Difference between Parameter and statistic

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>parameters and statistics, including their differences, advantages, disadvantages, similarities, and frequently asked questions.


In the realm of statistics, understanding the difference between a parameter and a statistic is crucial. While both are numerical values used to describe characteristics of data, they differ fundamentally in what they represent.

  • Parameter: A parameter is a fixed, unknown numerical value that describes an entire Population. It’s a constant value that exists in theory, but in practice, it’s usually impossible or impractical to obtain for the entire population.
  • Statistic: A statistic is a known, variable numerical value that describes a sample, a subset of the population. It’s calculated from sample data and used to estimate the unknown population parameter.

Key Differences: Parameter vs. Statistic

DefinitionA numerical characteristic of a populationA numerical characteristic of a sample
NotationGreek letters (e.g., μ for population mean, σ for population std. deviation)Roman letters (e.g., x̄ for sample mean, s for sample std. deviation)
ValueFixed and usually unknownVariable and known
PurposeDescribes the entire populationEstimates population parameters
Obtained fromCensus or complete enumeration (rarely feasible)Sample data
ExampleAverage income of all households in a countryAverage income of 1000 randomly selected households in a country

Advantages and Disadvantages

AdvantagesProvides a complete and accurate description of the population. If known, it’s the most reliable information.Easier and more practical to obtain since it only requires data from a sample.
DisadvantagesOften unknown and difficult to obtain, especially for large populations.Subject to sampling variability and may not perfectly represent the population.


  • Both parameters and statistics are numerical measures.
  • Both are used to summarize and describe data characteristics.
  • Both play a crucial role in statistical inference.

FAQs on Parameter vs. Statistic

  1. Why are parameters important? Parameters are important because they provide the true values that describe the population. If we know the parameters, we have complete information about the population’s characteristics.

  2. Why do we use statistics if we want to know about parameters? It’s often impossible or impractical to collect data from an entire population. Statistics allow us to make inferences about the unknown parameters based on information from a sample.

  3. How do we choose a good statistic? A good statistic should be unbiased (its expected value should equal the parameter), consistent (it should get closer to the parameter as the sample size increases), and efficient (it should have the smallest possible Variance among all unbiased estimators).

  4. What is the relationship between a parameter and a statistic? A statistic is an estimator of a parameter. We use statistics to estimate the unknown values of parameters.

  5. Can a statistic ever equal a parameter? Yes, it’s possible, but unlikely. A statistic is a random variable, and its value depends on the particular sample we select. If we happen to select a sample that perfectly represents the population, then the statistic will equal the parameter. However, this is rarely the case.


Imagine you want to know the average height of all students in a university. The average height of all students is a parameter (μ). You could measure the height of every single student (a census), but that would be time-consuming and expensive. Instead, you select a random sample of 100 students and measure their heights. The average height of this sample is a statistic (x̄). You can use this statistic to estimate the unknown parameter (μ), the average height of all students in the university.

Let me know if you’d like more examples or clarification on any of these points!