An Introduction to Nagaland Economy

An Introduction to Nagaland economy

Nagaland is one among the north-eastern states in India. It’s deckled on its west and north by Assam, on its east by Myanmar (formerly called Burma), on its north by Arunachal Pradesh, and on its south by Manipur.

Nagaland is one among India’s smallest states, with a complete area of 16,579 sq kilometer (6400 sq mi). The Naga Hills run through this tiny state that has Saramati as its highest peak at a height of concerning 12,600 ft. Dhansiri, Doyang, Dikhu and Jhanji are the rivers that flow through this state. The piece of land is mountainous, thickly wooded, and cut by deep river valleys. There’s a good variety of plant and animal life. Nagaland features a monsoon Climate with usually high humidity; rain Averages between 1800 to 2500 millimeter (70 to 100 inches) a year.

Nagaland features a single-chamber legislative assembly with sixty seats. The state sends 2 members to the Indian Parliament: one to the Rajya Sabha (Upper House) and one to the Lok Sabha (Lower House). There are seven government body districts – Mokokchung, Tuensang, Mon, Wokha, Zunheboto, Phek and Kohima.

The state is found between the 93°20′ E and 95°15′ E Longitudes and 25°6′ and 27°4′ N Latitudes. The whole area lined by the state is 16,579 sq. kilometer. Nagaland was declared the sixteenth state of the country of India on 1 December 1963. Before this, Nagaland accustomed is a union territory. The opposite attention-grabbing data about Nagaland is that it homes as several as sixteen totally different ethnic groups. These groups of individuals have their own separate cultural identities that embrace customs, dresses and languages. Nearly 90 % of the Population-of-nagaland/”>Population of Nagaland is devout Christians. The state conjointly features a substantial Hindu people. Kohima, the capital city of the state, features a range of sites that should be visited by the tourists because it can facilitate them in obtaining an insight of the wealthy history place. The name ‘Kohima’ has been derived from the name of a plant known as ‘Kew Hi’ that thrives within the mountainous region. Kohima is a fascinating place, blessed with lots of natural beauty.

Nagaland has primarily an agricultural economy. An excellent ambition of the inhabitant is to possess a bumper harvest. One among the vital motivation behind the practice of head-hunting within the past was the assumption that it might guarantee a decent harvest.

A remarkable feature of economy is that there are not any traveller landlords and there’s no category of landless peasants. The village is so organized that the fundamental demand of food, clothing and shelter are certain to all the members. The population as a whole stay gainfully used in productive activities and there’s no surplus labour. Throughout the Kheti season, it becomes tough to induce employed labour and if in the least they’re out there, terribly high wages have to be compelled to be paid. There is, however, a system of providing communal labour by forming what are known as ‘field companies’ of men and Women of a similar age bracket. Each member of the corporate gets the advantages of company’s labour by flip.

The major supply of revenue for the govt till recently has been the house-tax. Currently it’s supplemented by the sale return of forest merchandise and tax of urban commodities.

In social group area like Nagaland, the obstacles to Economic Development usually arise out of the prevailing physical, social and economic conditions. The physical condition relate to the mountainous terrain, dense forests and tough communications. The social obstacles are the people’s initial apathy to any quite innovation, lack of Education and primitive strategies of production. The economic difficulties are the dearth of capital, absence of promoting centres, and similar alternative factors. To those it may additionally add the political condition arising out of the subversive activities of the underground Nagas. A planned effort in yet being created to avoid these bottlenecks and develop the area. Preliminary investigation were meted out by the National Council of Applied Economic analysis, and this was followed by an in depth examination of the techno-economic information.

In education and road building, the progress has been extraordinary. The urge for education has nowadays replaced the recent looking for heads. A woman could refuse to marry an uneducated man within the same manner as, in the earlier days; she refused to just accept a partner who had not taken one head. Within the field of education Nagaland isn’t thus developed. Even if there are educated individuals, they like white-collar EMPLOYMENT. They hesitate to require agriculture as occupation. Hence, government has got to take steps to seek out appropriate employment opportunities for them.

