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Indefinite and Definite Articles

The words a, an, and the are special adjectives called articles.

Indefinite Articles—a, an

an—used before singular count nouns beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or vowel Sound:

  • an apple, an elephant, an issue, an orange

a—used before singular count nouns beginning with consonants (other than a, e, i, o, u):

  • a stamp, a desk, a TV, a cup, a book

Definite Article—the

Can be used before singular and plural, count and non-count nouns

1. Indefinite Article (a, an)

Used before singular nouns that are unspecified:

  • a pencil
  • an orange

Used before number collectives and some numbers:

  • a dozen
  • a gallon

Used before a singular Noun followed by a restrictive modifier:

  • a girl who was wearing a yellow hat

Used with nouns to form adverbial phrases of quantity, amount, or degree:

  • I felt a bit depressed.

2. Definite Article (the)

Used to indicate a noun that is definite or has been previously specified in the context:

  • Please close the door.
  • I like the clothes you gave me.

Used to indicate a noun that is unique:

  • Praise the Lord!
  • The Columbia River is near here.

Used to designate a natural phenomenon:

  • The nights get shorter in the summer.
  • The wind is blowing so hard.

Used to refer to a time period:

  • I was very naïve in the past.
  • This song was very popular in the 1980s.

Used to indicate all the members of a family:

  • I invited the Bakers for dinner.
  • This medicine was invented by the Smiths.


Articles with countable and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns are the names of separate people or objects which we can count. Uncountable nouns are the names of materials, liquids and other things which we do not see as separate objects.

We can use the indefinite article (a/an) with singular countable nouns. A plural countable noun cannot be used with indefinite articles. Countable nouns (both singular and plural) can also be used with numbers.

  • A cat
  • Two cats
  • A boy
  • Two boys

We cannot use the indefinite article or numbers with uncountable nouns.

  • Water (NOT a water) (NOT two waters)
  • Weather (NOT a weather) (NOT two weathers)

A singular countable noun usually has an article or other determiner with it. We say, the cat, my cat or this cat, but not justcat. Plural and uncountable nouns can be used with or without an article or other determiner.


Many nouns which are normally uncountable are treated as countable in some cases.

  • Have you got a good shampoo? (Although shampoo is an uncountable noun, it is treated as countable to express the meaning of ‘a type of’.)
  • Three coffees, please. (= three cups of coffees)

Some nouns that are countable in other languages are uncountable in English. Examples are: information, advice, news, scenery, accommodation etc.




Choose the correct article in each sentence.
1)Did you bring                      (a, an, the) umbrella? 
2)Are you looking for                      (a, an, the) shampoo? 
3)I checked                      (a, an, the) mailbox again. 
4)Can I have                      (a, an, the) spoon please? 
5)I was born into                      (a, an, the) poor family. 
6)She will come back in                      (a, an, the) hour. 
7)Have you been to                      (a, an, the) Space Needle Tower in Seattle? 
8)I would love to talk to one of                      (a, an, the) managers. 
9)What                      (a, an, the) amazing view! 
10)The helicopter landed on                      (a, an, the) roof of a building. 



Put a, an or the in the gaps.

1. Our department always meets on         last Friday of every month.

2. This month it falls on          31st.

3. I have already reserved          conference room on the fifth floor.

4. There are three conference rooms on that floor, but we like          one overlooking the gardens.

5. It is          very popular room.

6. Last month          person from accounting had already reserved it when I called.

7. That was          disappointment, but we managed to get          room across          hall from it.

8. During our meetings one member of          group usually gives          presentation.

9. Last month Janet told us about          advantages of          employee referral program. 

10. This month it is my turn to speak and I have already thought of          interesting topic for          group





1) an
2) the
3) the
4) a
5) a
6) an
7) the
8) the
9) an
10) the



1. the

2. the

 3. a

4. the

5. a

 6. a

7. a, the ,the

 8. the, a

9. the, an

10. an, the




An article is a piece of writing that presents the writer’s argument or point of view on a particular topic. Articles can be found in a variety of formats, including newspapers, magazines, websites, and academic journals.

What is an article?

An article is a piece of writing that presents the writer’s argument or point of view on a particular topic. Articles can be found in a variety of formats, including newspapers, magazines, websites, and academic journals.

Types of articles

There are many different types of articles, but some of the most common include:

  • News articles: These articles report on current events. They are typically brief and to the point, and they are often written in a straightforward style.
  • Feature articles: These articles provide in-depth coverage of a particular topic. They may include interviews, research, and analysis.
  • Opinion articles: These articles express the writer’s opinion on a particular topic. They are often persuasive in nature, and they may include evidence to support the writer’s argument.
  • How-to articles: These articles provide instructions on how to do something. They may include step-by-step instructions, diagrams, and photos.
  • List articles: These articles list a series of items, such as the best restaurants in a city or the top 10 things to do in a particular place.
  • Review articles: These articles evaluate a product, service, or event. They may include a description of the product or service, as well as the writer’s opinion of it.

Structure of an article

Most articles follow a similar structure, which includes:

  • Introduction: The introduction introduces the topic of the article and states the writer’s thesis statement.
  • Body: The body of the article provides evidence to support the thesis statement. It may include facts, statistics, expert opinions, and personal experiences.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main points of the article and restates the thesis statement.

How to write an article

To write an article, you will need to choose a topic, research the topic, develop a thesis statement, and write the article.

  1. Choose a topic: The first step is to choose a topic that you are interested in and that you know something about. Once you have chosen a topic, you need to do some research to learn more about it.
  2. Research the topic: Once you have chosen a topic, you need to do some research to learn more about it. You can find information about your topic in books, magazines, newspapers, websites, and academic journals.
  3. Develop a thesis statement: The thesis statement is the main point of your article. It should be a clear and concise statement that states your position on the topic.
  4. Write the article: Once you have developed a thesis statement, you can start writing your article. The introduction should introduce the topic of the article and state the thesis statement. The body of the article should provide evidence to support the thesis statement. The conclusion should summarize the main points of the article and restate the thesis statement.

Tips for writing an article

Here are some tips for writing an article:

  • Choose a topic that you are interested in: This will make the writing process more enjoyable and will help you to produce a better article.
  • Do your research: Make sure that you have a good understanding of the topic before you start writing.
  • Develop a strong thesis statement: The thesis statement should be clear and concise, and it should state your position on the topic.
  • Organize your thoughts: Before you start writing, take some time to organize your thoughts. This will help you to write a more coherent article.
  • Use evidence to support your claims: Make sure that you provide evidence to support your claims. This evidence can include facts, statistics, expert opinions, and personal experiences.
  • Write in a clear and concise style: Avoid using jargon and technical language. Write in a way that is easy for your audience to understand.
  • Proofread your work: Once you have finished writing, take some time to proofread your work. This will help you to catch any errors in grammar or spelling.


Writing an article can be a challenging task, but it can also be a rewarding one. By following the tips in this article, you can write an article that is informative, engaging, and persuasive.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the topic of Artificial Intelligence:

  • What is artificial intelligence?
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously.

  • What are some examples of artificial intelligence?
    Some examples of artificial intelligence include machine Learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

  • What are the benefits of artificial intelligence?
    The benefits of artificial intelligence include its ability to automate tasks, improve decision-making, and create new products and Services.

  • What are the risks of artificial intelligence?
    The risks of artificial intelligence include its potential to be used for malicious purposes, its ability to create job displacement, and its potential to exacerbate inequality.

  • What is the future of artificial intelligence?
    The future of artificial intelligence is uncertain, but it is likely to continue to grow in importance and impact.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the topic of machine learning:

  • What is machine learning?
    Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed.

  • How does machine learning work?
    Machine learning works by using algorithms to analyze data and identify patterns. These patterns can then be used to make predictions or decisions.

  • What are some examples of machine learning?
    Some examples of machine learning include spam filtering, web search engines, and fraud detection.

  • What are the benefits of machine learning?
    The benefits of machine learning include its ability to automate tasks, improve decision-making, and create new products and services.

  • What are the risks of machine learning?
    The risks of machine learning include its potential to be used for malicious purposes, its ability to create job displacement, and its potential to exacerbate inequality.

  • What is the future of machine learning?
    The future of machine learning is uncertain, but it is likely to continue to grow in importance and impact.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the topic of natural language processing:

  • What is natural language processing?
    Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science that deals with the interaction between computers and human (natural) languages.

  • What are some examples of natural language processing?
    Some examples of natural language processing include machine translation, text summarization, and question answering.

  • What are the benefits of natural language processing?
    The benefits of natural language processing include its ability to automate tasks, improve Communication, and create new products and services.

  • What are the risks of natural language processing?
    The risks of natural language processing include its potential to be used for malicious purposes, its ability to create job displacement, and its potential to exacerbate inequality.

  • What is the future of natural language processing?
    The future of natural language processing is uncertain, but it is likely to continue to grow in importance and impact.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the topic of computer vision:

  • What is computer vision?
    Computer vision is a field of computer science that deals with the extraction of meaningful information from digital images or Videos.

  • What are some examples of computer vision?
    Some examples of computer vision include face recognition, object detection, and scene understanding.

  • What are the benefits of computer vision?
    The benefits of computer vision include its ability to automate tasks, improve safety, and create new products and services.

  • What are the risks of computer vision?
    The risks of computer vision include its potential to be used for malicious purposes, its ability to invade privacy, and its potential to exacerbate inequality.

  • What is the future of computer vision?
    The future of computer vision is uncertain, but it is likely to continue to grow in importance and impact.

Sure, here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic:

  1. What is the capital of France?
    (A) Paris
    (B) London
    (C) Berlin
    (D) Rome

  2. What is the longest river in the world?
    (A) Nile
    (B) Amazon
    (C) Yangtze
    (D) Mississippi

  3. What is the highest mountain in the world?
    (A) Mount Everest
    (B) K2
    (C) Mount Kilimanjaro
    (D) Mount McKinley

  4. What is the largest ocean in the world?
    (A) Pacific Ocean
    (B) Atlantic Ocean
    (C) Indian Ocean
    (D) Arctic Ocean

  5. What is the most populous country in the world?
    (A) China
    (B) India
    (C) United States
    (D) Indonesia

  6. What is the most spoken language in the world?
    (A) Mandarin Chinese
    (B) Spanish
    (C) English
    (D) Hindi

  7. What is the most popular sport in the world?
    (A) Football (soccer)
    (B) Cricket
    (C) Baseball
    (D) Basketball

  8. What is the most valuable company in the world?
    (A) Apple
    (B) Microsoft
    (C) Amazon
    (D) Alphabet (Google)

  9. What is the most popular website in the world?
    (A) Google
    (B) Facebook
    (C) YouTube
    (D) Wikipedia

  10. What is the most popular app in the world?
    (A) WhatsApp
    (B) Facebook Messenger
    (C) Instagram
    (D) TikTok

I hope these MCQs were helpful!
