Difference between React and react native

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>differences between React and React Native, along with their pros, cons, similarities, and some frequently asked questions.


React and React Native are two powerful technologies developed and maintained by Meta (formerly Facebook). Both are based on the core concept of reusable components, making them efficient tools for building user interfaces. However, they cater to different platforms and have distinct use cases.

React (ReactJS or React.js) is a JavaScript library primarily used for building user interfaces for web applications. It excels at creating dynamic, interactive single-page applications (SPAs) and complex components that can efficiently update and render.

React Native is a framework that leverages React to enable the development of native mobile applications for iOS and Android. It allows developers to write code primarily in JavaScript that translates into native UI components, resulting in apps with a look and feel very similar to those built with platform-specific languages.

Key Differences: React vs. React Native

FeatureReactReact Native
PlatformWeb (runs in the browser)iOS and Android (native mobile apps)
RenderingRenders HTML Elements using a virtual DOMRenders native UI components (views, texts, images) using native APIs
StylingUses CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)Uses React Native styles (similar to CSS but with different syntax)
NavigationUses libraries like React Router or reach-routerUses React Navigation or other mobile-specific navigation libraries
AnimationUses CSS animations or JavaScript librariesUses Animated API or other React Native animation libraries
GesturesLimited support, requires additional librariesExtensive support for touch-based interactions through native APIs
Development ToolsStandard JavaScript tools (create-react-app, webpack, Babel, etc.)React Native CLI, Expo, Xcode (iOS), Android Studio

Advantages and Disadvantages



  • Component Reusability: Promotes modular development and easy maintenance.
  • Virtual DOM: Enables efficient updates and improves performance.
  • Large Community: Vast Resources, tutorials, and libraries available.
  • SEO-Friendly: Web apps built with React are generally easier to optimize for search engines.
  • Declarative Syntax: Makes code more readable and predictable.


  • Learning Curve: Can be steep for beginners, especially the JSX syntax.
  • View-Centric: May require additional libraries for state management and routing.
  • Overkill for Simple Projects: Might be excessive for small websites.

React Native


  • Cross-Platform: Write code once and deploy on both iOS and Android.
  • Native Performance: Apps feel native due to the use of native UI elements.
  • Fast Refresh: Instant feedback during development.
  • Hot Reloading: Update code without losing app state.
  • Code Reuse: Share code with web applications (with some limitations).


  • Performance Bottlenecks: May not be as performant as purely native apps for highly complex or graphically intensive tasks.
  • Limited UI Components: Not every native UI element is readily available, requiring custom components at times.
  • Dependency on Native Modules: Certain features might require bridging with native code (Java/Kotlin for Android, Swift/Objective-C for iOS).
  • Platform-Specific Quirks: Some UI elements might behave slightly differently on iOS and Android.
  • Larger App Size: React Native apps are generally larger than purely native apps.

Similarities between React and React Native

  • Component-Based Architecture: Both use reusable components as building blocks for UIs.
  • JSX Syntax: Both employ JSX (JavaScript XML) to define UI structures.
  • State Management: Both use the concept of “state” to manage dynamic data.
  • Props: Both pass data down the component hierarchy using “props.”
  • Lifecycle Methods: Both have similar lifecycle methods for components.


1. Should I learn React or React Native first?

If you are new to frontend development, it’s generally recommended to learn React first. This will give you a solid understanding of component-based architecture, JSX, and other core concepts that apply to both React and React Native. Once you’re comfortable with React, transitioning to React Native will be much smoother.

2. Can I reuse code between React and React Native?

Yes, to a certain extent. Business logic and some components can be shared, but UI components usually need to be platform-specific due to the different rendering mechanisms.

3. Is React Native suitable for all types of mobile apps?

While React Native is a powerful tool for many mobile apps, it might not be the best choice for highly performance-critical or graphically intensive applications. For such cases, purely native development might be more suitable.
