Difference between Func delegate and action delegate in chash

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>Func and Action delegates in C#, combining a detailed comparison, pros/cons, similarities, and frequently asked questions.

Introduction to C# Delegates

In C#, delegates are like type-safe function pointers. They allow you to treat methods as variables, pass them around, and invoke them indirectly. The Func and Action delegates are built-in shortcuts for common delegate scenarios.

Key Differences: Func vs. Action

FeatureFunc DelegateAction Delegate
Return ValueReturns a value (specified by the last type parameter)Does not return a value (void)
UsageIdeal when you need a method to produce a resultUsed when a method performs an action without needing to give back a result
Type ParametersTakes up to 16 input type parameters and one output type parameterTakes up to 16 input type parameters
ExampleFunc<int, int, int> add = (x, y) => x + y;Action<string> print = message => Console.WriteLine(message);

Advantages and Disadvantages

Func Delegate

Flexibility: Can handle methods that return a value of any type.Overhead: Might be slightly slower due to the return value handling.
Functional Programming: Fits well with functional programming paradigms like LINQ.Less Common: Not as frequently used as Action in some scenarios.

Action Delegate

Simplicity: Straightforward for actions that don’t require a return value.Limited Use: Cannot be used when you need the method to produce a result.
Common Use: Frequently used for event handlers and asynchronous operations.Less Functional: Doesn’t align as naturally with functional programming styles.


  • Delegate Type: Both Func and Action are delegate types.
  • Type Safety: They enforce type safety for the methods they represent.
  • Parameter Count: Both can take up to 16 input parameters.
  • Built-in: They are part of the .NET framework, readily available in the System namespace.


1. When should I use Func over Action (or vice versa)?

Use Func when you need the method to return a result that you’ll use in your code. Use Action when the method performs an operation but doesn’t need to give anything back.

2. Can I use Func or Action with methods that have ref or out parameters?

Yes, you can use them with methods that have ref or out parameters, but you’ll need to create a custom delegate type instead of relying on the built-in Func or Action.

3. Are Func and Action the only built-in delegate types?

No, there’s also Predicate<T> for methods that return a boolean result (true/false).

4. How do I create my own custom delegate types?

You can use the delegate keyword to define a custom delegate with your desired signature:

delegate void MyCustomDelegate(int x, string y);

5. Can I use lambda expressions with Func and Action?

Lambda expressions are a concise way to work with delegates:

Func<int, int> square = x => x * x;
Action<string> greet = name => Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}!");

Let me know if you’d like more examples or have any other questions.
