Difference between union and union all with Advantages and similarities

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>In SQL, the UNION and UNION ALL operators are used to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements. While they are similar in functionality, there are key differences between them that affect the output and performance of queries. Understanding these differences is crucial for Database optimization and ensuring accurate data retrieval. This ARTICLE delves into the key differences, advantages, disadvantages, similarities, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding UNION and UNION ALL.

DefinitionCombines the result sets of two or more SELECT statements and removes duplicate rows.Combines the result sets of two or more SELECT statements, including all duplicates.
Duplicate RowsRemoves duplicate rows from the combined result set.Retains all duplicate rows in the combined result set.
PerformanceGenerally slower due to the overhead of removing duplicates.Generally faster because it does not perform duplicate removal.
Usage ScenarioUsed when duplicate rows are not desired in the result set.Used when all rows, including duplicates, are required in the result set.
Memory UsageRequires more memory for sorting and removing duplicates.Uses less memory as it does not need to sort or remove duplicates.
ComplexitySlightly more complex due to the de-duplication process.Simpler in execution as it simply combines all rows.
Result SetContains unique rows only.Contains all rows from the combined SELECT statements, including duplicates.

A: Use UNION when you need to ensure that the combined result set contains only unique rows. This is useful for reports, summaries, and analyses where duplicates would be misleading or incorrect.

Q: When should I use UNION ALL?

A: Use UNION ALL when you want to include all rows from the combined result sets, including duplicates. This is beneficial for performance reasons and when duplicates are acceptable or necessary for the analysis.

Q: Can I use UNION or UNION ALL with different numbers of columns in the SELECT statements?

A: No, both UNION and UNION ALL require that the SELECT statements have the same number of columns with compatible data types.

Q: Does the order of SELECT statements affect the result of UNION or UNION ALL?

A: The order of the SELECT statements does not affect the result in terms of content, but it can affect the order of rows in the final result set.

Q: Can I use ORDER BY with UNION or UNION ALL?

A: Yes, you can use ORDER BY at the end of the combined query to sort the final result set. However, each individual SELECT statement cannot have its own ORDER BY clause when using UNION or UNION ALL.

Q: What is the impact of using UNION on large datasets?

A: Using UNION on large datasets can significantly impact performance due to the overhead of removing duplicates. It’s important to consider this and use UNION ALL if duplicates are not a concern.

Q: How can I optimize queries using UNION?

A: To optimize queries using UNION, ensure that indexes are used effectively, avoid unnecessary columns in the SELECT statements, and consider using UNION ALL if duplicates are not an issue.

Q: Is there a way to remove duplicates from UNION ALL results?

A: Yes, you can use DISTINCT in the SELECT statement before combining results with UNION ALL to remove duplicates. However, this approach may not be as efficient as using UNION.

Q: Can I combine more than two SELECT statements with UNION or UNION ALL?

A: Yes, both UNION and UNION ALL can be used to combine multiple SELECT statements, not just two.

Q: Are there any specific database management systems (DBMS) that handle UNION or UNION ALL differently?

Understanding the differences between UNION and UNION ALL is essential for efficient SQL query writing and database management. While UNION ensures unique results by removing duplicates, UNION ALL provides a performance advantage by retaining all rows. Each operator has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the query. By knowing when to use each operator and considering the performance implications, database administrators and developers can optimize their queries for better efficiency and accuracy.