Agriculture Allied Sectors

Agriculture Allied Sectors

Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy, employing over 50% of the country’s workforce. However, the sector is facing a number of challenges, including low productivity, high input costs, and Climate Change. To address these challenges, the government has launched a number of initiatives, such as the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) and the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY). These initiatives have helped to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector, but there is still a long way to go.

  • HorticultureHorticulture
  • Fruits & Vegetables
  • Flowers & Ornamental Plants
  • Aquaculture
  • FisheriesFisheries
  • Apiculture (Beekeeping)
  • Sericulture (Silk Production)
  • Animal Husbandry
  • DairyDairy
  • PoultryPoultry
  • LivestockLivestock Management (Cattle, Sheep, Goats)
  • Forestry/Agroforestry
  • Agricultural Marketing
  • Food Processing
  • Agricultural Research and Extension Services

Beyond Crops: The Wide World of Agriculture Allied Sectors

Agriculture Allied Sectors encompass a diverse range of activities that complement and integrate with traditional crop cultivation, broadening the scope of agriculture and providing additional income streams for farmers and rural communities.

Horticulture: Color, Flavor, and Nutrition

Horticulture encompasses the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. It provides essential vitamins and minerals for a balanced diet and adds color and beauty to our landscapes. Horticulture often offers higher returns per unit of land than traditional crops, making it attractive for smallholder farmers.

Aquaculture and Fisheries: Protein from the Waters

Aquaculture involves farming diverse aquatic species – from fish and shrimp to even seaweed – in controlled environments. Fisheries, on the other hand, focus on capturing fish stocks from rivers, lakes, and seas. Both sectors play a vital role in meeting the world’s protein needs. Sustainable aquaculture and responsible fishing practices are key to safeguarding aquatic ecosystems for the future.

Apiculture (Beekeeping): Sweet Rewards and Vital Pollination Services

Apiculture centers around raising honeybees. They provide us with honey, a sought-after natural sweetener, and beeswax with various uses. Even more importantly, bees are invaluable pollinators, contributing immensely to the productivity of many Food Crops.

Sericulture (Silk Production): Luxurious Threads from Tiny Creatures

Sericulture is the practice of rearing silkworms to produce their fine, lustrous silk fibers. Throughout history, silk has been a highly prized textile, and silk production remains an important economic activity, especially in certain regions of Asia.

Animal Husbandry: Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry

Animal husbandry is the comprehensive management of livestock for various products and services.

  • Dairy: focuses on milk production from animals like cows, goats, and buffaloes. Dairy products are nutritional staples in diets worldwide.
  • Poultry: includes raising birds like chickens, ducks, and turkeys for both meat and eggs.
  • Livestock management: covers a wider range of animals like cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs, raised for various purposes like meat, wool, hides, and even labor.

Forestry/Agroforestry: Integrating Trees and Agriculture

Forestry focuses on the sustainable management of forests, providing essential resources like timber and contributing to ecological balance. Agroforestry brings trees into the agricultural landscape, offering multiple benefits like improved SoilSoil, shade, fodder for livestock, and diversified income.

Agricultural Marketing: Connecting Farmers to Markets

Efficient agricultural marketing ensures that farm products reach consumers in a timely and profitable manner. This involves InfrastructureInfrastructure like storage facilities, transportation networks, and market linkages to help farmers secure fair prices.

Food Processing: Value Addition and Reduced Waste

Food processing transforms raw agricultural produce, extending shelf-life, enhancing convenience, and creating new value-added products. This sector reduces food waste and expands economic opportunities for farmers and food businesses.

Agricultural Research and Extension Services: Knowledge and Innovation

Agricultural progress relies heavily on research. Scientists develop improved crop varieties, better farming techniques, and innovative solutions to agricultural challenges. Extension services operate as bridges between researchers and farmers, ensuring that cutting-edge knowledge reaches the fields where it’s needed most.

One way to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector is to develop agriculture allied sectors. Agriculture allied sectors are those that provide support to the agricultural sector, such as input supply, processing, marketing, and storage. These sectors can help to increase the value of agricultural produce and improve the livelihoods of farmers.

