An Introduction to Madhya Pradesh Economy

economy of MP

Economy of Madhya Pradesh comprises of agriculture and industries of Madhya Pradesh. In fact, industries and agriculture form the backbone of economy of Madhya Pradesh, whereas the supporting bones are mining, tourism and Banking.

Precisely speaking, the economy of Madhya Pradesh is divided into five different heads, namely:

  • Agriculture
  • Industries
  • Mining
  • Tourism
  • Banking and Finance


Agriculture is the largest area of occupation in Madhya Pradesh. Around 1/5th of the cultivated land is under Irrigation. The major Food Crops here include, jowar, wheat, rice and gram. Among the other crops, the oilseeds, Cotton and sugarcane are some of those that need a mention.

Talking about the first aspect of the economy of Madhya Pradesh, it can be mention that Madhya Pradesh is an agricultural state where the main occupation of the people is agriculture. In spite of the Growth of industries, agriculture is moving steadily in the economic backdrop of the state.

Some of the important crops that are vital to agriculture in Madhya Pradesh are follows, along with a study of their Average production (in kilogram per hectare):

  • Rice – 1,058
  • Wheat – 1,867
  • Javar – 1,342
  • Gram – 932
  • Soybean – 1,132
  • Sugarcane – 4,215
  • Cotton – 557

In Madhya Pradesh, about 74.73% of people come from villages who are far from the influence of industrialization. True, that Madhya Pradesh is unhinged by industrialization – mechanization has indeed seeped in, but the rustic feel is still there with the prevalence of agriculture.

In Madhya Pradesh, about 49% of the land is cultivable, i.e. majority of the land surface is favourable for cultivation. The following data would further sort all queries regarding utilization of land in Madhya Pradesh for agriculture (according to a 2003-2004 survey):

  • Net Area Sown – 15,048 hectares
  • Gross Cropped Area – 19,891 hectares
  • Double Cropped Area – 4,843
  • Net Irrigated Area – 5,631
  • Gross Irrigated Area – 5,776


Coal and iron are among the more important of the Minerals of Madhya Pradesh. The iron Ore found in Madhya Pradesh is of high grade and occurs in the Dury, Jubalpur, Bastar and Gwalior districts. Manganese is another important mineral, which occurs in Madhya Pradesh in the Balaghat and Chhindwara districts.

There is bauxite which is required in the production of aluminum and which is available in the Katni tehsil of Jabalpur. Madhya Pradesh has a large deposit of limestone required for the production of cement. The Panna region has a rich diamond bed and is well known for the production of diamonds. Marble is also available in the state in several districts.

The Government of Madhya Pradesh first formulated a Madhya Pradesh Mineral Policy in 1995. Mining and mineral wealth considerably contributes to the development of the state and thus, the nation. The Government of India announced a National Mineral Policy in respect of non-fuel and non-atomic minerals in 1993.

Pre-bifurcation Madhya Pradesh contained vast mineral deposits and the scope of mining was immense. However when the state was divided in 2002, deposits of minerals like Iron ore, Tin ore, Corundum, Coal, Limestone, Dolomite and Bauxite passed over to Chhattisgarh. So it became imperative to introduce a new mining policy to mark formerly unidentified mineral deposits and ensure mining takes place scientifically to maintain environmental balance.

The state has rich granaries of food. In the northern part sillimanite and ochre are excavated. Other natural products are steatite and China clay. There are many flourishing textile mills in the state and artificial silk manufacturing Plants located at Ujjain, Nagda, Indore and Gwalior. In the public sector, huge plants, namely the Bhilai Steel plant, the Heavy Electrical and the Bailadilla are the major achievements.

The Nepa Mills produces newsprint for the country. Diesel engines are manufactured at Indore and attractive Pottery and carpets are produced at Gwalior. \


Madhya Pradesh tourism offers some very popular tourist spots. The main attractions of Madhya Pradesh tourism are Khajuraho temples in the northern part and Bandavgarh and Kanha in the eastern region.

The latter two are included in India’s finest game sanctuaries. Buddhist stupa of Sanchi and 15th-16th century citadels of Mandu in the southwestern part of Madhya Pradesh are worth visiting.Madhya Pradesh tourism offers a lineage of cultural heritage of Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism, Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism, Jainism, and Islam. Spectacular monuments, temples, stupas, forts and palaces are spread all over the state. Madhya Pradesh has enormous mountain ranges, meandering rivers and stretches of dense forests which offer a variety of wildlife in sylvan surroundings.

The stoneworks of the place bear the history of empires, warriors, and philosophers. The giant fort of Gwalior evokes memories of a momentous past. The series of temples and forts of Orchha has a medieval touch. Mandu bears testimony of the time when the Afghans marched in and crafted its stones. At Khajuraho, poetry is created on stone by the warrior race of Chandella Rajputs. The oldest Buddhist shrines at Sanchi reflect the glory of Ashokan times.,

Madhya Pradesh is a state in central India. It is the second-largest state in India by area, after Rajasthan. The state is bordered by Uttar Pradesh to the north, Chhattisgarh to the east, Maharashtra to the south, Gujarat to the southwest, and Rajasthan to the west. The capital of Madhya Pradesh is Bhopal.

The state has a Population of over 75 million people, making it the fifth-most populous state in India. The majority of the population is Hindu, with a significant Muslim minority. The Official Language of Madhya Pradesh is Hindi, but there are many other languages spoken in the state, including Marathi, Bundeli, and Bhojpuri.

Madhya Pradesh is a landlocked state, with a diverse landscape. The northern part of the state is covered by the Vindhya Mountains, while the southern part is a plateau. The state is home to several rivers, including the Narmada, the Chambal, and the Son.

The economy of Madhya Pradesh is based on agriculture, Industry, and Services. Agriculture is the largest sector of the economy, employing over 60% of the workforce. The main crops grown in the state are rice, wheat, cotton, and soybeans. The state is also a major producer of milk and sugar.

Industry is another important sector of the economy, employing over 15% of the workforce. The main industries in the state are manufacturing, mining, and power generation. The state is home to several major industrial cities, including Indore, Bhopal, and Jabalpur.

Services is the fastest-growing sector of the economy, employing over 25% of the workforce. The main services in the state are tourism, Education, and healthcare. The state is home to several major tourist destinations, including the Taj Mahal, the Khajuraho temples, and the Bandhavgarh National Park.

Madhya Pradesh has a well-developed Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, with a Network of roads, railways, and Airports. The state is also home to several major educational institutions, including the Indian Institute of Technology Indore, the Indian Institute Of Management Indore, and the University of Jabalpur.

Madhya Pradesh is a popular tourist destination, with a number of historical and cultural attractions. The state is also home to several wildlife sanctuaries and national parks.

The state has a number of challenges, including POVERTY, illiteracy, and Corruption. However, the state is also making progress in addressing these challenges. The State Government has launched several initiatives to improve the lives of the people, including the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, and the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana.

Madhya Pradesh is a state with a rich history and culture. The state is home to a number of historical and cultural attractions, including the Taj Mahal, the Khajuraho temples, and the Bandhavgarh National Park. The state is also making progress in addressing the challenges of poverty, illiteracy, and corruption.

What is the economy of Madhya Pradesh like?

The economy of Madhya Pradesh is the 10th largest in India, with a gross state domestic product (GSDP) of ₹1.9 trillion (US$25 billion) in 2017–18. The state’s economy is primarily based on agriculture, which accounts for about 40% of its GSDP. Other important sectors include manufacturing, mining, and services.

What are the main industries in Madhya Pradesh?

The main industries in Madhya Pradesh are agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and services. Agriculture is the largest sector of the state’s economy, accounting for about 40% of its GSDP. The main crops grown in Madhya Pradesh are rice, wheat, soybean, and cotton. The state is also a major producer of milk and sugar.

Manufacturing is the second largest sector of the state’s economy, accounting for about 20% of its GSDP. The main industries in this sector are automobiles, textiles, and chemicals. Mining is the third largest sector of the state’s economy, accounting for about 10% of its GSDP. The main minerals mined in Madhya Pradesh are coal, iron ore, and bauxite.

Services is the fourth largest sector of the state’s economy, accounting for about 30% of its GSDP. The main services in this sector are tourism, banking, and education.

What are the main challenges facing the economy of Madhya Pradesh?

The main challenges facing the economy of Madhya Pradesh are poverty, Unemployment, and Infrastructure Development. Poverty is a major problem in the state, with about 30% of the population living below the Poverty Line. Unemployment is also a major problem, with the unemployment rate in the state being about 10%. Infrastructure development is another major challenge, with the state’s infrastructure being in need of improvement.

What are the government’s plans to address the challenges facing the economy of Madhya Pradesh?

The government of Madhya Pradesh has a number of plans to address the challenges facing the economy of the state. These plans include:

  • Increasing Investment in agriculture and allied sectors
  • Promoting industrialization and Entrepreneurship
  • Developing infrastructure
  • Improving the quality of education and healthcare
  • Promoting tourism

The government is confident that these plans will help to improve the economy of Madhya Pradesh and make it a more prosperous state.

  1. Madhya Pradesh is the largest state in India by area. True or False?
  2. The capital of Madhya Pradesh is Bhopal. True or False?
  3. The official language of Madhya Pradesh is Hindi. True or False?
  4. The main agricultural products of Madhya Pradesh are rice, wheat, and soybeans. True or False?
  5. The main industries of Madhya Pradesh are textiles, automobiles, and steel. True or False?
  6. The Literacy rate in Madhya Pradesh is 70%. True or False?
  7. The Population of Madhya Pradesh is over 70 million. True or False?
  8. The per capita income of Madhya Pradesh is $1,500. True or False?
  9. The main tourist attractions in Madhya Pradesh are the Taj Mahal, the Agra Fort, and the Red Fort. False. The main tourist attractions in Madhya Pradesh are the Khajuraho temples, the Bandhavgarh National Park, and the Kanha National Park.
  10. Madhya Pradesh is a developed state. False. Madhya Pradesh is a developing state.

Here are some additional facts about Madhya Pradesh:

  • Madhya Pradesh is home to the world’s largest producer of soybeans.
  • The state is also a major producer of rice, wheat, and cotton.
  • Madhya Pradesh is home to a number of important historical and cultural sites, including the Khajuraho temples, the Bandhavgarh National Park, and the Kanha National Park.
  • The state is also home to a number of important industries, including textiles, automobiles, and steel.
  • Madhya Pradesh is a developing state with a population of over 70 million people.
  • The literacy rate in Madhya Pradesh is 70%.
  • The per capita income of Madhya Pradesh is $1,500.