August Offer (1940)

<2/”>a >After the WWII began, British sought cooperation from India. August Offer offered three proposals. Firstly, it called for an immediate expansion of Viceroy’s Executive Council with the inclusion of India representatives; secondly, an advisory body with the members from British India and Indian princely states which were supposed to meet at consequent intervals was established and thirdly, two practical steps were decided to be taken in which it was to come at an agreement with the Indians on the form of the post representatives body should take and the methods by which it should come to a conclusion. It further  planned to draw out the principles and outlines of the Constitution itself.

Congress did not accept the offer.


The August Offer was a proposal made by the British government to the Indian National Congress in August 1940. The offer was made in response to the Indian nationalist movement, which was demanding independence from British rule. The offer included the following:

  • The establishment of a Dominion Status for India after the war.
  • The creation of a National Defence Council, with Indian representation, to advise the British government on Indian affairs.
  • The expansion of the Indian Legislative Assembly and the introduction of provincial autonomy.
  • The appointment of Indians to high-ranking positions in the Indian government.

The August Offer was rejected by the Indian National Congress, which demanded complete independence for India. The offer was also rejected by the Muslim League, which demanded a separate Muslim state in India. The August Offer failed to resolve the Indian independence issue and led to the continuation of the Indian nationalist movement.

Dominion Status

Dominion Status was a constitutional status that was granted to certain British colonies after World War I. Dominions were self-governing countries that were still part of the British Empire. They had their own governments, parliaments, and laws. However, they also recognized the British monarch as their head of state.

The British government offered Dominion Status to India in the August Offer. This would have meant that India would have been a self-governing country within the British Empire. However, the Indian National Congress rejected this offer because it did not offer complete independence.

National Defence Council

The National Defence Council was a body that was created by the British government in response to the August Offer. The Council was made up of Indian and British representatives. It was tasked with advising the British government on Indian affairs during World War II.

The National Defence Council was not a popular body in India. Many Indians felt that it was a way for the British to continue to control India. The Council was also seen as a way for the British to divide the Indian people.

Indian Legislative Assembly

The Indian Legislative Assembly was a body that was created by the British government in 1861. The Assembly was made up of Indian and British representatives. It was tasked with making laws for India.

The Indian Legislative Assembly was expanded in the August Offer. This meant that more Indians would be represented in the Assembly. However, the Indian National Congress still felt that the Assembly was not representative of the Indian people.

Provincial Autonomy

Provincial Autonomy was a System of Government that was introduced in India in 1935. Under this system, each province in India had its own government. The provinces were responsible for their own affairs, such as Education, Health, and agriculture.

The August Offer promised to introduce provincial autonomy in India. This would have meant that the provinces would have had more control over their own affairs. However, the Indian National Congress felt that this was not enough. They wanted complete independence for India.

Appointment of Indians to high-ranking positions

The August Offer promised to appoint Indians to high-ranking positions in the Indian government. This would have meant that Indians would have had more control over their own affairs. However, the Indian National Congress felt that this was not enough. They wanted complete independence for India.

Indian National Congress

The Indian National Congress was a political party that was founded in 1885. The Congress was the main party that was fighting for Indian independence. The Congress was led by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru.

The Indian National Congress rejected the August Offer because it did not offer complete independence. The Congress wanted India to be a free and independent country.

Muslim League

The Muslim League was a political party that was founded in 1906. The League was the main party that was fighting for the rights of Muslims in India. The League was led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

The Muslim League rejected the August Offer because it did not offer a separate Muslim state in India. The League wanted a separate Muslim state, which would later become Pakistan.

Indian independence

India gained independence from British rule in 1947. The country was divided into two parts, India and Pakistan. The division of India was a violent and bloody process. Millions of people were killed or displaced.

The August Offer failed to resolve the Indian independence issue. It led to the continuation of the Indian nationalist movement and the eventual partition of India.

What is the August Offer?

The August Offer was a proposal made by the British government to the Indian National Congress in August 1940. It offered to grant India dominion status after the war, with the possibility of full independence later. The offer was rejected by the Congress, which demanded immediate independence.

What were the terms of the August Offer?

The August Offer proposed that India would be granted dominion status after the war. This would mean that India would have its own government and parliament, but would still be a member of the British Commonwealth. The offer also said that India would be able to choose its own form of government, whether it was a republic or a Monarchy.

Why was the August Offer rejected?

The Congress rejected the August Offer because it did not offer immediate independence. The Congress wanted India to be an independent country immediately, not after the war. The Congress also felt that the offer did not give India enough control over its own affairs.

What were the consequences of the August Offer?

The rejection of the August Offer led to increased tension between the British government and the Indian National Congress. This tension eventually led to the Indian independence movement, which culminated in the Partition of India in 1947.

What is the history of India?

India is a country in South Asia. It is the second-most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion people. India is a federal republic with 28 states and 7 union territories. The capital of India is New Delhi.

