Calling Attention Motion

Calling Attention Motion

A Calling Attention Motion (CAM) is a type of motion that can be used in the Parliament of India to draw the attention of the government to a matter of urgent public importance. The motion is moved by a member of Parliament and is debated in the House. The government is then required to respond to the motion and take action on the matter.

CAMs are an important tool for Parliamentarians to hold the government accountable and to ensure that the government takes action on important issues. They are also a way for Parliamentarians to raise concerns about the government’s policies and actions.

How to Move a Calling Attention Motion

A Calling Attention Motion can be moved by any member of Parliament. The motion must be signed by at least 50 members of Parliament. The motion must be submitted to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha or the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

The motion must be moved in the House during Question Hour. The Speaker or the Chairman will then decide whether to admit the motion. If the motion is admitted, it will be debated in the House.

The government will then be required to respond to the motion. The government can either accept the motion or reject it. If the government accepts the motion, it will take action on the matter. If the government rejects the motion, it will have to explain its reasons for doing so.

Examples of Calling Attention Motions

Here are some examples of Calling Attention Motions that have been moved in Parliament:

  • In 2017, a Calling Attention Motion was moved on the issue of rising prices of essential commodities.
  • In 2018, a Calling Attention Motion was moved on the issue of farmer suicides.
  • In 2019, a Calling Attention Motion was moved on the issue of air pollution.

Benefits of Calling Attention Motions

Calling Attention Motions have several benefits. They are a way for Parliamentarians to hold the government accountable and to ensure that the government takes action on important issues. They are also a way for Parliamentarians to raise concerns about the government’s policies and actions.

CAMs can also help to improve the quality of debate in Parliament. When a CAM is debated, it forces the government to respond to the concerns of the people. This can lead to a more informed and engaged public debate.

Challenges of Calling Attention Motions

Calling Attention Motions also have some challenges. One challenge is that they can be time-consuming. A CAM can take several hours to debate. This can be a problem if there are other important matters that need to be debated in Parliament.

Another challenge is that CAMs can be difficult to pass. The government can often block a CAM by refusing to accept it. This can happen if the government does not want to take action on the issue that is being raised.


Calling Attention Motions are an important tool for Parliamentarians to hold the government accountable and to ensure that the government takes action on important issues. They are also a way for Parliamentarians to raise concerns about the government’s policies and actions.

CAMs can help to improve the quality of debate in Parliament. When a CAM is debated, it forces the government to respond to the concerns of the people. This can lead to a more informed and engaged public debate.

However, CAMs also have some challenges. One challenge is that they can be time-consuming. A CAM can take several hours to debate. This can be a problem if there are other important matters that need to be debated in Parliament.

Another challenge is that CAMs can be difficult to pass. The government can often block a CAM by refusing to accept it. This can happen if the government does not want to take action on the issue that is being raised.

Despite these challenges, CAMs are an important tool for Parliamentarians to hold the government accountable and to ensure that the government takes action on important issues.