There were hardly any motorable roads within the Naga Hills until Independence. Now, the whole road length is concerning 9,315 km. Dimapur is that the solely place wherever rail and air Services are accessible. In road-building, the efforts of the government are adequately supplemented by the border roads task force. The roads cut by the border roads, between Kohima and Meluri, Mokokchung and Tuensang and Akhegwo and Tuensang are feats of engineering ability.

There has been a considerable enlargement of medical and public Health facilities. To beat the shortage of doctors, the government has been granting liberal stipends to students finding out medication.

Water supply schemes have conjointly been undertaken in order that the women folks don’t have to be compelled to walk long distances for this basic necessity of life.

Forests being a crucial supply of revenue, measures are initiated to develop them. Forests space is split into 3 classes: Reserved forests, protected forests and personal forests. The proportion of forest space to the whole surface area is about 33rd. The forest department has established wild life sanctuaries, Zoological park, and facility, forest coaching colleges and a seasoning and treatment plant.

Electricity has currently reached the interior villages from where darkness has been displaced. Nagaland was the primary state within the North-east to attain 100% rural electrification by 1988.

A department of geology and mining has come upon. In depth and intensive mineral survey and investigation show an encouraging image of the mineral potential of the state. The necessary Minerals embrace top-grade rock, coal, copper, chromium, slate, oil and gas etc.

Social welfare has not been neglected. Schemes for the care of the mentally and physically incapacitated area unit being enforced. Some Vocational Education centres are started.

Economy of Nagaland presents a number of sectors that put together generate revenue for this north-eastern state of India. Agriculture is that the mainstay of Nagaland. The maximum amount as 70th of the overall population of Nagaland is engaged in farming activities. Terrace and jhum cultivation are the two ways by that crops are full-grown within the state of Nagaland.


The water system Industry of Nagaland is another major section of the state that contributes considerably towards the expansion of the economy. Availability of water to numerous agricultural and industrial corners of Nagaland plays a significant role in enhancing the economic stability of the state.


Livestock is another key economic issue of Nagaland which has work, farming, livestock farming, farm and Poultry. There are several industrial units in Nagaland that offer a significant boost to the economic development of the state. The medium scale industries of Nagaland that generate large quantity of revenue are placed in varied components of the state.


The state has stock of minerals too like that of coal, gas, nickel, ornamental stones, marble, cobalt-chromium bearing iron Ore, petroleum, and so on. The banks placed in Nagaland are legendary to be a significant assistant in the economic progress of the state. The commercial enterprise trade of Nagaland is counted mutually of the prime contributors of economic improvement of the place. This can be as a result of with its made natural treasure Nagaland attracts thousands of tourists at intervals its premises around the year.


There is no denying the very fact that economy of Nagaland is the symbol of the progressive and speedily growing part of the state.


Agriculture in Nagaland is taken into account a major source of revenue for the state. Economy of Nagaland gets a significant boost through the agricultural activities of the state. Terrace and jhum cultivation area unit wide practiced by the social group communities of Nagaland. The crops that have a high yield within the state of Nagaland embrace rice, tobacco, oilseeds, pulses, fibers, potato and sugarcane. The native individuals of Nagaland earn their living by growing variety of crops in their fields.


One of the most important reasons behind the flourishing agricultural economy of Nagaland is that the developed state of Irrigation within the place. The water channels that are controlled by bamboo sticks offer unrestrained irrigation facilities to the crop fields of Nagaland. Excluding major crops the farmers of Nagaland additionally turn out Plantation Crops like coffee, tea and cardamom.


Potato and sugarcane are the 2 prime Cash Crops that generate revenue for the Nagaland economy. Then there are several vegetables that are full-grown by the peasants of Nagaland like that of carrots, chillies, onion, melon, spinach leaf, cucumber, brinjal, tomatoes and mustard. Sugarcane, maize, yams, potato, millet and arums are considered because the principal crops of Nagaland state. The farmers of Nagaland grow their crops on the premise of the rain conditions within the place. Having an agri-climatic condition Nagaland is thought to possess high yield.


Since agriculture contributes considerably towards the economy of Nagaland therefore the govt. of the state is taking major initiatives to develop this specific field. From seed farms to irrigation comes the govt. is exploit no stones unturned to encourage the Nagaland agriculture.


The development trade in Nagaland has provided an impetus to the economic process of this north eastern state of India. The proliferation of enormous scale and medium scale industries has helped to lift the quality of living of the native inhabitants of Nagaland.


Endowed with ideal Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, Nagaland supports many industries. a number of the renowned industries of the north eastern state of Nagaland are:

  • Bamboo connected industries like paper mills, plyboard factories etc.
  • Cottage industries like spinning, weaving, cane works etc.
  • Sugar mills
  • Oil factories

Some of the leading industrial organizations, process and producing Plants in Nagaland are:

  • Nagaland plyboard Factory- placed within the district of Mon, the Nagaland plyboard manufacturing plant produces good quality plyboard
  • Nagaland Pulp and Paper Company restricted- The Nagaland Pulp and Paper Company Limited were supported in the year of 1971. Placed within the Mokokchung district of Nagaland, the corporate is known for rolling out glorious quality paper
  • Pineapple Fibre Plant- in the Baghty village of Wokha district of Nagaland, the Pineapple Fibre Plant is meant for manufacturing pineapple fibres.
  • Citronella Oil Industries- the Citronella Oil Industries is settled within the Mongsuyuyumi village of Mokokchung district of Nagaland. The trade is known for manufacturing Citronella oil
  • Nagaland Sugar Mill Company restricted- Nagaland Sugar Mill Company Limited was founded in the year of 1973. Settled in Dimapur of the district of Kohima, Nagaland Sugar Mill Company restricted is a renowned Public Sector of the state that produces sensible quality sugar
  • Fruit and Vegetable process Plant- the Fruit and Vegetable process Plant is supplied with all the fashionable machineries for process food
  • Mechanized Brick Plant- settled within the Tolumi village of Dimapur in Nagaland, the Mechanized Brick Plant is known for producing burnt bricks

The economy of Nagaland has received a lift from the event of many industries.


The commercial enterprise trade in Nagaland has vastly contributed to the economic strengthening of the north eastern state of India. The tourism trade of Nagaland helps the state to earn huge revenues.
Nagaland has several places of traveller interests that attract visitors throughout the year. A number of the notable traveller destinations of Nagaland are:

  • Japfu Peak- situated at an altitude of 130 foot, Japfu Peak offers the tourists with a beautiful chance to get pleasure from the natural splendor of the region
  • World war II burying ground- the world War II Cemetery of Nagaland reminds one among the fearless Indian and British soldier who fought with the Japanese troops throughout the Second World War
  • Kohima Village- Kohima Village offers the traveller with a novel scope to expertise the made ancient heritage of the state of Nagaland

The different social group cultural traditions of Nagaland create the north eastern state of India a lot of vibrant and enticing to tourists. The distinctive social customs and non secular ceremonies of the aboriginal tribes of Nagaland attract many tourists who are excited with the distinctive ancient heritage of the region that has percolated to the modern era from the traditional times.,

Nagaland is a state in north-eastern India. It is the 16th largest state in India by area and the 29th most populous state. The capital of Nagaland is Kohima.

Nagaland is a landlocked state with no coastline. It is bordered by Assam to the north, Manipur to the east, and Myanmar to the south and west. The state is divided into 11 districts.

The economy of Nagaland is based on agriculture, Forestry, and tourism. The main agricultural products are rice, maize, millet, and vegetables. The main forest products are timber, bamboo, and cane. The main tourist attractions are the state’s natural beauty, its cultural heritage, and its festivals.

The infrastructure in Nagaland is underdeveloped. The state has a poor road Network, and there is no railway network. The state also has a limited supply of electricity.

The Human Development index of Nagaland is low. The state has a high rate of POVERTY, and a low Literacy rate.

The challenges facing the economy of Nagaland include the underdeveloped infrastructure, the low human development index, and the lack of Investment. The opportunities for the economy of Nagaland include the state’s natural beauty, its cultural heritage, and its festivals.

The future of the economy of Nagaland depends on the development of the state’s infrastructure, the improvement of the human development index, and the increase in investment.

Agriculture in Nagaland

Agriculture is the main occupation of the people of Nagaland. The main crops grown are rice, maize, millet, and vegetables. The state also has a large number of livestock, including cattle, pigs, and poultry.

The agricultural sector is facing a number of challenges, including the lack of irrigation facilities, the poor quality of seeds, and the lack of access to credit. The government is taking steps to address these challenges, such as providing subsidies for irrigation facilities and seeds.

Industry in Nagaland

The Industrial Sector in Nagaland is underdeveloped. The main industries are Food Processing, timber processing, and handloom and handicrafts.

The industrial sector is facing a number of challenges, including the lack of infrastructure, the poor quality of power supply, and the lack of skilled manpower. The government is taking steps to address these challenges, such as providing subsidies for Infrastructure Development and training programs for skilled manpower.

Tourism in Nagaland

Tourism is a growing sector in Nagaland. The state has a number of tourist attractions, including its natural beauty, its cultural heritage, and its festivals.

The tourism sector is facing a number of challenges, including the poor infrastructure, the lack of quality hotels, and the lack of awareness about the state’s tourist attractions. The government is taking steps to address these challenges, such as developing infrastructure, promoting quality hotels, and creating awareness about the state’s tourist attractions.

Infrastructure in Nagaland

The infrastructure in Nagaland is underdeveloped. The state has a poor road network, and there is no railway network. The state also has a limited supply of electricity.

The government is taking steps to improve the infrastructure, such as building roads, bridges, and power plants. However, the pace of development is slow due to the lack of funds.

Human development in Nagaland

The human development index of Nagaland is low. The state has a high rate of poverty, and a low literacy rate.

The government is taking steps to improve the human development index, such as providing free education and healthcare. However, the progress is slow due to the lack of Resources.

Challenges and opportunities for Nagaland economy

The economy of Nagaland faces a number of challenges, including the underdeveloped infrastructure, the low human development index, and the lack of investment. The opportunities for the economy of Nagaland include the state’s natural beauty, its cultural heritage, and its festivals.

The government is taking steps to address the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities. However, the progress is slow due to the lack of resources.

Future of Nagaland economy

The future of the economy of Nagaland depends on the development of the state’s infrastructure, the improvement of the human development index, and the increase in investment. The government is taking steps to address these challenges, but the progress is slow due to the lack of resources.

What is the economy of Nagaland like?

Nagaland is a landlocked state in northeastern India. It has a population of over 2 million people and a GDP of over $2 billion. The economy of Nagaland is based on agriculture, forestry, and tourism.

What are the main industries in Nagaland?

The main industries in Nagaland are agriculture, forestry, and tourism. Agriculture is the largest sector of the economy, accounting for over 50% of GDP. The main crops grown in Nagaland are rice, maize, and millet. Forestry is also an important sector of the economy, accounting for over 10% of GDP. The main forest products are timber, bamboo, and cane. Tourism is a growing sector of the economy, accounting for over 5% of GDP. The main tourist attractions in Nagaland are the natural beauty of the state, the traditional culture of the Naga people, and the annual Hornbill Festival.

What are the main challenges facing the economy of Nagaland?

The main challenges facing the economy of Nagaland are poverty, Unemployment, and infrastructure development. Poverty is a major problem in Nagaland, with over 30% of the population living below the Poverty Line. Unemployment is also a major problem, with over 20% of the population unemployed. Infrastructure development is also a major challenge, with the state having a poor road network and limited access to electricity and water.

What are the government’s plans to address the challenges facing the economy of Nagaland?

The government of Nagaland has a number of plans to address the challenges facing the economy of the state. These plans include:

  • Increasing investment in agriculture and forestry to boost production and create jobs.
  • Developing the tourism industry to attract more visitors and generate more revenue.
  • Improving the infrastructure, including roads, electricity, and water supplies.
  • Promoting Entrepreneurship and small businesses to create more jobs.

