Difference between Electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitutionw

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>world of electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions.


Aromatic compounds, characterized by their stability and unique reactivity due to the delocalized pi-electron system, undergo substitution reactions where an atom or group on the aromatic ring is replaced by another. These reactions can be broadly classified into two types: electrophilic aromatic substitution (EAS) and nucleophilic aromatic substitution (NAS).

Key Differences: EAS vs. NAS

FeatureElectrophilic Aromatic Substitution (EAS)Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution (NAS)
Attacking SpeciesElectrophile (electron-deficient species)Nucleophile (electron-rich species)
Aromatic RingActs as a nucleophile (electron-rich)Acts as an electrophile (electron-deficient due to EWGs)
MechanismTwo-step: (1) Formation of arenium ion, (2) DeprotonationVaries: Addition-Elimination (most common), Benzyne, SRN1
Substituent EffectsElectron-donating groups (EDGs) activate, EWGs deactivateElectron-withdrawing groups (EWGs) activate, EDGs deactivate
ExamplesNitration, Halogenation, Friedel-Crafts Alkylation/AcylationReaction of chlorobenzene with NaOH under harsh conditions (SNAr)

Advantages and Disadvantages

Reaction TypeAdvantagesDisadvantages
EAS– Versatile for introducing a wide variety of functional groups– Often requires catalysts (e.g., Lewis acids)
– Mild reaction conditions in many cases– Regioselectivity can be challenging (mixture of ortho/para products)
NAS– Useful for introducing specific functional groups under certain conditions– Typically requires harsh reaction conditions (high temperature/pressure)
– Can provide access to otherwise difficult-to-synthesize compounds– Limited substrate scope (often requires activated aromatic rings)


  • Both involve the replacement of an atom or group on the aromatic ring.
  • Both proceed through intermediates that disrupt the aromaticity of the ring, which is later restored.
  • Both are influenced by the nature and position of substituents on the aromatic ring.


1. Why are EWGs required for NAS?

Electron-withdrawing groups (EWGs) like nitro (-NO2) groups make the aromatic ring more electron-deficient, facilitating the attack of a nucleophile. They also stabilize the intermediate Meisenheimer complex.

2. What is the role of Lewis acids in EAS?

Lewis acids, such as AlCl3 or FeBr3, enhance the electrophilicity of the attacking species by forming complexes, making them more reactive towards the electron-rich aromatic ring.

3. Can NAS occur without EWGs?

Yes, but it’s less common and often requires extreme conditions. Mechanisms like the benzyne mechanism or SRN1 allow NAS to proceed in the absence of strong EWGs.

4. What are some applications of EAS and NAS in Industry?

  • EAS: Synthesis of dyes, pharmaceuticals, and explosives.
  • NAS: Production of herbicides, pesticides, and certain polymers.

5. How do substituents affect the regioselectivity of EAS?

  • EDGs: Direct the incoming electrophile to ortho and para positions.
  • EWGs: Direct the incoming electrophile to the meta position.

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