Agenda 21

The following are the subtopics of Agenda 21:

  • Social and Economic Dimensions
  • Conservation and Management of Resources for Development
  • Strengthening the Role of Major Groups
  • Means of Implementation
  • Institutional Framework
  • Information for Decision-Making
  • Education, Public Awareness and Training
  • Science and Technology
  • Promoting Sustainable Human Settlements
  • Integrating Environment and Development in Decision-Making
  • Financial Resources and Mechanisms
  • Transfer of Technology
  • Capacity-Building
  • International Trade and Environment
  • International Cooperation and Coordination
  • Follow-Up and Review

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and major groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment are felt. It is a product of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992.
Social and Economic Dimensions

  • What are the social and economic dimensions of Agenda 21?
    Agenda 21 addresses the social and economic dimensions of sustainable development by promoting economic growth, social development, and environmental protection. It calls for the integration of these three pillars of sustainable development into all aspects of decision-making.

  • What are some of the key goals of Agenda 21 in the area of social and economic development?
    Some of the key goals of Agenda 21 in the area of social and economic development include:

    • Eradicating poverty and hunger
    • Promoting sustainable economic growth
    • Reducing inequality
    • Promoting social development
    • Protecting human health
    • Promoting gender equality
    • Empowering women
    • Promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns
    • Protecting the environment
    • Managing natural resources sustainably
    • Mitigating climate change
    • Adapting to climate change
    • Strengthening international cooperation

Conservation and Management of Resources for Development

  • What are the main goals of Agenda 21 in the area of conservation and management of resources for development?
    The main goals of Agenda 21 in the area of conservation and management of resources for development are to:

    • Conserve and manage natural resources sustainably
    • Promote sustainable agriculture and rural development
    • Promote sustainable forestry
    • Promote sustainable fisheries
    • Promote sustainable energy use
    • Promote sustainable tourism
    • Promote sustainable waste management
    • Promote sustainable water management
    • Promote sustainable land use

Strengthening the Role of Major Groups

  • What are the major groups that Agenda 21 calls for strengthening the role of?
    The major groups that Agenda 21 calls for strengthening the role of are:

    • Governments
    • Business and industry
    • Local authorities
    • Non-governmental organizations
    • Indigenous peoples
    • Farmers
    • Workers
    • Women
    • Children and youth
    • The scientific and technological community
    • The media
    • The educational community

Means of Implementation

  • What are the means of implementation that Agenda 21 calls for?
    The means of implementation that Agenda 21 calls for include:

    • Financial resources
    • Technology transfer
    • Capacity-building
    • Institutional strengthening
    • Information and knowledge management
    • Public participation
    • Partnerships
    • Education and training

Institutional Framework

  • What is the institutional framework for implementing Agenda 21?
    The institutional framework for implementing Agenda 21 is based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. This means that all countries have a responsibility to implement Agenda 21, but that developed countries have a greater responsibility to do so, given their historical contribution to environmental degradation and their current level of economic development.

Information for Decision-Making

  • What is the role of information for decision-making in Agenda 21?
    The role of information for decision-making in Agenda 21 is to provide decision-makers with the information they need to make informed choices about sustainable development. This information should be based on sound science and should be accessible to all stakeholders.

Education, Public Awareness and Training

  • What is the role of education, public awareness and training in Agenda 21?
    The role of education, public awareness and training in Agenda 21 is to promote understanding of sustainable development and to build the capacity of individuals and institutions to implement it. This includes educating people about the importance of sustainable development, providing them with the skills they need to make sustainable choices, and building their capacity to participate in decision-making.

Science and Technology

  • What is the role of science and technology in Agenda 21?
    The role of science and technology in Agenda 21 is to support sustainable development by providing new knowledge and technologies that can be used to address environmental challenges and promote economic growth. This includes developing new technologies for renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and waste management.

Promoting Sustainable Human Settlements

  • What are the goals of Agenda 21 in the area of promoting sustainable human settlements?
    The goals of Agenda 21 in the area of promoting sustainable human settlements are to:

    • Ensure that human settlements are developed in a sustainable manner
    • Provide adequate housing for all
    • Improve the quality of life in human settlements
    • Promote sustainable urban development
    • Promote sustainable rural development

Integrating Environment and Development in Decision-Making

  • What is the importance of integrating environment and development in decision-making?
    The importance of integrating environment and development in decision-making is that it allows for the consideration of both environmental and economic factors when making decisions. This
    Question 1

Which of the following is not a subtopic of Agenda 21?

(A) Social and Economic Dimensions
(B) Conservation and Management of Resources for Development
(C) Strengthening the Role of Major Groups
(D) Means of Implementation
(E) Institutional Framework


(E) Institutional Framework is not a subtopic of Agenda 21. The correct answer is (D).

Question 2

Which of the following is the first subtopic of Agenda 21?

(A) Social and Economic Dimensions
(B) Conservation and Management of Resources for Development
(C) Strengthening the Role of Major Groups
(D) Means of Implementation
(E) Institutional Framework


The first subtopic of Agenda 21 is Social and Economic Dimensions. The correct answer is (A).

Question 3

Which of the following is the last subtopic of Agenda 21?

(A) Social and Economic Dimensions
(B) Conservation and Management of Resources for Development
(C) Strengthening the Role of Major Groups
(D) Means of Implementation
(E) Follow-Up and Review


The last subtopic of Agenda 21 is Follow-Up and Review. The correct answer is (E).

Question 4

Which of the following is not a goal of Agenda 21?

(A) To promote sustainable development
(B) To protect the environment
(C) To reduce poverty
(D) To increase economic growth
(E) To improve human health


The goal of Agenda 21 is to promote sustainable development. The correct answer is (D).

Question 5

Which of the following is a principle of Agenda 21?

(A) The precautionary principle
(B) The polluter pays principle
(C) The principle of equity
(D) The principle of participation
(E) All of the above


All of the above are principles of Agenda 21. The correct answer is (E).