Birsa Movement

Birsa Movement

Birsa Munda (1875–1900) was an Indian tribal freedom fighter, religious leader, and folk hero who belonged to the Munda tribe. He spearheaded an Indian tribal religious Millenarian movement that arose in the tribal belt of modern-day Bihar and Jharkhand in the late 19th century, during the British Raj, thereby making him an important figure in the history of the Indian independence movement. His achievements are even more remarkable for having been accomplished before the age of 25.  His portrait hangs in the Central Hall of the Indian Parliament, the only tribal leader to have been so honored.

Munda Rebellion is one of the prominent 19th century tribal rebellions in the subcontinent. Birsa Munda led this movement in the region south of Ranchi in 1899-1900. the ulgulan, meaning ‘Great Tumult’, sought to establish Munda Raj and independence. The Mundas traditionally enjoyed a preferential rent rate as the khuntkattidar or the original clearer of the forest. But in course of the 19th century they had seen this khuntkatti land system being eroded by the jagirdars and thikadars coming as merchants and moneylenders.

This process of land alienation had begun long before the advent of the British. But the establishment and consolidation of British rule accelerated the mobility of the non-tribal people into the tribal regions. The incidence of forced labour or beth begari also increased dramatically. Unscrupulous contractors, moreover, had turned the region, into a recruiting ground for indentured labour. Yet another change associated with British rule was the appearance of a number of Lutheran, Anglican and Catholic missions. The spread of Education through missionary activities made the tribals more organised and conscious of their rights. Tribal solidarity was undermined as the social cleavage between the Christian and non-Christian Mundas deepened. The agrarian discontent and the advent of Christianity, therefore, helped the revitalisation of the movement, which sought to reconstruct the tribal Society disintegrating under the stresses and strains of colonial rule.

Birsa Munda (1874-1900), the son of a sharecropper who had received some education from the missionaries came under Vaishnava influence and in 1893-94 participated in a movement to prevent village wastelands from being taken over by the Forest Department. In 1895 Birsa, claiming to have seen a vision of god, proclaimed himself a prophet with miraculous healing powers. Thousands flocked to hear the ‘new word’ of Birsa with its prophecy of an imminent deluge. The new prophet became a critic of the traditional tribal customs, religious beliefs and practices. He called upon the Mundas to fight against superstition, give up animal sacrifice, stop taking Intoxicants, to wear the sacred thread and retain the tribal tradition of worship in the sarna or the sacred grove. It was essentially a revivalist movement, which sought to purge Munda society of all foreign Elements and restore its pristine character. Christianity influenced the movement as well and it used both Hindu and Christian idioms to create the Munda ideology and worldview.

An agrarian and political note was then injected into what initially was a religious movement. From 1858 onwards, Christian tribal raiyats had been on the offensive against alien landlords and beth begari through lawsuits. This was the mulkai ladai or the struggle for land, also known as the Sardari ladai. The complexion of Birsa Munda’s religious movement changed through its contact with the Sardar movement. Initially the Sardars (tribal chiefs) did not have much to do with Birsa, but once his popularity swelled they drew on him to provide a stable base for their own weakened struggle. