JPSC Prelims Notes for History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of India

Ancient Period : [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”50″ tax_term=”1325″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] (i) The Indus Valley Civilization : Origin, antiquity, extent, authorship and main features; (iilOrigin of the Aryans (iii) Antiquity and stratification of the Vedic literature; Society, economy and religion during Early (Rig-Vedic) period. (iv) The Lichavi and their republican constitution. (v) The Rise of the Magadhan empire … Read more

The Bhakti Movement and Sufism

The Bhakti Movement in Indian history represents a movement that popularized devotional surrender to a personally conceived supreme God. Its origins are traced to the Brahamanical and Buddhist traditions of ancient India. It was in south India that it grew from a religious tradition into a popular movement based on religious Equality and broad based … Read more

Hill States and their relations with the Mughals and the Sikhs

Hill States and their relations with the Mughals and the Sikhs Mughals Medieval History Of Himachal Pradesh can be classified into four phases. They are Mahmud Ghaznavi invasion, Tuglaqs, invasion of Taimur-lung and Mughal reign. We shall discuss one by one as follows.   (i) Mahmud Ghaznavi: Mahmud Ghaznavi had invaded India seventeen times. After … Read more

Establishment of British Cantonments

 Establishment of British Cantonments Dagshai cantonment:   Dagshai is one of the oldest cantonment towns in the Solan district of Himachal Pradesh, India. It is situated on top of a 5689 feet (1734 mtr) high hillock that stands sphinx-like astride the Kalka-Shimla Highway at a point about 11 km from Solan. It was founded in … Read more

Gorkha invasion- its nature and consequences, Treaty of Segauli

The majority of Gorkhas who are living in Himachal Pradesh were till recently a part of Punjab. One of the oldest associations of gorkhas in Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh is the Himachal Punjab Gorkha Association, which was established on October 29, 1916. Its first president was Madho Singh Rana (Magan Pathik, Hamro Sanstha Pachattari Barsa, … Read more

Hill States under the Colonial power: Political and Administrative History. Grants, Sanads and territorial aggression.

British Rule in the Hill State The British rule commenced in the state after Anglo-Gorkha war. The Gorkha’s were out powered by the British and they established their supremacy in the state after the Anglo-Gorkha war along the provinces of Satluj. Thus British started annexing the area one by one and emerged as dominant powers … Read more

Role of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs),

Role Of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) NGOs are voluntary organization’s. These are popularly known as NGOs because they are free from governmental control in their functioning. They are democratic and open to all those wishing to become member of the organization voluntarily and serve the Society. NGO have a long history in India. In the past, … Read more

Politics of sub-regionalism and pressure groups in the State

Politics of sub-Regionalism and pressure groups in the Himachal Pradesh:- A sub-region refers to a small area within a region. Due to various factors, the people of a sub-region feel that they possess a distinct identity. A movement for the separation of that sub-region from a state or for the redressal of grievances in the … Read more

Indian Diaspora

India’s Cultural Diplomacy And Indian Diaspora Cultural diplomacy is a specified form of diplomacy that encourages a deliberate effort of cultural exchange. It facilitates the understanding of foreign cultural dynamics. Itis exchange of ideas, information, art, lifestyles, value systems, traditions, beliefs another aspects of cultures.   The Indian Diaspora is a generic term to describe … Read more