Biogeographic Zones

  • Aquatic
    • Marine
      • Tropical
      • Temperate
      • Arctic
    • Freshwater
      • Lakes
      • Rivers
      • Wetlands
  • Terrestrial
    • Tropical rainforest
    • Tropical savanna
    • Temperate grassland
    • Temperate deciduous forest
    • Temperate coniferous forest
    • Mediterranean forest
    • Desert
    • Tundra
    • Boreal forest
    • Mountain
  • Anthropogenic
    • Urban
    • Agricultural
    • Industrial
    • Mining
    • Transportation
    • Military
    • Recreation
    • Waste disposal
      The Earth is a planet of contrasts, with a wide variety of ecosystems and landscapes. These ecosystems can be broadly divided into two categories: aquatic and terrestrial.

Aquatic ecosystems are those that are dominated by water. They include oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Terrestrial ecosystems are those that are dominated by land. They include forests, grasslands, deserts, and tundra.

Each type of ecosystem has its own unique characteristics and inhabitants. For example, marine ecosystems are home to a wide variety of fish, coral, and other marine life. Freshwater ecosystems are home to fish, frogs, and other aquatic animals. Terrestrial ecosystems are home to a wide variety of plants and animals, including trees, grasses, and insects.

Anthropogenic ecosystems are those that have been significantly altered by human activity. These include urban areas, agricultural areas, and industrial areas. Urban areas are characterized by high population density and a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial land uses. Agricultural areas are used for growing crops and raising livestock. Industrial areas are used for manufacturing and other industrial activities.

Each type of ecosystem plays an important role in the Earth’s ecosystem. Aquatic ecosystems provide food and habitat for a wide variety of organisms. Terrestrial ecosystems provide oxygen, clean water, and other essential resources. Anthropogenic ecosystems provide us with food, shelter, and other necessities.

However, all ecosystems are under threat from human activity. Climate change, pollution, and habitat loss are all major threats to ecosystems around the world. It is important to protect our ecosystems so that they can continue to provide us with the many benefits that they offer.

One way to protect ecosystems is to reduce our impact on them. We can do this by conserving energy, reducing our consumption of resources, and recycling. We can also support organizations that are working to protect ecosystems.

Another way to protect ecosystems is to educate others about the importance of ecosystems. We can talk to our friends and family about the threats to ecosystems and how we can help to protect them. We can also write letters to our elected officials and ask them to support policies that protect ecosystems.

Protecting ecosystems is important for the health of the planet and for the well-being of all living things. We must all do our part to protect the ecosystems that we depend on.

Here are some additional details about each type of ecosystem:

  • Aquatic ecosystems: Aquatic ecosystems are those that are dominated by water. They include oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and wetlands. Oceans cover about 70% of the Earth’s surface and are home to a wide variety of marine life, including fish, coral, and algae. Seas are smaller than oceans and are usually located near land. They are also home to a variety of marine life. Lakes are bodies of freshwater that are surrounded by land. They are home to fish, frogs, and other aquatic animals. Rivers are bodies of freshwater that flow from one place to another. They are home to fish, turtles, and other aquatic animals. Wetlands are areas of land that are saturated with water. They are home to a variety of plants and animals, including frogs, turtles, and alligators.
  • Terrestrial ecosystems: Terrestrial ecosystems are those that are dominated by land. They include forests, grasslands, deserts, and tundra. Forests are areas of land that are covered with trees. They are home to a variety of plants and animals, including birds, squirrels, and deer. Grasslands are areas of land that are covered with grass. They are home to a variety of plants and animals, including cows, horses, and prairie dogs. Deserts are areas of land that receive very little rainfall. They are home to a variety of plants and animals, including cacti, snakes, and lizards. Tundra is a type of Arctic ecosystem that is characterized by its cold climate and short growing season. It is home to a variety of plants and animals, including mosses, lichens, and reindeer.
  • Anthropogenic ecosystems: Anthropogenic ecosystems are those that have been significantly altered by human activity. These include urban areas, agricultural areas, and industrial areas. Urban areas are areas of land that are heavily populated and developed. They are home to a variety of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure. Agricultural areas are areas of land that are used for growing crops and raising livestock. Industrial areas are areas of land that are used for manufacturing and other industrial activities.

  • Marine

    • Tropical: What are the characteristics of a tropical marine ecosystem?
      • Tropical marine ecosystems are characterized by warm water temperatures, high levels of sunlight, and a wide variety of plant and animal life.
    • Temperate: What are the characteristics of a temperate marine ecosystem?
      • Temperate marine ecosystems are characterized by moderate water temperatures, moderate levels of sunlight, and a variety of plant and animal life.
    • Arctic: What are the characteristics of an Arctic marine ecosystem?
      • Arctic marine ecosystems are characterized by cold water temperatures, low levels of sunlight, and a limited variety of plant and animal life.
  • Freshwater
    • Lakes: What are the characteristics of a lake ecosystem?
      • Lake ecosystems are characterized by standing water, a variety of plant and animal life, and a food web that is based on algae.
    • Rivers: What are the characteristics of a river ecosystem?
      • River ecosystems are characterized by flowing water, a variety of plant and animal life, and a food web that is based on algae and invertebrates.
    • Wetlands: What are the characteristics of a wetland ecosystem?
      • Wetland ecosystems are characterized by saturated soil, a variety of plant and animal life, and a food web that is based on algae, invertebrates, and fish.


