Difference between Tkinter s tk and toplevel classes

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>Tkinter’s Tk and Toplevel classes, presented with the requested structure:


Tkinter is Python’s de facto standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) library. It’s a wrapper around the Tk toolkit, providing a convenient way to create cross-platform desktop applications. Within Tkinter, two essential classes are Tk and Toplevel, which represent windows. While they share some similarities, understanding their key differences is crucial for effective GUI design.

Key Differences: Tk vs. Toplevel

RoleRepresents the root window (main application window) of your Tkinter application.Represents a secondary, independent window within your application.
InstantiationsYou can only have one instance of Tk in a single application.You can create multiple instances of Toplevel.
Closing BehaviorClosing the Tk window terminates the entire application.Closing a Toplevel window closes only that specific window.
Parent-Child RelationThe Tk window is the ultimate parent of all other widgets in the application.A Toplevel window can be a child of the Tk window or another Toplevel window.
UsageTypically used to hold the main interface Elements of your application.Commonly used for dialog boxes, pop-up windows, or additional views.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Tk– Essential for creating any Tkinter application.– Closing it terminates the whole application.
– Automatically manages the main event loop.– Limited flexibility for creating multiple independent windows.
Toplevel– Allows for creating multiple independent windows.– Requires explicit management of each Toplevel instance.
– Ideal for dialog boxes, pop-ups, and secondary views.– Can potentially clutter the user interface if overused.


  • Both Tk and Toplevel inherit from the wm (window manager) class, providing common window-related methods (e.g., title, geometry, resizable).
  • They can both contain widgets (buttons, labels, etc.) and manage their layout using geometry managers (pack, grid, place).
  • Both support event handling for user interactions (mouse clicks, keyboard events).


Q: Do I always need a Tk instance in my Tkinter application?
A: Yes. The Tk instance is fundamental; it initializes the Tk toolkit and manages the main event loop, which is necessary for your application to run.

Q: Can I create a Toplevel window without a Tk window?
A: No. A Toplevel window requires a parent, which can be either the Tk window or another Toplevel window.

Q: Why would I choose to use multiple Toplevel windows instead of just the main Tk window?
A: Toplevel windows offer flexibility for organizing your application’s UI. They can be used to:
– Separate different sections of your application.
– Display dialog boxes or alerts.
– Create pop-up menus or tooltips.
– Show additional views or Options.

Q: When should I avoid using too many Toplevel windows?
A: Be mindful of cluttering the user interface. Too many windows can make your application overwhelming and difficult to navigate. Use Toplevel windows judiciously and consider alternative UI elements like tabs or expandable sections if they better suit your design.

Let me know if you’d like more examples or specific use cases for Tk and Toplevel in Tkinter.