Amravati school of art

The Amravati school of art is a style of Indian painting that flourished in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is characterized by its use of bright colors, bold lines, and intricate patterns. The school was named after the city of Amravati, which was a major center of art and culture during this period.

The Amravati school of art developed out of the Deccan style of painting, which was popular in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Deccan style was influenced by both Hindu and Muslim art, and it featured a variety of subjects, including religious scenes, portraits, and landscapes.

The Amravati school of art was more secular in nature than the Deccan style, and it often focused on depicting everyday life. The school’s artists were also more experimental than their predecessors, and they often used new techniques and materials.

One of the most famous artists of the Amravati school was Raja Ravi Varma. Varma was a master of portraiture, and he is best known for his paintings of Hindu deities and mythological figures. His work was widely admired in India and abroad, and he is considered one of the most important painters in Indian history.

The Amravati school of art declined in popularity in the 19th century, as Western art styles became more popular in India. However, the school’s legacy has continued to influence Indian art, and its work can still be seen in museums and galleries around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Amravati school of art?
    The Amravati school of art is a style of Indian painting that flourished in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is characterized by its use of bright colors, bold lines, and intricate patterns. The school was named after the city of Amravati, which was a major center of art and culture during this period.
  2. When did the Amravati school of art develop?
    The Amravati school of art developed out of the Deccan style of painting, which was popular in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Deccan style was influenced by both Hindu and Muslim art, and it featured a variety of subjects, including religious scenes, portraits, and landscapes.
  3. What are some of the characteristics of the Amravati school of art?
    The Amravati school of art is characterized by its use of bright colors, bold lines, and intricate patterns. The school’s artists were also more experimental than their predecessors, and they often used new techniques and materials.
  4. Who are some of the famous artists of the Amravati school?
    One of the most famous artists of the Amravati school was Raja Ravi Varma. Varma was a master of portraiture, and he is best known for his paintings of Hindu deities and mythological figures. His work was widely admired in India and abroad, and he is considered one of the most important painters in Indian history.
  5. What happened to the Amravati school of art?
    The Amravati school of art declined in popularity in the 19th century, as Western art styles became more popular in India. However, the school’s legacy has continued to influence Indian art, and its work can still be seen in museums and galleries around the world.


  1. The Amravati school of art is a style of Indian painting that flourished in the:
    (a) 17th and 18th centuries
    (b) 16th and 17th centuries
    (c) 15th and 16th centuries
    (d) 14th and 15th centuries
  2. The Amravati school of art is characterized by its use of:
    (a) bright colors
    (b) bold lines
    (c) intricate patterns
    (d) all of the above
  3. One of the most famous artists of the Amravati school was:
    (a) Raja Ravi Varma
    (b) M.F. Husain
    (c) Amrita Sher-Gil
    (d) Rabindranath Tagore
  4. The Amravati school of art declined in popularity in the:
    (a) 19th century
    (b) 20th century
    (c) 21st century
    (d) 22nd century