Difference between Function overriding and method hiding in chash

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>function overriding and method hiding in C#.


In object-oriented programming, inheritance allows you to create new classes (derived classes) based on existing classes (base classes). This fosters code reusability and promotes a hierarchical structure. Both function overriding and method hiding are mechanisms that influence how methods behave in a class hierarchy, but they have distinct characteristics and use cases.

Key Differences: Function Overriding vs. Method Hiding

FeatureFunction OverridingMethod Hiding
RelationshipEstablishes an “is-a” relationship between the base and derived methodsCreates distinct methods with the same name in the base and derived classes
Runtime BindingUses dynamic (late) bindingUses static (early) binding
AccessibilityMust have the same access modifier or less restrictive in the derived classCan have different access modifiers
Calling MechanismDetermined by the object’s runtime typeDetermined by the reference variable’s type
Virtual/Non-VirtualBase method must be declared as virtualBase method can be virtual or non-virtual
PolymorphismSupports runtime polymorphismDoes not inherently support runtime polymorphism

Advantages and Disadvantages

FeatureFunction OverridingMethod Hiding
AdvantagesEnables runtime polymorphism, enhancing flexibilityAllows versioning of methods without breaking existing code
DisadvantagesRequires careful design to avoid unexpected behaviorCan lead to confusion if not used judiciously


  • Both allow a derived class to define a method with the same name and signature as a method in its base class.
  • They are mechanisms for customization of behavior in inheritance hierarchies.


  1. When should I use function overriding?
    Use it when you want to provide a specialized implementation of a base class method that aligns with the derived class’s specific behavior. This is especially valuable when working with polymorphism.

  2. When should I use method hiding?
    Consider it if you need to introduce a new version of a method in the derived class while keeping the original method in the base class intact. This can be useful for compatibility reasons.

  3. Can I combine function overriding and method hiding?
    Yes, but it’s generally discouraged, as it can make your code harder to understand and maintain.

  4. Why is function overriding considered better for polymorphism?
    Function overriding allows the runtime system to determine the correct method to call based on the object’s actual type, which is the essence of polymorphism.

  5. Are there any performance implications associated with either mechanism?
    Function overriding involves a small performance overhead due to the dynamic dispatch mechanism. Method hiding typically has no significant performance impact.

Illustrative Code Example

class Animal
    public virtual void MakeSound()
        Console.WriteLine("Generic animal Sound");

class Dog : Animal
    public override void MakeSound() // Function overriding

class Cat : Animal
    public new void MakeSound() // Method hiding

// Usage
Animal animal1 = new Dog();
Animal animal2 = new Cat();
animal1.MakeSound(); // Output: Woof! (Function overriding)
animal2.MakeSound(); // Output: Generic animal sound (Method hiding)

Cat cat = new Cat();
cat.MakeSound(); // Output: Meow! (Method hiding)

Let me know if you’d like a deeper dive into any of these concepts or have any more questions!