ARPIT: Revolutionizing Professional Development for Higher Education Faculty

The Annual Refresher Programme In Teaching (ARPIT) is a transformative initiative launched by India’s Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Aimed at the professional development of faculty in higher education, ARPIT leverages the power of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to deliver high-quality training and resources on a vast scale.

Why ARPIT Matters

  • Continuous Learning: The higher education landscape is rapidly evolving, and educators need to stay current to remain effective. ARPIT provides continuous professional development opportunities, ensuring faculty remain updated and engaged.
  • Access to Quality Resources: ARPIT democratizes access to top-notch training materials created by experts from leading institutions, regardless of a faculty member’s location.
  • Flexibility and Convenience: The online format of ARPIT’s MOOCs allows faculty to learn at their own pace, fitting professional development into their schedules.
  • Focus on Emerging Trends: ARPIT courses cover a wide range of current and emerging topics, equipping faculty with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in today’s classrooms.

How ARPIT Works

  • National Resource Centres (NRCs): 75 discipline-specific NRCs across India are responsible for developing high-quality MOOCs on the SWAYAM platform.
  • Course Offerings: A diverse selection of ARPIT courses is available, covering both subject-specific updates and pedagogical advancements.
  • Faculty Enrollment: Faculty members from higher education institutions can enroll in relevant ARPIT courses through the SWAYAM portal.
  • Assessment and Certification: Rigorous assessments evaluate faculty understanding, and successful completion leads to certification.

Benefits of ARPIT

  • Improved Teaching Effectiveness: Faculty equipped with the latest knowledge and teaching techniques often enhance student learning outcomes.
  • Nationwide Impact: ARPIT’s vast reach enables the upskilling of faculty across the country, contributing to a stronger higher education system overall.
  • Career Advancement: ARPIT certification is recognized by the UGC (University Grants Commission) for career progression purposes.
  • Building a Learning Community: ARPIT fosters a culture of continuous learning and professional development within higher education.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Who is eligible for ARPIT courses? Faculty members from Indian higher education institutions.
  • Is there a cost associated with ARPIT? ARPIT courses are offered free of charge.
  • How do I find and enroll in ARPIT courses? Visit the SWAYAM platform ( and search for ARPIT offerings.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

ARPIT courses primarily focus on:

a) Student admissions procedures

b) Professional development for faculty

c) Research grant writing skills

d) Administrative duties for faculty

The platform used to deliver ARPIT courses is:


b) Coursera


d) edX

Answer Key: 1-b, 2-c


ARPIT is a powerful example of how technology can be used to address challenges in education. By providing accessible, high-quality professional development, ARPIT empowers faculty to continuously improve and remain at the forefront of their fields. It’s an initiative with the potential to make a lasting impact on the quality of higher education across India.