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<br /> Analogy Level-1


When you draw an analogy between two things we compare them for the purpose of explanation. If a scientist says that earth’s forest functions as human lungs then we instantly draw an explanation that both lungs and trees intake important Elements from air. As far as SSC exam is concerned this is one of the trickiest section. We intend to comprehend it by solving as many different types of questions as is asked in papers. Presently in the level 1 exam a good aspirant must be able to solve at least 7 out of 10 questions given.


In each of the following questions, select the related word/number from the given alternative:


 1.  Flow : River :: Stagnant : ?

A. Rain B. Stream C. Pool D. Canal



2.  Ornithologist : Bird :: Archaeologist : ?

A. Islands B. Mediators C. Archaeology D. Aquatic



3.  Peacock : India :: Bear : ?

A. Australia B. America C. Russia D. England



4. Given set: (3,7,15)

A. 2,6,10 B. 4,8,18 C. 5,9,17 D. 7,12,19



5. Given set: (63,49,35)

A. 81,63,45 B. 64,40,28 C. 72,40,24 D. 72,48,24



6.    3 : 243 ::  5 : ?

A. 405 B. 465 C. 3125 D. 546



7.    5 : 36 ::  6 : ?

A. 48 B. 50 C. 49 D. 56



8. TALE : LATE :: ? : CAFE




9. AZBY : DWEV :: HSIR : ?




10. DE : 45 :: BC : ?

A. 34 B. 23 C. 56 D. 43









1. Answer: Option C

Explanation: As Water of a River flows similarly water of Pool is Stagnant. Answer & Explanation



2. Answer: Option C

Explanation: As Ornithologist is a specialist of Birds similarly Archaeologist is a specialist of Archaeology.



3. Answer: Option C

Explanation: As Peacock is the national bird of India, similarly Bear is the national animal of Russia.



4. Ans. Option C

Explanation:  1st number+4 = 2nd number

 2nd number+8= 3rd number



5. Ans. Option A

Explanation:  63= 7*9

49= 7*7

35= 7*5



6. Ans. Option C

Explanation: 3^5=243




7. Ans. Option A

Explanation: 13^2+13=182





8. Ans. Option A

Explanation: The first and the third letters has been interchanged



9. Ans. Option C

Explanation: Pairs of opposite letter

 A&Z,  B&Y,  similarly H&S,  I&R,  K&P,  L&O



10. Ans. Option B

Explanation: D=4,  E=5,  similarly  B=2,  C=3



An analogy is a comparison of two things that are not usually compared. It is a way of explaining something that is difficult to understand by comparing it to something that is easier to understand. Analogies can be used in many different ways, such as in writing, speaking, and teaching.

There are many different types of analogies. Some common types of analogies include:

  • Simile: A simile is a comparison of two things using the words “like” or “as.” For example, “My love is like a red, red rose.”
  • Metaphor: A metaphor is a comparison of two things without using the words “like” or “as.” For example, “My love is a red, red rose.”
  • Personification: Personification is giving human characteristics to non-human things. For example, “The wind howled in anger.”
  • Synecdoche: Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent the whole thing. For example, “All hands on deck!” (meaning all sailors)
  • Metonymy: Metonymy is a figure of speech in which one thing is called by the name of something associated with it. For example, “The crown” (meaning the king or queen)

Analogies can be used to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. For example, you could explain the concept of gravity by comparing it to the force that keeps a ball on the ground. You could also use analogies to make your writing more interesting and engaging. For example, you could compare the love between two people to a red, red rose.

Analogies can also be used to persuade people to see things your way. For example, you could use an analogy to convince someone that your point of view is the right one. However, it is important to use analogies carefully, as they can also be used to mislead people.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using analogies. First, make sure that the analogy is clear and easy to understand. Second, make sure that the analogy is relevant to the topic you are discussing. Third, make sure that the analogy is accurate. Finally, make sure that the analogy is not misleading.

There are many Resources available to help you learn more about analogies. You can find books, websites, and even online courses on the subject. You can also find many examples of analogies in literature, poetry, and everyday speech.

Analogies can be a powerful tool for Communication. When used correctly, they can help you explain complex concepts, make your writing more interesting, and persuade people to see things your way. However, it is important to use analogies carefully, as they can also be used to mislead people.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about AnalogyLevel1:

  • What is AnalogyLevel1?
    AnalogyLevel1 is a tool that can be used to generate analogies. It does this by taking two input texts and finding a common theme between them. The tool then generates an analogy that relates the two texts.

  • How does AnalogyLevel1 work?
    AnalogyLevel1 uses a technique called natural language processing to generate analogies. Natural language processing is a field of computer science that deals with the interaction between computers and human language. AnalogyLevel1 uses natural language processing to identify the common themes between two texts.

  • What are some examples of analogies that AnalogyLevel1 can generate?
    AnalogyLevel1 can generate analogies for a variety of topics. Some examples of analogies that AnalogyLevel1 can generate include:

  • “A rose is to a flower as a dog is to a pet.”

  • “A computer is to a human as a car is to a horse.”
  • “A book is to a library as a song is to a concert.”

  • What are the benefits of using AnalogyLevel1?
    There are several benefits to using AnalogyLevel1. First, AnalogyLevel1 can help you to understand new concepts. By providing you with an analogy, AnalogyLevel1 can help you to see how a new concept is related to something that you already know. Second, AnalogyLevel1 can help you to remember information. By associating new information with something that you already know, AnalogyLevel1 can help you to remember the new information more easily. Third, AnalogyLevel1 can help you to communicate more effectively. By using analogies, you can make your ideas more clear and concise.

  • What are the limitations of using AnalogyLevel1?
    There are a few limitations to using AnalogyLevel1. First, AnalogyLevel1 is not always accurate. The tool may generate analogies that are not entirely accurate or that do not make sense. Second, AnalogyLevel1 is not always helpful. The tool may generate analogies that are not relevant to the topic at hand or that are not helpful in understanding the topic. Third, AnalogyLevel1 is not always user-friendly. The tool can be difficult to use, especially for people who are not familiar with natural language processing.

  • Overall, is AnalogyLevel1 a useful tool?
    Overall, AnalogyLevel1 is a useful tool. The tool can help you to understand new concepts, remember information, and communicate more effectively. However, the tool is not always accurate, helpful, or user-friendly.

Sure, here are some multiple choice questions about the topics you mentioned:

  1. Which of the following is not a type of analogy?
    (A) A simile
    (B) A metaphor
    (C) A personification
    (D) A synecdoche

  2. Which of the following is an example of a simile?
    (A) “My love is like a red, red rose”
    (B) “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and Women merely players”
    (C) “The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain”
    (D) “Time flies like an arrow”

  3. Which of the following is an example of a metaphor?
    (A) “My love is like a red, red rose”
    (B) “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players”
    (C) “The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain”
    (D) “Time flies like an arrow”

  4. Which of the following is an example of a personification?
    (A) “The wind howled like a banshee”
    (B) “The sun smiled down on us”
    (C) “The river danced through the forest”
    (D) “The tree stood tall and proud”

  5. Which of the following is an example of a synecdoche?
    (A) “The crown” to refer to the king or queen
    (B) “The pen” to refer to writing
    (C) “The law” to refer to the police
    (D) “The team” to refer to the players

I hope these questions are helpful!