. current fallows NA. Net area sown NA. Area  sown … Read more

Pollution Problems

  The State of Jharkhand: Environmental Concerns The word Jharkhand connotes an area of land covered with forests. The word Jharkhand has been derived from the Sanskrit word, Jhari Khanda the ancient name depicting the regions’ dense forest. Thus, naturally as well as symbolically, the states’ very existence is associated with forests. Another remarkable aspect … Read more

Pattern of urban settlement

  Urban Growth and Urbanization patterns in Jharkhand do not seem to attract any significant academic attention. The ‘newly’ born state that came into existence on 15th November 2000 as the 28th state of Indian Union has however remained in turbidity of political economy of growth since its formation. For a long time, Jharkhand remained … Read more

Industrial and urban development. Major industries-Iron, Steel and Cement; industries,

Industrial and urban development. Major industries-Iron, Steel and Cement; industries, The  state of Jharkhand, widely acclaimed as the region of future, has enormous potentialities for industrialization. With its large deposits of Minerals, it provides a solid launching pad for all kinds of industries. Born out of partition from old Bihar state in 2000, Jharkhand produces … Read more

Tribal population and their distribution

  Demographic Profile of the STs There are 32 tribes (2011) in Jharkhand of which Santhals are most numerous accounting for one third of the total tribal Population followed by Oraon, Munda and Ho contributing more than 10% to the total tribal population. Other tribes such as Kharwar, Lohra, Bhumij and Kharia have a share … Read more

Population : Growth, distribution, density

  Jharkhand Population as per Census 2011   The Population of Jharkhand according to the 2011 census stands at about 32 million, making it the 13th most populated state in India. The state makes up about 3.5% of the country’s population a figure which was about 3% during the last census in 2001. The state … Read more

Damodar & Suberna rekha valley projects

  The Damodar River is a tributary of the Hugli River. It flows more or less in the west to east direction through Jharkhand and West Bengal. Its total length from its source in the hills of Chota Nagpur plateau in Jharkhand to its confluence with Hugli in West Bengal is about 541 km, half … Read more


  The Dams in Jharkhand mainly cater to the irrigation system of the state through a well managed system of Canal Irrigation in the local areas. The dams of Jharkhand are also utilized for power generation. The major dams of Jharkhand are the Maithon dam, the Panchet Dam and the Chandil Dam. The Maithon Dam was constructed … Read more

Drainage System

  The radial centrifugal drainage system of Jharkhand state has number of rivers. Most of these rivers remain relatively dry during summer months (February-May) but exhibit torrential flow during the months of monsoons (June-September). Jharkhand has a vast potential for generating hydel power as is exemplified by the location of the famous Damodar Valley Corporation … Read more