Irrigation and Hydropower of Odisha

<<2/”>a >a href=””>Irrigation and Hydropower of Odisha



Irrigation assumes a noteworthy part in destitution diminishment and financial development. State Government is giving high need to Irrigation Development. The state has a developed place that is known for 61.80 lakh hectares.

It has been surveyed that 49.90 lakh hectares can be brought under water system scope through significant, medium and minor (stream and lift) water system ventures. Water system improvement has not made much progress in the state in the pre-freedom time.

Scarcely 1.83 lakh hectares of water system offices were made. After presentation of Five Year Plan by Govt. of India in 1951, endeavours were made for fast outfitting of water assets and much accentuation was laid to quicken the water system advancement.

A decent number of significant, medium and minor water system ventures have been built in the state amid most recent six decades, in this manner expanding water system offices from 1.83 lakh hectares in 1951 to 36.47 lakh hectares in 2016. The water system offices made through various sources are given beneath.


Water system Potential Utilization •

The water system potential made and used since 2000-01 is given in the accompanying table. The hole • between potential made and used is credited to many components, yet the primary reasons are outdated LIPs, MIPs, disintegration of circulation frameworks of water system ventures. Activities have been taken to limit the hole between potential made and used. Channel • framework change works in a portion of the major and medium water system ventures were finished through various plans. At display following plans are being actualized to limit the hole between potential creation and usage.

  • State subsidized Canal Lining and System Rehabilitation Program (CLSRP) and RIDF • supported by NABARD are being executed for trench framework change works of significant, medium and minor water system ventures.

Another plan “Recovery of old LIPs” initiated to revieve outdated LIPs.

Odisha Comunity Tank Management Project (OCTMP) supported by World Bank and RR&R subsidized by Government of India are being executed for restoration/modernisation of derilict/mostly derilict MIPs.

Trench framework change work of 11 noteworthy and medium water system ventures and 1400 lift Irrigation ventures are additionally being executed under ADB subsidized Odisha Integrated Irrigated agriculture and Water Management and Investment Projects (OIIAWMIP).

Notwithstanding above, CAD and WM works have been scaled up in various major and medium water system ventures to limit the hole.


1.Major & Medium Irrigation Sector It has been assessed that 31.30 lakh hectares cultivable land can be brought under irrigation through major & medium irrigation projects. By end of March 2016, irrigation facilities of 14.00 lakh hectares has been created. At present 20 major & medium irrigation projects to provide irrigation to 4.38 lakh hectares are in progress. Following table represents the status of ongoing major and medium irrigation projects in the state as on 31.03.2016.


  1. Minor Irrigation (Flow)

It has been evaluated that 9.70 lakh hectares of cultivable land can be given water system offices through minor (stream) ventures. By end of March 2016, water system offices has been made in 6.30 lakh hectares. MI association of DOWR is looking after development, operation and support of Minor Irrigation (stream) ventures with water system summon zone more than 40 hectares. The MIPs with water system summon zone under 40 hectares are cared for by Panchayati Raj Department.


  1. Lift Irrigation

It has been surveyed that 8.90 lakh hectares of cultivable land can be given water system offices through smaller scale Lift Irrigation Projects. By end of Walk 2016, water system offices of 6.34 lakh hectares has been made. Furthermore, water system offices of 2.70 lakh hactares made through as of late propelled Bore


Schemes / Programmes

Following Schemes / Programmes are beingimplemented for irrigation development.


 Accelerated Irrigation BenefitProgramme AIBP).

 Rural Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE-development/”>Infrastructure Development Fund(RIDF).

 Biju Krushak Vikash Yojana (BKVY)

 Japan International Co-operation Agency(JICA)

 Odisha Integrated Irrigated Agricultureand Water Management InvestmentProgramme (OIIAWMIP)

 Odisha Community Tank ManagementProject (OCTMP)

 Dam Rehabilitation and ImprovementProject (DRIP)

 Check Dam construction programme.

 Deep Bore-well irrigation programme.

 Repair, Renovation, Restoration of waterbodies. (RR&R)

 Megalift Construction Programme.

 Canal Lining & System RehabilitationProgramme (CLSRP)

 Revival of defunct LIPs.


Hydropower of Odisha

Odisha has number of rivers, although all are not perennial. Hirakud dam is the largest dam in the India on Mahanadi, which makes a large basin in Odisha. Below are the major rivers in state:


Major hydroelectric project in state:

Below are the major hydroelectric projects in state

  • Balimela Reservoir

The Balimela Reservoir is situated in Malkangiri locale, Odisha, India on the stream Sileru which is a tributary of the Godavari river. The gross stockpiling limit of Balimela store is 3610 million cubic meters.


Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Odisha states went into assentions to build Balimela dam as a joint undertaking and offer the Sileru stream waters accessible similarly at Balimela dam site. Odisha built up the 360 MW (6 × 60 MW units) control house by occupying the Balimela waters to the Potteru sub-waterway bowl. A flood at Surlikonda over the Potteru stream was built to divert the release from Balimela Power House into two principle channels for water system; one on the correct side named Tamasha Main Canal and the second on the left side named Gompakonda Main Canal. These two channels were built under the Potteru Irrigation Project for water system in Malkangiri area, the most in reverse locale of the state and in this way lifting the expectation for everyday comforts of the occupants. Two more power age units 75 MW each were added under stage-2 to build the introduced limit up to 510 MW.

The offer of Andhra Pradesh from the accessible water in the Belimela is discharged downstream into the waterway for producing Hydro Power situated at Upper Sileru, Donkarai and lower Sileru Hydro control stations at last using the water for water system in the Godavari delta amid dry season.


  • Chipilima Hydro Power plant

Chipilima Hydro Electric Project (CHEP) is a hydropower plant found iat Chipilima, Sambalpur, Odisha, India.

The Odisha government has plans for the modernisation of fifth and sixth unit of Burla Hydro Electric Project (BHEP) and third unit of Chipilima Hydro Electric Project (CHEP) amid the eleventh five year design tenure. which as a result prompt modernisation and remodel of the first and the second unit of Chipilima Hydro-Electric Project (CHEP) has been finished extending the life span of these two units. This venture being a piece of the other hydro electric activities of Odisha aggregately contributed 5234 million unit in 2005-06, to 7354 million units in 2006-07, and to 7883 million units in 2008-09.


  • Hirakud Dam

Hirakud Dam is worked over the Mahanadi River, around 15 kilometers (9.3 mi) from Sambalpur in the territory of Odisha in India. Behind the dam expands a lake, Hirakud Reservoir, 55 km (34 mi) long. It is one of the main major multipurpose waterway valley ventures began after India’s autonomy.



  • Indravati Dam

Indravati Dam is a gravity dam on the Indravati River, around 90 km from Bhawanipatna in the province of Odisha in India. It is associated with the primary Indravati supply by means of 4.32 km long and 7 m dia head race burrow intended for a release limit of 210 cumecs and ending in a surge shaft. As of now it is the biggest power delivering dam in eastern India with a limit of 600 MW.

The Upper Indravati Project imagines preoccupation of water of the Indravati stream in its upper ventures into the Mahanadi waterway bowl for control age and water system. Notwithstanding the power house, the venture included development of 4 Dams over the Indravati and its tributaries, 8 dykes and two between connecting channels to frame a solitary supply with a live limit of 1,435.5 Million m3 and a flood crosswise over Hati stream in Mahanadi waterway basin.


  • Jalaput Dam

The Jalaput Dam is a hydroelectric dam based on the Machkund River, a tributary of the Godavari River in India which ascends in the Mudugal slopes of Visakhapatnam District and adjacent Ondra Gadda it turns into the limit between Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. For more than 48 km the waterway runs almost north along a winding course through the Padwa Valley. Around 48 km south of Jeypore, it twists westbound along the edge of the Plateau and after that all of a sudden tums at a short point toward the south-west down a lofty plunge prevalently known as Duduma Falls.


Irrigation and Hydropower in Odisha

Odisha is a state in eastern India. It is the 11th largest state in India by area and the 10th most populous state. The state is bordered by West Bengal to the north, Jharkhand to the northwest, Chhattisgarh to the west, Andhra Pradesh to the south, and the Bay of Bengal to the east. The capital of Odisha is Bhubaneswar.

Odisha has a tropical Climate. The Average temperature in the state ranges from 15 degrees Celsius to 35 degrees Celsius. The state receives an average annual rainfall of 1,200 mm.

Odisha is a land of rivers. The major rivers in the state are the Mahanadi, the Brahmani, the Baitarani, the Indravati, and the Subarnarekha. The Mahanadi is the longest river in Odisha. It originates in the Chhotanagpur Plateau and flows through the state for a distance of 850 km. The Brahmani is the second longest river in Odisha. It originates in the Eastern Ghats and flows through the state for a distance of 600 km. The Baitarani is the third longest river in Odisha. It originates in the Eastern Ghats and flows through the state for a distance of 480 km. The Indravati is the fourth longest river in Odisha. It originates in the Eastern Ghats and flows through the state for a distance of 450 km. The Subarnarekha is the fifth longest river in Odisha. It originates in the Eastern Ghats and flows through the state for a distance of 350 km.

Odisha is a rich agricultural state. The major crops grown in the state are rice, wheat, maize, pulses, oilseeds, and vegetables. The state is also a major producer of tea, coffee, and cashew nuts.

Odisha has a number of irrigation projects. The major irrigation projects in the state are the Hirakud Dam, the Balimela Dam, the Rengali Dam, the Upper Indravati Dam, and the Subarnarekha Dam. The Hirakud Dam is the largest dam in Odisha. It is located on the Mahanadi River. The Balimela Dam is located on the Brahmani River. The Rengali Dam is located on the Brahmani River. The Upper Indravati Dam is located on the Indravati River. The Subarnarekha Dam is located on the Subarnarekha River.