There are a number of agriculture allied sectors that have the potential to contribute to the growth of the agricultural sector. These include:

  • Input supply: This sector includes companies that manufacture and supply agricultural inputs, such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. The input supply sector is important for ensuring that farmers have access to the inputs they need to produce high-quality crops.
  • Processing: This sector includes companies that process agricultural produce, such as rice mills, flour mills, and sugar mills. The processing sector is important for adding value to agricultural produce and making it more marketable.
  • Marketing: This sector includes companies that market agricultural produce, such as exporters, wholesalers, and retailers. The marketing sector is important for ensuring that agricultural produce reaches its consumers in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Storage: This sector includes companies that store agricultural produce, such as warehouses and cold storage facilities. The storage sector is important for ensuring that agricultural produce is stored in a safe and hygienic manner.

The development of agriculture allied sectors can help to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector and the livelihoods of farmers. The government should take steps to promote the development of these sectors, such as providing financial assistance, Infrastructure support, and policy reforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are agriculture allied sectors?

Agriculture allied sectors are those that provide support to the agricultural sector, such as input supply, processing, marketing, and storage.

  1. What are the benefits of developing agriculture allied sectors?

The development of agriculture allied sectors can help to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector and the livelihoods of farmers.

  1. What are the challenges faced by agriculture allied sectors?

The agriculture allied sectors face a number of challenges, such as lack of infrastructure, poor access to finance, and low levels of technology adoption.

  1. What are the government’s initiatives to promote the development of agriculture allied sectors?

The government has launched a number of initiatives to promote the development of agriculture allied sectors, such as the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) and the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY).

  1. What are the future prospects of agriculture allied sectors?

The future prospects of agriculture allied sectors are bright, given the growing demand for agricultural produce and the government’s focus on promoting these sectors.

  • Q: Besides growing grains, what other agricultural activities provide income for farmers?
    • A: Farming fruits, vegetables, raising fish, keeping bees – there’s a wide range!
  • Q: How can raising animals be part of a broader agricultural system?
    • A: Animals provide food (meat, eggs, milk) and support crops through manure and pollination services.
  • Q: After harvest, how can farmers get a better price for what they grow?
    • A: Good storage, transportation, and market connections help farmers sell effectively.
  • Q: How do farmers learn about new techniques and improved crop varieties?
    • A: Researchers and extension services share knowledge and offer training programs.
  • Q: Can farming practices also benefit the EnvironmentEnvironment?
    • A: Yes! Planting trees with crops, managing resources wisely – these help sustainability.
  • Q: Why is food processing important within agriculture?
    • A: Turning raw produce into packaged goods creates new jobs and adds value for farmers.


  1. Which of the following is not an agriculture allied sector?

(A) Input supply
(B) Processing
(CC) Marketing
(D) Storage

  1. The development of agriculture allied sectors can help to improve the

(A) Productivity of the agricultural sector
(B) Livelihoods of farmers
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

  1. The government has launched a number of initiatives to promote the development of agriculture allied sectors, such as

(A) The Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)
(B) The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

  1. The future prospects of agriculture allied sectors are bright, given the

(A) Growing demand for agricultural produce
(B) Government’s focus on promoting these sectors
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

  1. Which of these activities involves raising animals for their fiber?
    • A. Sericulture
    • B. Horticulture
    • C. Aquaculture
    • D. Grain cultivation

Answer: A

  1. A farmer wanting to diversify their income might consider starting:
    • A. Fish farming
    • B. Beekeeping
    • C. Growing a vegetable garden
    • D. All of the above

Answer: D

Value Addition and Sustainability

  1. Which of these activities helps increase the shelf life of fresh produce?
    • A. Food processing
    • B. Intensive crop cultivation
    • C. Livestock grazing
    • D. Deforestation

Answer: A

  1. Planting trees alongside crops can benefit farmers by:
    • A. Improving Soil health
    • B. Providing shade and fodder
    • C. Attracting pollinators
    • D. All of the above

Answer: D

Supporting Systems

  1. To get a fair price for their harvest, farmers need:
    • A. Good market access
    • B. Reliable storage facilities
    • C. Efficient transportation systems
    • D. All of the above

Answer: D

  1. A farmer learns about a new pest-resistant crop variety through:
    • A. Agricultural research and extension services
    • B. Traditional knowledge passed down in the family
    • C. Consulting with local merchants
    • D. Trial and error on their farm

Answer: A

