Books/Articles & Authors (Modern)

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   Ghulamgiri (challenged superiority of Brahmins) Jyotiba PhuleTuhfat-ul-Muwahhidin (Gift to Monotheists in Persian) Raja Rammohun RoyDharma Tritiya Ratna, Ishvara & Life of Shivaji Jyotiba PhuleNew Lamp for the Old (Series of Articles criticizing Congress) Aurobindo GhoshDoctrine of Passive Resistance (Articles in Bande Mataram) Aurobindo GhoshIndian War of Independence (seized by British) V.D. SavarkarLoyal Muhammadans of India Sayyid Ahmad KhanTahaib-al-Akhlaq    Sayyid Ahmad KhanAsbab-e-Bagawar-e-Hind (Held Bahadur Shah II as fool for revolting) Sayyed Ahmad KhanNeel Darpan    Dinbandhu MitraHow did America get Freedom Ram Prasad BismilThe activities of Bolsheviks, The wave of the Mind, Colour of Swadeshi, Ram Prasad BismilRevolutionary Life     Systematic History of Ancient India V.A. SmithHindu Polity    K.P. JayaswalPolitical History of Ancient India H.C. RaychaudharyA History of Ancient India; A history of South India K.A. Nilkant ShastriHindu Civilization; Chandragupta Maurya; Asoka; R.K. MookerjiFundamental Unity of India  History of Dharmashastra P.V. KaneThe Wonder That was India A.L. Basham


Modern Literature is a vast and ever-changing field, encompassing a wide range of genres, styles, and voices. From the groundbreaking works of African American writers like Toni Morrison and James Baldwin to the contemporary fiction of Asian American authors like Jhumpa Lahiri and Chang-rae Lee, modern literature offers a rich and diverse tapestry of human experience.

One of the most important developments in modern literature has been the rise of postcolonial literature. This body of work explores the experiences of people living in countries that have been colonized by other nations. Postcolonial literature often deals with themes of identity, displacement, and resistance. Some of the most well-known postcolonial writers include Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, and Salman Rushdie.

Another important trend in modern literature is the rise of Women‘s writing. Women’s writing has traditionally been marginalized, but in recent decades, it has gained a much-deserved place in the literary canon. Women’s writing often deals with themes of gender, sexuality, and power. Some of the most well-known women writers include Virginia Woolf, Toni Morrison, and Margaret Atwood.

Modern literature is also characterized by its diversity of genres. In addition to traditional genres like fiction, poetry, and drama, modern literature also includes a wide range of hybrid forms, such as the graphic novel, the short story, and the essay. This diversity reflects the changing nature of literature itself, as well as the changing world around us.

Modern literature is a vibrant and exciting field, and it is sure to continue to evolve in the years to come. With its rich diversity of voices and perspectives, modern literature offers something for everyone.

Here are some examples of modern literature from different genres:

  • Fiction: “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe, “Beloved” by Toni Morrison, “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood
  • Poetry: “The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot, “Howl” by Allen Ginsberg, “Ode to a Nightingale” by John Keats
  • Drama: “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller, “Fences” by August Wilson, “The Vagina Monologues” by Eve Ensler
  • Graphic novel: “Maus” by Art Spiegelman, “Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi, “Fun Home” by Alison Bechdel
  • Short story: “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry
  • Essay: “On the Death of a Child” by David Foster Wallace, “The Body” by Susan Sontag, “The Joy Luck Club” by Amy Tan

These are just a few examples of the many great works of modern literature that are available to read and enjoy. So whether you’re looking for a classic novel, a contemporary short story, or a thought-provoking essay, there’s sure to be something for you in the world of modern literature.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about books, articles, and authors:

  • What is a book? A book is a written or printed work consisting of pages bound together and having a cover.
  • What is an ARTICLE? An article is a piece of writing that is published in a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical.
  • What is an author? An author is a person who writes books, articles, or other creative works.
  • What are some famous books? Some famous books include “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger, and “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.
  • What are some famous articles? Some famous articles include “The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln, “The Declaration of Independence” by Thomas Jefferson, and “The Emancipation Proclamation” by Abraham Lincoln.
  • What are some famous authors? Some famous authors include William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Leo Tolstoy.
  • What are some different types of books? There are many different types of books, including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and children’s books.
  • What are some different types of articles? There are many different types of articles, including news articles, opinion articles, and feature articles.
  • What are some different types of authors? There are many different types of authors, including fiction writers, nonfiction writers, poets, and children’s book authors.
  • What are some of the benefits of reading books? Reading books can help you learn new things, improve your vocabulary, and develop your imagination.
  • What are some of the benefits of reading articles? Reading articles can help you stay informed about current events, learn about new ideas, and develop your critical thinking skills.
  • What are some of the benefits of reading books and articles? Reading books and articles can help you become a more well-rounded person, improve your writing skills, and develop your understanding of the world around you.
  • What are some of the challenges of reading books? Some of the challenges of reading books include finding the time to read, finding books that you are interested in, and understanding complex ideas.
  • What are some of the challenges of reading articles? Some of the challenges of reading articles include finding articles that are relevant to your interests, understanding complex ideas, and staying focused on the article.
  • What are some of the challenges of reading books and articles? Some of the challenges of reading books and articles include finding the time to read, finding books and articles that you are interested in, understanding complex ideas, and staying focused on the material.
  • What are some tips for reading books? Some tips for reading books include finding a quiet place to read, setting aside time each day to read, and choosing books that you are interested in.
  • What are some tips for reading articles? Some tips for reading articles include finding a quiet place to read, setting aside time each day to read, and choosing articles that are relevant to your interests.
  • What are some tips for reading books and articles? Some tips for reading books and articles include finding a quiet place to read, setting aside time each day to read, choosing books and articles that you are interested in, and understanding complex ideas.
  • What are some Resources for finding books and articles? Some resources for finding books and articles include libraries, bookstores, and online databases.
  • What are some ways to get involved in the book and article world? Some ways to get involved in the book and article world include writing books and articles, reviewing books and articles, and attending book and article events.

Sure, here are some multiple choice questions about the following topics:

  • Books/Articles & Authors (Modern)

  • Which of the following books was not written by a modern author?
    (A) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
    (B) The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
    (C) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
    (D) The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • Which of the following authors is not considered to be a modern author?
    (A) Jane Austen
    (B) Leo Tolstoy
    (C) William Shakespeare
    (D) Virginia Woolf

  • Which of the following books was not published in the 20th century?
    (A) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
    (B) The Color Purple by Alice Walker
    (C) The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
    (D) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

  • Which of the following authors is not considered to be a British author?
    (A) J.K. Rowling
    (B) Charles Dickens
    (C) Jane Austen
    (D) Leo Tolstoy

  • Which of the following books was not written by an American author?
    (A) The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    (B) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
    (C) The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
    (D) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

  • Science and Technology

  • Which of the following is not a branch of science?
    (A) Physics
    (B) Chemistry
    (C) Biology
    (D) History

  • Which of the following is not a branch of technology?
    (A) Engineering
    (B) Mathematics
    (C) Computer science
    (D) Medicine

  • Which of the following is not a scientific law?
    (A) The law of gravity
    (B) The law of Thermodynamics
    (C) The law of conservation of energy
    (D) The law of supply and demand

  • Which of the following is not a technological invention?
    (A) The wheel
    (B) The printing press
    (C) The steam engine
    (D) The computer

  • Which of the following is not a scientific theory?
    (A) The theory of evolution
    (B) The theory of relativity
    (C) The theory of gravity
    (D) The theory of Plate tectonics

  • History

  • Which of the following is not a historical period?
    (A) The Middle Ages
    (B) The Renaissance
    (C) The Enlightenment
    (D) The 20th century

  • Which of the following is not a historical event?
    (A) The American Revolution
    (B) The French Revolution
    (C) The Industrial revolution
    (D) The Cold War

  • Which of the following is not a historical figure?
    (A) George Washington
    (B) Abraham Lincoln
    (C) Winston Churchill
    (D) Albert Einstein

  • Which of the following is not a historical document?
    (A) The Declaration of Independence
    (B) The Constitution of the United States
    (C) The Magna Carta
    (D) The Bible

  • Which of the following is not a historical place?
    (A) The White House
    (B) The Eiffel Tower
    (C) The Great Wall of China
    (D) The Taj Mahal

  • Geography

  • Which of the following is not a continent?
    (A) North America
    (B) South America
    (C) Africa
    (D) Europe

  • Which of the following is not a country?
    (A) The United States
    (B) Canada
    (C) Mexico
    (D) China

  • Which of the following is not a body of water?
    (A) The Pacific Ocean
    (B) The Atlantic Ocean
    (C) The Indian Ocean
    (D) The Mediterranean Sea

  • Which of the following is not a mountain range?
    (A) The Himalayas
    (B) The Andes
    (C) The Alps
    (D) The Rocky Mountains

  • Which of the following is not a desert?
    (A) The Sahara Desert
    (B) The Arabian Desert
    (C) The Gobi Desert
    (D) The Amazon Rainforest

  • Mathematics

  • Which of the following is not a mathematical symbol?
    (A) +
    (B) –
    (C) *
    (D) ?

  • Which of the following is not a mathematical operation?