Rivers and Drainage System of Haryana

Rivers and Drainage System of Haryana Drainage Systems of Haryana Drainage systems, also known as river systems, are the patterns formed by the streams, rivers, and lakes in a particular drainage basin. They are governed by the topography of the land, whether a particular region is dominated by hard or soft rocks, and the gradient of the land. RIVERS OF HARYANA … Read more

Vegetation of Haryana

Vegetation of Haryana Natural Resources – Forests A forest is a complex ecosystem which is predominantly composed of trees, shrubs and is usually a closed canopy. Forests are storehouses of a large variety of life forms such as Plants, mammals, birds, insects and reptiles etc. Also the forests have abundant Microorganisms and Fungi, which do … Read more

Soils of Haryana

Soils of Haryana An overview of Haryana Soil Soil in Haryana is formed almost entirely of alluvium. The state is situated towards the depressions of the rivers Ganges and Indus. Haryana State is a broad level plain standing nearly on the watershed between the basins of the two rivers. Haryana state is a vast ground of … Read more

Relief and Structure of Haryana

Relief and Structure of Haryana Physiography of Haryana The State of Haryana is situated in the northern part of India and is bounded by Punjab and Himachal Pradesh to the north and by Rajasthan to the west and south. The river Yamuna defines its eastern border with Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. Haryana also surrounds Delhi … Read more

Climate of Haryana

Climate of Haryana The climate of the state is subtropical, semi-arid to sub-humid, continental and monsoon type. The Average rainfall of the state is 560 mm which varies from less than 300 mm in south-western parts to over 1000 mm in the hilly tracks of Shivalik hills. The climate of Haryana is very hot in … Read more

Geographical location of Haryana

Geographical location of Haryana Haryana is a State in the northwest of India and was carved out of the Indian State of Punjab on 1st November 1966. With capital at Chandigarh which is administered as a Union Territory, this north Indian land locked state is located between 27º 39′ and 30º 35’N latitude and between … Read more

Migration of Haryana

Migration of Haryana Migration and Urbanization The process of urbanization is closely connected with internal migration. Historically, the latter has been a significant factor in the Growth of urban areas and is credited with initiating, and bolstering up the process of urbanization. Urban Population may increase due to natural increase, migration and administrative reclassification of … Read more

Populations of Haryana

Populations of Haryana As per details from Census 2011, Haryana has Population of 2.54 Crores, an increase from figure of 2.11 Crore in 2001 census. Total population of Haryana as per 2011 census is 25,351,462 of which male and female are 13,494,734 and 11,856,728 respectively. In 2001, total population was 21,144,564 in which males were 11,363,953 … Read more

Irrigation and Hydropower of Haryana

Irrigation and Hydropower of Haryana Hydropower in Haryana Hydroelectric Power — what is it? It is a form of energy … a renewable resource. Hydropower provides about 96 percent of the RENEWABLE ENERGY in the United States. Other renewable Resources include geothermal, wave power, tidal power, wind power, and solar power. Hydroelectric powerplants do not … Read more

Horticulture of Haryana

INFRASTRUCTURE. Development of best integration model in India by integrating the components of community tank, orchard plantation and micro-irrigation & emulated by other States. Concerted efforts on water saving techniques and increased subsidy assistance in Micro Irrigation (drip and sprinkler) scheme from 50% to 90%. So far an area of 8231 Ha has already been … Read more