Freedom Movement in Assam

Freedom Movement in Assam

Assam has been under the rule of several dynasties among which the Varman dynasty, Koch, Kachari and Ahom are the most prominent ones. During the 13th century, Sukaphaa a Tai prince who belonged to Mong Mao, which is presently a part of China came to Assam crossing the Patkai range along with about 9000 followers and established the Ahom Dynasty in the year 1228. TheyA ruled over the state for about 600 years, during which the Delhi Sultanate and Mughals attacked the state 17 times but failed to establish their authority. However, with time the rule of Ahoms had weakened owing to the some internal politics. Assam was invaded by Burma thrice between 1817 and 1826 and during this time Kingdom of Assam (Ahom) came under the control of Burma from 1821 to 1825.

The First Anglo-Burmese War and the Treaty of Yandaboo in 1826 brought an end to the Burmese rile in Assam and marked the beginning of British rule. In the year 1826, British annexed the Ahom kingdom and in 1838 AD, all of northeast India became part of the Bengal Presidency of British India. The rule of the East India Company ended in 1858 and the whole of India came under the direct control of the British Crown. The assessment of land revenue was increased, and Income tax, stamp duties, etc., were also imposed by the new administration and it carried on trade in opium and salt in the State and earned considerable profit thereby. The British discovered that the region of Assam was an implicit goldmine for them and they got into the process of development and progress. The British dissolved the Ahom administrative structure, made Bengali the Official Language, and recruited Bengali Hindus for various posts instead of the local populace. Coal, limestone, and iron mines were opened and the government offered incentives to European entrepreneurs to start plantations for the production of tea, rubber, chinchona (source of quinine) hemp and jute. The British brought in contract labor from Bihar, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. By the turn of the century, one and a half million of such coolies were employed on 700 plantations producing 145 million pounds of tea annually.

The first revolt against the British was led by Dhananjay Borgohain and Gunadhar Konwar in 1828 AD. Gunadhar Konwar was sentenced to seven years in prison and Dhananjay Borgohain, having been sentenced to death fled to the Matak kingdom. There he secretly joined hands with his own sons Harakanta and Haranath, son-in-law Jeuram Dulia Baruah, and many others and made plans to attack Rangpur. But before they were betrayed by one of their associates, Sadiya Khowa Gohain and several members of the group were hanged and others were debarred from country. Thereafter, the British control over Assam was strengthened.  The famous Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 AD, found an echo in Assam under the Leadership of Maniram Dewan and Piyoli Barua, who were eventually hanged in 1858 AD. Meanwhile, the British had sought to clamp to linguistic freedom of the natives by introducing Bengali as the medium of instruction in 1837 AD. However it ended in a fiasco because owing to the efforts of the American Baptist Missionaries, and noted intellectuals of the day like Anandaram Dhekial Phukan, Hem Chandra Baruah, and Gunabhiram Baruah, Assamese was reinstated as the medium of instruction in 1873 AD.

Like all other Indian states, Assam as well played an important role in the freedom movement of India. Apart from Sepoy Mutiny, Assam took active part in every movement that led to India to attain Independence. The people of Assam made remarkable contributions at every stage of the freedom movement since 1920 to 1947. The visit of Mahatma Gandhi to the State in 1921 gave fillip to the freedom movement which had already gathered momentum in both valleys of Assam. Kanak Lata Barua, a 15 year old girl became the first martyr of the Quit India Movement in the year 1942 and many others namely Kushal Konwar, Kamala Miri, Maniram Dewan, Bhogeshwari Phukanani etc. also sacrificed their lives for their motherland. Assam’s contribution towards freedom movement of India cannot be ignored.

Quit india movement in assam

The Quit India Movement was the definitive freedom movement of India’s Independence Struggle. What made matters worse for the British was that this was during the heights of Second World War (1939–1945). Mahatma Gandhi’s iconic “Do-or-Die” slogan echoed in every Indian’s heart and mind. The arrest of Gandhi was met by violent protests, attacks on British Imperial buildings, courts, post-offices and such other establishments.Freedom Movement in Assam

In Assam too, prominent Congress leaders such as Gopinath Bordoloi, Md. Tayebullah, Siddhinath Sarma were arrested within days of the AICC resolution adopting the movement. Sattradhikar Pitambar Deva Goswami of Garmur Satra, Majuli was also arrested. The Assam Pradesh Congress Committee, Santi Sena and other outfits were declared unlawful by the British. Muslim League had boycotted the Movement, and the British resorting to communal appeasement once again on August 25, 1942 invited S.M. Sadullah to form the Government in Assam after President’s rule was lifted.

A Non-Congress Government could not deter the spirit of the protesters. Violent protests including snapping of railway lines occurred in Kamrup, Nagaon, Darrang, Sibsagar, Golaghat. In Barpeta houses of loyalists officers were destroyed.


The Freedom Movement in Assam was a long and complex struggle that involved many different groups and individuals. Some of the key subtopics include:

  • The Assamese Renaissance: This was a period of intellectual and cultural revival that began in the late 19th century. It led to a new sense of Assamese identity and a desire for greater autonomy.
  • The Swadeshi Movement: This was a boycott of British goods that began in 1905. It was part of a larger movement against British rule in India.
  • The Assamese Language Movement: This was a movement to establish Assamese as the official language of Assam. It began in the early 20th century and was successful in 1960.
  • The Quit India Movement: This was a mass movement against British rule that began in 1942. It was led by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru.
  • The Assam Accord: This was an agreement signed in 1985 between the Government of India and the All Assam Students Union (AASU). It ended the Assam Movement, which had been demanding greater autonomy for Assam.

The Freedom Movement in Assam was a significant event in the history of India. It helped to shape the modern state of Assam and its people.

The Assamese Renaissance

The Assamese Renaissance was a period of intellectual and cultural revival that began in the late 19th century. It was led by a group of Assamese intellectuals who were inspired by the ideas of the European Renaissance. The Assamese Renaissance had a profound impact on Assamese Society and culture. It led to the development of a new sense of Assamese identity and a desire for greater autonomy.

The Swadeshi Movement

The Swadeshi Movement was a boycott of British goods that began in 1905. It was part of a larger movement against British rule in India. The Swadeshi Movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. It was a mass movement that involved people from all walks of life. The Swadeshi Movement was successful in forcing the British to make some concessions to the Indian people.

The Assamese Language Movement

The Assamese Language Movement was a movement to establish Assamese as the official language of Assam. It began in the early 20th century and was successful in 1960. The Assamese Language Movement was led by a group of Assamese intellectuals who were concerned about the erosion of Assamese culture and language. The Assamese Language Movement was successful in getting the Government of India to recognize Assamese as an official language.

The Quit India Movement

The Quit India Movement was a mass movement against British rule that began in 1942. It was led by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. The Quit India Movement was a major turning point in the Indian independence struggle. It led to the British government’s decision to grant India independence in 1947.

The Assam Accord

The Assam Accord was an agreement signed in 1985 between the Government of India and the All Assam Students Union (AASU). It ended the Assam Movement, which had been demanding greater autonomy for Assam. The Assam Accord was a major victory for the Assamese people. It led to the implementation of a number of measures that were designed to protect the interests of the Assamese people.

The Freedom Movement in Assam was a long and complex struggle that involved many different groups and individuals. It was a significant event in the history of India. It helped to shape the modern state of Assam and its people.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the Freedom Movement in India:

  • What was the Freedom Movement in India?
    The Indian independence movement was a series of protests, demonstrations, and armed rebellions that took place in India between 1857 and 1947. The movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi and other Indian nationalists, who sought to end British rule in India.

  • When did the Freedom Movement in India start?
    The Indian independence movement began in 1857 with the Sepoy Mutiny. The mutiny was a revolt by Indian soldiers against the British East India Company.

  • Who were the leaders of the Freedom Movement in India?
    The leaders of the Indian independence movement included Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Subhash Chandra Bose. Gandhi was a lawyer and activist who led the nonviolent resistance movement against British rule. Nehru was a politician and writer who became the first prime minister of India. Bose was a military leader who founded the Indian National Army, which fought against the British in World War II.

  • What were the goals of the Freedom Movement in India?
    The goals of the Indian independence movement were to end British rule in India and to establish an independent Indian nation.

  • What were the methods used by the Freedom Movement in India?
    The Freedom Movement in India used a variety of methods, including nonviolent resistance, Armed Rebellion, and political agitation.

  • What were the achievements of the Freedom Movement in India?
    The Freedom Movement in India achieved its goal of independence for India. India gained independence from Britain on August 15, 1947.

  • What were the failures of the Freedom Movement in India?
    The Freedom Movement in India failed to prevent the partition of India into two separate countries, India and Pakistan. The partition of India led to widespread violence and displacement.

  • What was the impact of the Freedom Movement in India?
    The Freedom Movement in India had a profound impact on Indian Society and politics. The movement helped to create a sense of national identity among Indians and to promote Democracy and Secularism-2/”>Secularism in India.

  • What are the lessons that can be learned from the Freedom Movement in India?
    The Freedom Movement in India can teach us the importance of nonviolent resistance, the power of unity, and the need to fight for what we believe in.

  1. The first war of independence in India was fought in:
    (A) 1857
    (B) 1859
    (C) 1861
    (D) 1863

  2. The Indian National Congress was founded in:
    (A) 1885
    (B) 1887
    (C) 1889
    (D) 1891

  3. The Swadeshi movement was started in:
    (A) 1905
    (B) 1907
    (C) 1909
    (D) 1911

  4. The Non-Cooperation Movement was launched in:
    (A) 1920
    (B) 1922
    (C) 1924
    (D) 1926

  5. The Civil Disobedience Movement was launched in:
    (A) 1930
    (B) 1932
    (C) 1934
    (D) 1936

  6. The Quit India Movement was launched in:
    (A) 1942
    (B) 1944
    (C) 1946
    (D) 1948

  7. The Indian National Army was formed in:
    (A) 1942
    (B) 1944
    (C) 1946
    (D) 1948

  8. The Partition of India took place in:
    (A) 1947
    (B) 1948
    (C) 1949
    (D) 1950

  9. India became a republic in:
    (A) 1947
    (B) 1948
    (C) 1949
    (D) 1950

  10. The first Prime Minister of India was:
    (A) Jawaharlal Nehru
    (B) Mahatma Gandhi
    (C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
    (D) Dr. Rajendra Prasad