Difference between Isset and empty in php

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>nuances of isset() and empty() in PHP.


PHP provides two handy functions, isset() and empty(), to check the state and value of variables. While they might seem similar, they serve distinct purposes and have subtle differences that are crucial to understand for effective PHP development.

Key Differences Between isset() and empty()

PurposeChecks if a variable is declared and its value is not NULL.Checks if a variable is considered “empty”.
Empty Values ConsideredOnly NULL.“”, 0, 0.0, “0”, NULL, FALSE, array() (empty array), and variables declared without a value.
Undefined VariablesReturns FALSE and may trigger a notice (if error reporting is enabled).Returns TRUE without any warnings.
Return TypeBoolean (TRUE or FALSE)Boolean (TRUE or FALSE)
Common UsageChecking if form fields are submitted, verifying if optional function parameters are provided.Validating user input, checking if Database query results are empty, conditionally displaying content.

Advantages and Disadvantages

isset()More precise check for the existence of a variable, can be used to suppress notices for undefined variables.Doesn’t consider “empty” values like 0 or an empty string.
empty()Convenient for checking if a variable has a meaningful value, handles a wider range of “empty” values.Less precise, may mask undefined variables, can lead to unexpected behavior if not used carefully.


  • Both functions are used for variable validation.
  • Both return Boolean values (TRUE or FALSE).
  • Both are built-in PHP functions.


  1. When should I use isset()? Use isset() when you specifically need to check if a variable has been declared and its value is not NULL. This is common when dealing with optional form fields or function parameters.

  2. When should I use empty()? Use empty() when you want to determine if a variable lacks a meaningful value. This is often used for input validation and conditional content display.

  3. Can I use both isset() and empty() together? Yes, you can use them together if you need a very specific combination of checks. For example, you might check if a variable is set AND not empty before processing it.

  4. Why does empty() return TRUE for 0 or “0”? In PHP, the values 0 and “0” are considered “empty” because they represent a lack of numerical or string value.

  5. How can I avoid notices when using isset() with undefined variables? You can either check if the variable is set before using it (if (isset($var)) { ... }), or you can use the error suppression operator (@isset($var)). However, using the error suppression operator is generally discouraged as it can mask potential errors.

Example Code

$username = $_POST['username'];  // Assuming a form field

if (isset($username)) {
    echo "Username submitted: $username";
} else {
    echo "Username not submitted.";

if (!empty($username)) {
    echo "Username is not empty.";
} else {
    echo "Please enter a username.";

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