India has a long and rich history. The Indus Valley Civilization, one of the world’s earliest civilizations, flourished in what is now Pakistan and northwestern India from about 2600 to 1900 BCE. The Aryans, a group of Indo-European peoples, migrated to India from Central Asia around 1500 BCE. They brought with them their language, Sanskrit, and their religion, Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism.

India was ruled by a number of different dynasties over the centuries. The Mauryan Empire, which was founded in the 4th century BCE, was one of the largest and most powerful empires in Indian history. The Mughal Empire, which was founded in the 16th century, was another major empire that ruled over much of India.

India gained independence from British rule in 1947. The country was partitioned into two separate dominions, India and Pakistan. The partition led to widespread violence and displacement.

India is a secular, democratic republic. The president is the head of state, and the prime minister is the head of government. The parliament is bicameral, consisting of the Lok Sabha (the lower house) and the Rajya Sabha (the upper house).

India is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the Non-Aligned Movement. It is also a nuclear power.

What is the culture of India?

India is a diverse country with a rich culture. The culture of India is influenced by its history, religion, and geography.

Hinduism is the majority Religion in India. It is a polytheistic religion that has a long and complex history. Hinduism is based on the Vedas, a collection of sacred texts.

Islam is the second-largest religion in India. It was introduced to India by Muslim invaders in the 12th century. Islam is a monotheistic religion that is based on the Quran, a sacred text.

India is also home to a number of other religions, including Christianity, Sikhism, and Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism.

The culture of India is also influenced by its geography. India is a land of contrasts, with a wide variety of landscapes, from the Himalayas to the deserts of Rajasthan. This diversity is reflected in the culture of India, which is rich and varied.

What is the economy of India?

India is a developing country with a rapidly growing economy. The economy of India is the sixth-largest in the world by Nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity.

The main sectors of the Indian economy are agriculture, manufacturing, and Services. Agriculture is the largest sector of the economy, employing about 50% of the workforce. Manufacturing is the second-largest sector, employing about 25% of the workforce. Services is the third-largest sector, employing about 25% of the workforce.

India is a member of the World Trade Organization and the G20.

What are the challenges facing India?

India faces a number of challenges, including POVERTY, illiteracy, and Corruption. The country also faces a number of environmental challenges, such as Air Pollution and water scarcity.

India is a young country, with a Median age of 28. This means that the country has a large Population of young

Question 1

The August Offer was a proposal made by the British government to the Indian National Congress in August 1940. The offer was to grant India dominion status after the war, with the right to secede from the British Commonwealth. The Congress rejected the offer, demanding immediate independence.

Which of the following was NOT a condition of the August Offer?

(A) India would be granted dominion status after the war.
(B) India would have the right to secede from the British Commonwealth.
(C) The British government would retain control of defense and foreign affairs.
(D) The Indian National Congress would be the sole representative of the Indian people.


(D) The Indian National Congress was not the sole representative of the Indian people. There were many other Political Parties in India at the time, including the Muslim League and the Hindu Mahasabha.

Question 2

The August Offer was made in response to which of the following events?

(A) The outbreak of World War II
(B) The Quit India Movement
(C) The Cripps Mission
(D) The Simla Conference


(A) The August Offer was made in response to the outbreak of World War II. The British government was hoping to win the support of the Indian people for the war effort by offering them greater political autonomy.

Question 3

The August Offer was rejected by the Indian National Congress because it did not offer immediate independence. The Congress demanded that India be granted independence immediately, without any conditions.

Which of the following was a reason why the British government was reluctant to grant India immediate independence?

(A) The British government was afraid that India would fall into chaos if it were granted independence immediately.
(B) The British government was afraid that India would be taken over by the Soviet Union if it were granted independence immediately.
(C) The British government was afraid that India would become a threat to British interests in the region if it were granted independence immediately.
(D) All of the above.


(D) All of the above were reasons why the British government was reluctant to grant India immediate independence. The British government was afraid that India would fall into chaos, that it would be taken over by the Soviet Union, and that it would become a threat to British interests in the region if it were granted independence immediately.

Question 4

The rejection of the August Offer led to the Quit India Movement, which was a mass movement of civil disobedience against British rule. The movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru.

Which of the following was a demand of the Quit India Movement?

(A) Immediate independence for India
(B) The withdrawal of British troops from India
(C) The release of all political prisoners
(D) All of the above.


(D) All of the above were demands of the Quit India Movement. The movement demanded immediate independence for India, the withdrawal of British troops from India, and the release of all political prisoners.

Question 5

The Quit India Movement was a major turning point in the history of the Indian independence movement. It showed the British government that the Indian people were determined to achieve independence, and it led to the eventual granting of independence in 1947.

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Quit India Movement?

(A) The British government was forced to release all political prisoners.
(B) The British government was forced to withdraw its troops from India.
(C) The British government was forced to grant India independence.
(D) The Quit India Movement led to widespread violence and chaos in India.


(C) The British government was not forced to grant India independence as a result of the Quit India Movement. However, the movement did lead to the release of all political prisoners and the withdrawal of British troops from India.