Factors responsible for the rise of Indian Nationalism. Activities of Indian National Congress from 1885 to 1920.

ORIGIN OF NATIONALISM The Rise of Nationalism is reflected in the spirit of Renaissance in Europe when freedom from religious restrictions led to the enhancement of national identity. This expression of Nationalism was furthered by the French Revolution. The political changes resulted in the passing of Sovereignty from the hands of an absolute monarch to … Read more

Foreign invasions on India and their impact- GPSC Mains

The Arab Invasion of India The first incursion by the new Muslim successor states of the Persian Empire occurred around 664 CE during the Umayyad Caliphate, led by Mohalib towards Multan in Southern Punjab, in modern day Pakistan. Mohalib’s expeditions were not aimed at conquest, though they penetrated only as far as the capital of … Read more

The Role of Sardar Patel in freedom movement

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel handled effectively the integration of the princely states with his diplomatic skills and foresightedness. The problem of amalgamating 562 independent states with a democratic self-governing India was difficult and delicate. But it was essential to save India from balkanization, once the Paramountcy of British crown would lapse. Sardar Patel … Read more

Vijaynagar Empire

Vijayanagara empire and their contribution to art, literature and culture socio-economic conditions, administration, fall of Vijayanagar empire   The Vijayanagara Empire, an important South Indian empire was founded by Harihara Raya I and his brother Bukka Raya I. The capital of the empire was Vijayanagara, present days Hampi in Karnataka. The empire ruled from 1336 … Read more

Distinction between Indus Civilization and Vedic Civilization

  Distinction between Indus Civilization and Vedic Civilization These two civilizations have not only played a major role in the development of ancient India, but have also left a lineage that still continues to shape our present Indian culture. Differences based on Following Major Headings PERIODICTY BASED DIFFERNENCES: Indus Valley Civilization: Till 20th century, historians … Read more

Socialist approach and Total Revolution

Socialist approach and Total Revolution Socialist approach In simple language Socialism can be regarded as a movement against the inequality existing in the present social order. It is a plan for a new social order based on Justice, Equality, free from exploitation of man by man, a co-operative commonwealth of mankind. Though socialists differ among … Read more

Groups in Christianity: The roman Catholic church, The eastern arthodox church, and protestants churches Roman catholic church

Groups  in Christianity: The roman Catholic church, The eastern arthodox church, and protestants churches Roman catholic church The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church, with more than 1.29 billion members worldwide. As one of the oldest religious institutions in the world, it has played a prominent role … Read more

Buddhism : An introduction

Buddhism is a world religion and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is known as the Buddha (literally the Enlightened One or Awakened One). Siddhārtha Gautama was the historical founder of Buddhism. After asceticism and meditation, he discovered the Buddhist Middle Way—a path of moderation away from the extremes of self-indulgence and … Read more

Evolution of Varna, Jathi/caste system

Caste ,Class & Occupation The caste system is a Classification of people into four hierarchically ranked castes called varnas. They are classified according to occupation and determine access to wealth, power, and privilege. The Brahmans, usually priests and scholars, are at the top. Next are the Kshatriyas, or political rulers and soldiers. They are followed … Read more