Canadian pacific, Cape of of Good Hope water way

Canadian Pacific Railway

The Canadian Pacific Railway company was incorporated in 1881. Its original purpose was the construction of a transcontinental railway, a promise to British Columbia upon its entry into Confederation. The railway — completed in 1885 — connected Eastern Canada to BC and played an important role in the development of the nation. Built in dangerous conditions by thousands of labourers (including 15,000 Chinese temporary workers), the railway facilitated communications and transportation across the country. Over its long history, CPR diversified, establishing hotels, shipping lines and airlines, and developed mining and telecommunications industries. In 2001, Canadian Pacific separated into five separate and independent companies, with Canadian Pacific Railway returning to its origins as a railway company. CP, as it is branded today, has over 22,500 km of track across Canada and the United States. It is a public company and trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange under the symbol CP. In 2016, CP had $6.2 billion in revenue and $1.6 billion in profit and held assets valued at $19.2 billion.

In 1870, the newly created nation of Canada acquired Rupert’s Land from the Hudson’s Bay Company, an enormous tract of land stretching north and west; one year later, British Columbia entered Confederation based in part on the promise that a transcontinental railway would connect it to the rest of Canada within 10 years (see Railway History). In order to construct the railway and encourage future settlement, the government considered it necessary to extinguish Aboriginal title to the land (see Indigenous Territory). Bound by the terms of the Royal Proclamation, Canada was responsible for the protection of its Indigenous people and promised to preserve their rights to unceded traditional territories.

In exchange for their traditional territory, government negotiators made various promises to Indigenous peoples — both orally and in the written texts of the treaties — including special rights to treaty lands and the distribution of cash payments, hunting and fishing tools, farming supplies, and the like. These terms of agreement are controversial and contested. To this day, the Numbered Treaties have ongoing legal and socioeconomic impacts on Indigenous communities.

Competition for the lucrative contract for the railway was bitter, and in 1872, shipping magnate and railway promoter Sir Hugh Allan was awarded the charter. However, Allan had also contributed around $350,000 to the Conservative party’s election campaign — when this became public knowledge in 1873, Sir John A. Macdonald’s government was forced to resign.

Under the management of W.C. Van Horne, construction was rapidly pressed across the plains. Sandford Fleming had recommended a route through the Yellowhead Pass but a more southerly route through Kicking Horse Pass was decided upon late in 1881. Construction through the rock and muskeg of the Canadian Shield almost equalled in difficulty the engineering feats of construction through the Mountains of British Columbia.

The difficulty in obtaining an adequate work force in British Columbia led to the controversial importation of thousands of Chinese workers. Around 15,000 Chinese labourers helped to build the Canadian Pacific Railway — working in harsh conditions for little pay, they suffered greatly and historians estimate that at least 600 died. Their EMPLOYMENT caused controversy, particularly in British Columbia, where politicians worried about the potential economic and cultural impact of this influx of Chinese workers.

Between 1899 and 1913, the CPR increased its trackage from approximately 11,200 km to 17,600 km. More than half of the new track was in the Prairie provinces, and it was intended both to provide branch lines into areas of need and to ensure that the CPR would remain competitive in relation to the developing transcontinental lines of the Canadian Northern Railway and the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway.

The widespread expansion of the company, much of it under the presidency of T.G. Shaughnessy (1899-1918), placed a heavy drain on company Resources, but continuance of the National Policy, with its substantial tariffs, meant continuing high freight rates in the West.

Attacks on these rates in 1896 helped to bring about the defeat of the Conservatives. The Liberals reduced rates with the Crow’s Nest Pass Agreement in 1897 and, under the Manitoba Grain Act of 1900, required railways to provide loading platforms for farmers. In addition, charters were granted to the Canadian Northern Railway to develop the huge area of northern prairie left vacant by the CPR.

Canadian National Railway (CNR), formed by the government of Canada between 1917 and 1923, was a major challenge. The CNR consolidated the failing Grand Trunk Pacific, Canadian Northern, Intercolonial and Canadian Government Railways, and competed with the CPR in hotels, telegraphs, steamships and express Services as well as railway services.

Despite this massive, government-supported competition, CPR survived as a commercial enterprise. During the Second World War it provided not only transportation, but also the production of armaments and materiel in its own shops. During the conflict, much of its merchant fleet was commandeered for military transport purposes, resulting in the loss of 12 vessels.

Cape of of Good Hope water way

Cape of Good Hope, rocky promontory at the southern end of Cape Peninsula, Western Cape province, South Africa. It was first sighted by The Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias in 1488 on his return voyage to Portugal after ascertaining the southern limits of the African continent. One historical account says that Dias named it Cape of Storms and that John II of Portugal renamed it Cape of Good Hope (because its discovery was a good omen that India could be reached by sea from Europe); other sources attribute its present name to Dias himself.

Known for the stormy weather and rough seas encountered there, the cape is situated at the convergence of the warm Mozambique-Agulhas current from the Indian Ocean and the cool Benguela Current from Antarctic waters. Grass and low shrub vegetation is characteristic of the promontory, which is part of the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve (established 1939) that encompasses the southern tip of the peninsula. There is a lighthouse on Cape Point about 1.2 miles (2 km) east of the Cape of Good Hope.


Canadian Pacific

The Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) is a transcontinental railway in Canada. It was founded in 1881 by George Stephen, James Ross, and Donald Smith, and it was completed in 1885. The CPR is the second-largest railway in Canada, after CN Rail.

The CPR has a long and storied history. It played a major role in the development of Western Canada, and it was instrumental in the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The CPR has also been involved in a number of controversies, including the Komagata Maru incident and the Lethbridge riot.

The CPR is a major economic force in Canada. It employs over 20,000 people, and it generates billions of dollars in revenue each year. The CPR is also a major player in the tourism Industry, and it offers a variety of rail tours throughout Canada.

The CPR is a cultural icon in Canada. It is often seen as a symbol of national unity, and it has been featured in a number of films and television shows. The CPR is also a popular destination for tourists, who come to see its historic trains and its stunning scenery.

The CPR is a major transportation Network in Canada. It operates over 12,000 miles of track, and it connects major cities across the country. The CPR also operates a fleet of passenger trains, including the iconic Canadian.

The CPR is a major tourist destination in Canada. It offers a variety of rail tours throughout the country, and it is also home to a number of historic sites, including the CPR Museum in Calgary.

Cape of Good Hope waterway

The Cape of Good Hope is a cape located at the southwestern tip of Africa. It is the southernmost point of the African continent, and it is the easternmost point of the Atlantic Ocean. The Cape of Good Hope is a major shipping route, and it is also a popular tourist destination.

The Cape of Good Hope was first discovered by Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias in 1488. Dias named the cape Cabo das Tormentas, which means “Cape of Storms”. The cape was later renamed Cabo da Boa Esperança, which means “Cape of Good Hope”.

The Cape of Good Hope is a major shipping route. The cape is located on the route between Europe and Asia, and it is the shortest route between the two continents. The cape is also a popular tourist destination. The cape is home to a number of historical sites, including the Cape of Good Hope Lighthouse and the Cape Point Nature Reserve.

The Cape of Good Hope is a beautiful and rugged landscape. The cape is surrounded by mountains, and it is home to a variety of plant and animal life. The cape is also a popular destination for hiking, biking, and camping.

What is the Panama Canal?

The Panama Canal is a 48-mile (77-kilometer) ship canal in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The canal cuts through the Isthmus of Panama and is one of the most important shipping routes in the world.

How does the Panama Canal work?

The Panama Canal is a series of locks that raise and lower ships as they pass through the canal. The locks are filled with water from Gatun Lake, which is located on the Atlantic side of the canal. The water in the locks is then released, and the ships are lowered to the level of the Pacific Ocean.

What are the benefits of the Panama Canal?

The Panama Canal allows ships to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans without having to go around South America. This saves ships time and Money. The canal also helps to promote trade between countries in the Americas and Asia.

What are the challenges of the Panama Canal?

The Panama Canal is a man-made canal, and it is subject to the same challenges as any other man-made structure. The canal is also located in a seismically active region, and it is vulnerable to Earthquakes and landslides.

What is the future of the Panama Canal?

