Vegetation of Mizoram for Mizoram PSC

Vegetation of Mizoram The name, Mizoram derived from Mi (people), Zo(high rise place such as hill) and Ram(land), thus, Mizoram means “Land of the hill people”. As situated in the northeast, it is the southernmost landlocked state sharing borders with three of the seven states namely Tripura, Assam and Manipur. Mizoram also Shares 404 kilometre … Read more

Soils of Mizoram for Mizoram PSC

Soils of Mizoram Mizoram is a mountainous region which became the 23rd State of the Indian Union in February, 1987. It was one of the districts of Assam till 1973 when it became a Union Territory. Sandwiched between Myanmar in the east and south and Bangladesh in the west, Mizoram occupies an area of great … Read more

Climate of Mizoram for Mizoram PSC

Climate of Mizoram Mizoram is a mountainous state nestling in the southern tip of the north-east region of India. Covered with verdant forests dominated by thick bamboo groves, teeming with vibrant wildlife, sheer cliffs and breath-taking waterfalls, dotted with unique landmarks of myriad folklores and picturesque villages of houses built on stilts, a land of … Read more

Tax and Economic reforms in Jammu and Kashmir

Tax and Economic Reforms in Jammu and Kashmir Economic Reforms In India were introduced in the year 1991. The reforms necessarily laid there influence on every state of the country and its every economic sector. The effect of India’s economic reforms on economic performance has been the subject of much academic study and public debate … Read more

Main Features of budgets of Jammu & Kashmir

Main Features of Budget   This budget moves from the conventional Public Administrative BUDGETING to a cutting edge Public Management Approach. The structure of the budget has been given a developmental rather than a purely administrative orientation. The new approach“Budget Estimation, Allocation and Monitoring System” (BEAMS), online computerized system to distribute the budget and to … Read more

An Introduction to Jammu & Kashmir Economy

  Introduction to the economy of Jammu & Kashmir   The pillars of any state rest on the building blocks of Economy, Environment, Education, EMPLOYMENT and Healthcare. Although each block is indispensable for the strength and development of a progress yet “Economy” is the foundation on which the flourishing of a state depends. When we … Read more

Jammu and Kashmir: Food security

Jammu and Kashmir: Food Security To be free from hunger is a fundamental right of everyone. Every man, woman and child has the inalienable right to free from hunger and Malnutrition in order to develop fully and maintain their physical and mental faculties. Food security as the common responsibility of human kind requires a moral … Read more

Jammu and Kashmir : Public finance and fiscal policy

Jammu and Kashmir : PUBLIC FINANCE and Fiscal Policy   Jammu and Kashmir is one of the ten special category states of the country. The state has not been able to generate sufficient revenue from its own Resources and has been facing serious financial problems. The problem became all the more serious due to the … Read more

Jammu and Kashmir: Human development index

Jammu and Kashmir: Human Development index The importance of strengthening the human development (HD) achievements in a country to augment its Growth potential is well known in development literature. Several initiatives to enhance the HD level have been introduced in India in recent past. For arriving at the composite HDI, the sub-components are first arrived … Read more

Rivers of Jammu and Kashmir

Rivers of Jammu and Kashmir Drainage Systems Drainage systems, also known as river systems, are the patterns formed by the streams, rivers, and lakes in a particular drainage basin. They are governed by the topography of the land, whether a particular region is dominated by hard or soft rocks, and the gradient of the land. The State of J&K is considered … Read more