  • Tropical rainforest: What are the characteristics of a tropical rainforest ecosystem?
    * Tropical rainforest ecosystems are characterized by warm, humid weather, tall trees, and a wide variety of plant and animal life.
  • Tropical savanna: What are the characteristics of a tropical savanna ecosystem?
    * Tropical savanna ecosystems are characterized by warm, dry weather, grasses, and scattered trees.
  • Temperate grassland: What are the characteristics of a temperate grassland ecosystem?
    * Temperate grassland ecosystems are characterized by moderate temperatures, grasses, and scattered trees.
  • Temperate deciduous forest: What are the characteristics of a temperate deciduous forest ecosystem?
    * Temperate deciduous forest ecosystems are characterized by moderate temperatures, four seasons, and trees that lose their leaves in the fall.
  • Temperate coniferous forest: What are the characteristics of a temperate coniferous forest ecosystem?
    * Temperate coniferous forest ecosystems are characterized by moderate temperatures, four seasons, and trees that keep their leaves year-round.
  • Mediterranean forest: What are the characteristics of a Mediterranean forest ecosystem?
    * Mediterranean forest ecosystems are characterized by warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters, and trees that lose their leaves in the summer.
  • Desert: What are the characteristics of a desert ecosystem?
    * Desert ecosystems are characterized by hot, dry weather, sparse vegetation, and animals that are adapted to living in dry conditions.
  • Tundra: What are the characteristics of a tundra ecosystem?
    * Tundra ecosystems are characterized by cold, dry weather, short growing seasons, and low vegetation.
  • Boreal forest: What are the characteristics of a boreal forest ecosystem?
    * Boreal forest ecosystems are characterized by cold, wet weather, coniferous trees, and a short growing season.
  • Mountain: What are the characteristics of a mountain ecosystem?
    * Mountain ecosystems are characterized by high elevations, cold temperatures, and a variety of plant and animal life.


  • Urban: What are the characteristics of an urban ecosystem?
    * Urban ecosystems are characterized by human-made structures, a high population density, and a variety of plant and animal life.
  • Agricultural: What are the characteristics of an agricultural ecosystem?
    * Agricultural ecosystems are characterized by human-managed land, crops, and livestock.
  • Industrial: What are the characteristics of an industrial ecosystem?
    * Industrial ecosystems are characterized by human-made structures, factories, and pollution.
  • Mining: What are the characteristics of a mining ecosystem?
    * Mining ecosystems are characterized by human-made structures, mines, and pollution.
  • Transportation: What are the characteristics of a transportation ecosystem?
    * Transportation ecosystems are characterized by roads, highways, and airports.
  • Military: What are the characteristics of a military ecosystem?
    * Military ecosystems are characterized by military bases, weapons, and pollution.
  • Recreation: What are the characteristics of a recreation ecosystem?
    * Recreation ecosystems are characterized by parks, forests, and beaches.
  • Waste disposal: What are the characteristics of a waste disposal ecosystem?
    * Waste disposal ecosystems are characterized by landfills, incinerators, and pollution.
  • This ecosystem is home to the largest animals on Earth, such as whales and dolphins.
    (a) Marine
    (b) Freshwater
    (c) Terrestrial

  • This ecosystem is home to the Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest in the world.
    (a) Marine
    (b) Freshwater
    (c) Terrestrial

  • This ecosystem is home to the Sahara desert, the largest hot desert in the world.
    (a) Marine
    (b) Freshwater
    (c) Terrestrial

  • This ecosystem is home to the Great Lakes, the largest freshwater lakes in the world.
    (a) Marine
    (b) Freshwater
    (c) Terrestrial

  • This ecosystem is home to the Rocky Mountains, the longest mountain range in North America.
    (a) Marine
    (b) Freshwater
    (c) Terrestrial

  • This ecosystem is home to New York City, the most populous city in the United States.
    (a) Urban
    (b) Agricultural
    (c) Industrial

  • This ecosystem is home to cornfields, the most common crop in the United States.
    (a) Urban
    (b) Agricultural
    (c) Industrial

  • This ecosystem is home to steel mills, which produce iron and steel.
    (a) Urban
    (b) Agricultural
    (c) Industrial

  • This ecosystem is home to coal mines, which extract coal from the Earth.
    (a) Urban
    (b) Agricultural
    (c) Industrial

  • This ecosystem is home to highways, which connect cities and towns.
    (a) Urban
    (b) Agricultural
    (c) Transportation

  • This ecosystem is home to military bases, which are used by the military.
    (a) Urban
    (b) Agricultural
    (c) Military

  • This ecosystem is home to national parks, which are areas of land that are protected for their natural beauty.
    (a) Urban
    (b) Agricultural
    (c) Recreation

  • This ecosystem is home to landfills, which are areas where waste is disposed of.
    (a) Urban
    (b) Agricultural
    (c) Waste disposal