The Panama Canal is a vital shipping route, and it is expected to continue to be used for many years to come. However, the canal is facing some challenges, such as increased traffic and the need for repairs. The Panama Canal Authority is working to address these challenges, and it is expected that the canal will remain a vital shipping route for many years to come.

What is the Suez Canal?

The Suez Canal is a man-made waterway in Egypt that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. The canal is about 120 miles (193 kilometers) long and allows ships to travel between Europe and Asia without having to go around Africa.

How does the Suez Canal work?

The Suez Canal is a series of locks that raise and lower ships as they pass through the canal. The locks are filled with water from the Mediterranean Sea on the north side of the canal and the Red Sea on the south side of the canal. The water in the locks is then released, and the ships are lowered to the level of the other sea.

What are the benefits of the Suez Canal?

The Suez Canal allows ships to travel between Europe and Asia without having to go around Africa. This saves ships time and money. The canal also helps to promote trade between countries in Europe and Asia.

What are the challenges of the Suez Canal?

The Suez Canal is a man-made canal, and it is subject to the same challenges as any other man-made structure. The canal is also located in a seismically active region, and it is vulnerable to earthquakes and landslides.

What is the future of the Suez Canal?

The Suez Canal is a vital shipping route, and it is expected to continue to be used for many years to come. However, the canal is facing some challenges, such as increased traffic and the need for repairs. The Suez Canal Authority is working to address these challenges, and it is expected that the canal will remain a vital shipping route for many years to come.

  1. Which of the following is not a major ocean?
    (A) Pacific
    (B) Atlantic
    (C) Indian
    (D) Canadian Pacific

  2. Which of the following is the longest river in the world?
    (A) Nile
    (B) Amazon
    (C) Yangtze
    (D) Mississippi

  3. Which of the following is the largest continent in the world?
    (A) Asia
    (B) Africa
    (C) North America
    (D) South America

  4. Which of the following is the highest mountain in the world?
    (A) Mount Everest
    (B) K2
    (C) Mount Kilimanjaro
    (D) Mount McKinley

  5. Which of the following is the largest ocean in the world?
    (A) Pacific
    (B) Atlantic
    (C) Indian
    (D) Arctic

  6. Which of the following is the largest desert in the world?
    (A) Sahara
    (B) Arabian
    (C) Gobi
    (D) Atacama

  7. Which of the following is the largest rainforest in the world?
    (A) Amazon
    (B) Congo
    (C) Indonesian
    (D) Amazon and Congo

  8. Which of the following is the largest city in the world?
    (A) Tokyo
    (B) Delhi
    (C) Shanghai
    (D) Mexico City

  9. Which of the following is the most populous country in the world?
    (A) China
    (B) India
    (C) United States
    (D) Indonesia

  10. Which of the following is the most spoken language in the world?
    (A) Mandarin Chinese
    (B) Spanish
    (C) English
    (D) Hindi

  11. Which of the following is the most visited country in the world?
    (A) France
    (B) Spain
    (C) United States
    (D) China

  12. Which of the following is the most expensive city in the world?
    (A) Singapore
    (B) Hong Kong
    (C) Zurich
    (D) Geneva

  13. Which of the following is the most popular sport in the world?
    (A) Football (soccer)
    (B) Cricket
    (C) Baseball
    (D) Basketball

  14. Which of the following is the most valuable company in the world?
    (A) Apple
    (B) Microsoft
    (C) Amazon
    (D) Alphabet (Google)

  15. Which of the following is the most popular Social Media platform in the world?
    (A) Facebook
    (B) YouTube
    (C) Instagram
    (D) WhatsApp

  16. Which of the following is the most popular search engine in the world?
    (A) Google
    (B) Bing
    (C) Yahoo
    (D) DuckDuckGo

  17. Which of the following is the most popular email service provider in the world?
    (A) Gmail
    (B) Outlook
    (C) Yahoo Mail
    (D) AOL Mail

  18. Which of the following is the most popular operating system in the world?
    (A) Windows
    (B) macOS
    (C) Linux
    (D) Android

  19. Which of the following is the most popular web browser in the world?
    (A) Chrome
    (B) Firefox
    (C) Safari
    (D) Edge

  20. Which of the following is the most popular mobile operating system in the world?
    (A) Android
    (B) iOS
    (C) Windows Phone
    (D) BlackBerry OS