Art Forms of Andhra Pradesh

Art Forms of Andhra Pradesh The art refers to the theory and physical expression of creativity found in human societies and cultures from Ancient Time in India. Major constituents of the arts include Literature – including poetry, novels and short stories, and epic poetry; Performing Arts – among them music, dance, and theatre; and Visual … Read more

Fairs and Festivals of Andhra Pradesh

Fairs and Festivals of Andhra Pradesh Today festivals are considered to contribute significantly to the cultural and economic development of the Andhra Pradesh. The festivals have major impact on the development of cultural tourism to the host communities. The festival organisers are now using the historical and cultural themes to develop the annual events to … Read more

Feudatory States in Andhra Pradesh

Feudatory States in Andhra Pradesh In Andra Pradesh Feudatory states emerged in medieval period, with many numbers of ruler and dynasties fighting with each other for rule and territorial expansion. The main reason for Feudatory state is to occupy the throne and extend their territories in vast regions of Andra Preadesh and nearby areas. There … Read more

Folk Dance of Andhra Pradesh

Folk Dance of Andhra Pradesh Indian folk and tribal dances range from simple, joyous celebrations of the seasons of the harvest, or the birth of a child to ritualistic dances to propitiate demons and invoke spirits. There are dances involving balancing tricks with pitchers full of water, or jugglery with knives. Other dances highlight activities … Read more

Folk Songs of Andhra Pradesh

Folk Songs of Andhra Pradesh   According to A. Anuradha, Coordinator, Dept. of Music, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) – “India Folk Music is one of the ancient forms of the cultural heritage of India. ‘Every part of India has its own culture and traditions, developed according to the taste of the people of that … Read more

Handicraft of Andra Pradesh

Handicraft of Andra Pradesh HandiCrafts Indian words for handicrafts are commonly hastkala, hastshilp, dastkari, karigari, all meaning handiwork, but they also refer to objects made with craftsmanship, i.e., specialised skills of the hands which are also artistic. The aesthetic content is an intrinsic part of such objects and means the object of utility has a … Read more

Paintings of Andhra Pradesh

Paintings of Andhra Pradesh Indian Paintings provide an artistic continuum that extends from the early civilization and culture to the present day. From being essentially religious in purpose in the beginning, Indian painting has evolved over the years to become a fusion of various cultures and traditions. The Indian painting was exposed to Greco-Roman as … Read more

Andhra Pradesh languages Dialects

Andhra Pradesh languages Dialects: The main languages spoken in Andhra Pradesh are Telugu, Urdu, Hindi, Banjara, and English followed by Tamil, Kannada, Marathi and Oriya. Telugu is the principal and Official Language of the State. Telugu Telugu is the most widely spoken language of the Dravidian family which consists of 24 languages spanning the entire … Read more