Odisha also has a number of hydropower projects. The major hydropower projects in the state are the Hirakud Hydroelectric Project, the Balimela Hydroelectric Project, the Rengali Hydroelectric Project, the Upper Indravati Hydroelectric Project, and the Subarnarekha Hydroelectric Project. The Hirakud Hydroelectric Project is the largest hydropower project in Odisha. It is located on the Mahanadi River. The Balimela Hydroelectric Project is located on the Brahmani River. The Rengali Hydroelectric Project is located on the Brahmani River. The Upper Indravati Hydroelectric Project is located on the Indravati River. The Subarnarekha Hydroelectric Project is located on the Subarnarekha River.

Irrigation and hydropower are important sectors of the economy-of-odisha/”>Economy of Odisha. These sectors provide EMPLOYMENT to a large number of people and contribute to the state’s GDP.

Irrigation is the artificial application of water to land to assist in the Growth of crops. It is one of the most important agricultural practices in the world. Irrigation helps to increase crop yields, improve crop quality, and reduce the risk of crop failure.

Hydropower is the generation of electricity from the flow of water. It is a RENEWABLE ENERGY source that is environmentally friendly. Hydropower is a major source of electricity in many countries around the world.

Odisha has a number of advantages for irrigation and hydropower. The state has a large number of rivers and reservoirs. The Climate of Odisha is suitable for agriculture. The state has a skilled workforce. The government of Odisha is supportive of the development of irrigation and hydropower.

The future of irrigation and hydropower in Odisha is bright. The state has the potential to become a major producer of food and electricity. The development of irrigation and hydropower will help to improve the lives of the people of Odisha.

Here are some frequently asked questions about irrigation and hydropower:

  • What is irrigation?
    Irrigation is the artificial application of water to land to assist in the growing of crops.

  • What are the different types of irrigation?
    There are many different types of irrigation, but the most common are surface irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation, and Drip Irrigation.

  • What are the benefits of irrigation?
    Irrigation can increase crop yields, improve crop quality, and extend the growing season. It can also help to reduce Soil erosion and improve water conservation.

  • What are the challenges of irrigation?
    Irrigation can be expensive, and it can also lead to Water Pollution and Salinization of soil.

  • What is hydropower?
    Hydropower is the generation of electricity from the flow of water.

  • How does hydropower work?
    Hydropower Plants use the energy of moving water to turn a turbine, which then generates electricity.

  • What are the benefits of hydropower?
    Hydropower is a renewable energy source that does not produce greenhouse gases. It is also a reliable source of electricity, and it can be used to store energy for later use.

  • What are the challenges of hydropower?
    Hydropower plants can have a negative impact on the Environment, such as by disrupting fish Migration and altering water flow patterns. They can also be expensive to build and operate.

  • What is the future of irrigation and hydropower?
    The future of irrigation and hydropower is uncertain. Climate Change is expected to make water Resources more scarce, which could make irrigation more expensive and difficult. Hydropower is also facing challenges, such as the need to protect the environment. However, both irrigation and hydropower are important sources of food and energy, and they are likely to continue to play a role in the future.

Sure, here are some MCQs about irrigation and hydropower in India:

  1. Which of the following states has the largest installed hydropower capacity in India?
    (A) Uttar Pradesh
    (B) Maharashtra
    (C) Gujarat
    (D) Madhya Pradesh

  2. Which of the following states has the largest area under irrigation in India?
    (A) Uttar Pradesh
    (B) Punjab
    (C) Haryana
    (D) Rajasthan

  3. Which of the following is the largest irrigation project in India?
    (A) Indira Gandhi Canal Project
    (B) Narmada Dam Project
    (C) Tehri Dam Project
    (D) Sardar Sarovar Dam Project

  4. Which of the following is the largest hydropower project in India?
    (A) Bhakra Nangal Dam Project
    (B) Tehri Dam Project
    (C) Sardar Sarovar Dam Project
    (D) Indira Gandhi Canal Project

  5. Which of the following is the main source of irrigation in India?
    (A) Canals
    (B) Wells
    (C) Tanks
    (D) Tube wells

  6. Which of the following is the main source of hydropower in India?
    (A) Rivers
    (B) Dams
    (C) Wind turbines
    (D) Solar panels

  7. Which of the following states has the highest per capita irrigation in India?
    (A) Punjab
    (B) Haryana
    (C) Uttar Pradesh
    (D) Rajasthan

  8. Which of the following states has the highest per capita hydropower in India?
    (A) Sikkim
    (B) Meghalaya
    (C) Arunachal Pradesh
    (D) Himachal Pradesh

  9. Which of the following is the main reason for the low irrigation efficiency in India?
    (A) Inefficient irrigation systems
    (B) Waterlogging and salinity
    (C) Overexploitation of groundwater
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is the main reason for the low hydropower potential in India?
    (A) Low rainfall
    (B) Low river flows
    (C) High cost of hydropower projects
    (D) All of the above

I hope these MCQs are helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions.