Telangana Information Trust

<<2/”>a href=””>p>The Telangana Information Trust (TIT), founded in 1996 by Captain L. Pandu Ranga Reddy, a retired army officer, emerged as a crucial Catalyst in the rekindled Telangana movement of the 1990s. The trust's primary objective was to disseminate information and create awareness about the historical injustices, economic disparities, and political marginalization faced by the Telangana region within the unified Andhra Pradesh.

Dissemination of Information

TIT played a pivotal role in disseminating information about the Telangana issue through various channels. The trust published a wide range of materials, including books, pamphlets, booklets, and newsletters, that delved into the historical, economic, social, and cultural aspects of the Telangana identity and its grievances. These publications provided a comprehensive understanding of the region's unique history, its contributions to the state, and the systematic neglect it had suffered.

TIT also organized seminars, conferences, and workshops, inviting scholars, activists, and political leaders to discuss the Telangana issue and its implications. These events served as platforms for intellectuals to share their research and perspectives, fostering a deeper understanding of the issue among the public.

Raising Awareness

TIT's efforts to raise awareness about the Telangana issue were not limited to intellectual circles. The trust reached out to the grassroots level, organizing public meetings and rallies in various towns and villages across the region. These events provided a platform for ordinary people to voice their grievances and express their aspirations for a separate state.

TIT also utilized the media to amplify its message. The trust published articles and opinion pieces in newspapers and magazines, and its members participated in television debates and interviews to articulate the Telangana perspective. This media outreach helped to create a wider public discourse on the issue and garner support for the Telangana movement.

Mobilising Public Opinion

TIT's activities played a crucial role in mobilizing public opinion in favor of a separate Telangana state. The trust's publications and events helped to create a collective consciousness among the people of Telangana about their shared identity, grievances, and aspirations.

TIT also played a key role in coordinating and networking with other organizations and groups working for the Telangana cause. This collaborative approach strengthened the movement and created a united front for demanding a separate state.

Challenges and Impact

TIT's efforts were not without challenges. The trust faced opposition and criticism from various quarters, including the State Government and pro-unity groups. The trust's members were often subjected to harassment and intimidation, and its activities were sometimes disrupted by those opposed to the Telangana movement.

Despite these challenges, TIT's impact was undeniable. The trust's relentless efforts to disseminate information, raise awareness, and mobilize public opinion played a crucial role in creating a conducive Environment for the formation of Telangana as a separate state in 2014.


The Telangana Information Trust's legacy extends beyond the formation of the state. The trust continues to work towards promoting the interests of Telangana and its people. It remains committed to preserving and promoting the region's unique cultural heritage, advocating for its development, and ensuring that the aspirations of the people are fulfilled.

TIT's work serves as a testament to the power of information and awareness in mobilizing social movements and achieving political change. It demonstrates the crucial role that civil Society organizations can play in shaping public discourse, influencing policy decisions, and promoting social Justice.