The government of Nagaland is committed to addressing the challenges facing the economy of the state and improving the lives of the people of Nagaland.

  1. Nagaland is a state in the north-eastern region of India. It is bordered by the states of Assam, Manipur, and Arunachal Pradesh, as well as the country of Myanmar. The capital of Nagaland is Kohima.
  2. The population of Nagaland is approximately 2 million people. The majority of the population is Naga, with a small minority of other ethnic groups. The Official Language of Nagaland is English.
  3. The economy of Nagaland is based on agriculture, forestry, and tourism. The main agricultural products are rice, maize, and millet. The main forest products are timber, bamboo, and cane. The main tourist attractions are the Nagaland Hornbill Festival, the Dzüko Valley, and the Tsominyu Caves.
  4. The government of Nagaland is a parliamentary Democracy. The head of state is the Governor, who is appointed by the President of India. The head of government is the Chief Minister, who is elected by the members of the Legislative Assembly.
  5. The education system in Nagaland is based on the Indian education system. The main languages of instruction are English and Naga. The literacy rate in Nagaland is approximately 70%.
  6. The health system in Nagaland is based on the Indian health system. The main hospitals are the Kohima Medical College Hospital and the Dimapur District Hospital. The infant mortality rate in Nagaland is approximately 60 per 1,000 live births.
  7. The infrastructure in Nagaland is underdeveloped. The main roads are the National Highway 39 and the National Highway 53. The main Airports are the Dimapur Airport and the Tuli Airport. The main railway station is the Dimapur Railway Station.
  8. The culture of Nagaland is diverse. The main Naga tribes are the Angami, the Ao, the Chakhesang, the Chang, the Konyak, the Lotha, the Phom, the Rengma, the Sema, and the Sumi. The main Naga festivals are the Hornbill Festival, the Moatsu Festival, and the Sekrenyi Festival.
  9. The religion of Nagaland is diverse. The main religions are Christianity, Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism, and animism. The main Christian denominations are the Baptist Church, the Catholic Church, and the Presbyterian Church.
  10. The history of Nagaland is long and complex. The Naga people have a long history of resisting foreign rule. The Naga Hills District was created in 1866. The Naga National Council was formed in 1946. The Naga People’s Convention was formed in 1956. The Nagaland State was created in 1963.

Here are some MCQs about Nagaland:

  1. Which of the following is not a state in the north-eastern region of India?
    (A) Nagaland
    (B) Assam
    (C) Manipur
    (D) Gujarat

  2. The capital of Nagaland is:
    (A) Kohima
    (B) Dimapur
    (C) Mokokchung
    (D) Tuensang

  3. The majority of the population of Nagaland is:
    (A) Naga
    (B) Meitei
    (C) Assamese
    (D) Bengali

  4. The official language of Nagaland is:
    (A) English
    (B) Hindi
    (C) Naga
    (D) Assamese

  5. The economy of Nagaland is based on:
    (A) Agriculture
    (B) Forestry
    (C) Tourism
    (D) All of the above

  6. The government of Nagaland is a:
    (A) Presidential system
    (B) Parliamentary system
    (C) Monarchy
    (D) Dictatorship

  7. The education system in Nagaland is based on:
    (A) The Indian education system
    (B) The British education system
    (C) The American education system
    (D) The Chinese education system

  8. The health system in Nagaland is based on:
    (A) The Indian health system
    (B) The British health system
    (C) The American health system
    (D) The Chinese health system

  9. The infrastructure in Nagaland is:
    (A) Well-developed
    (B) Underdeveloped
    (C) Average
    (D) Poor

  10. The culture of Nagaland is:
    (A) Diverse
    (B) Homogeneous
    (C) Monotonous
    (D) Uninteresting

  11. The main Naga tribes are:
    (A) The Angami, the Ao, the Chakhesang, the Chang, the Konyak, the Lotha, the Phom, the Rengma, the Sema, and the Sumi
    (B) The Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, the Vai
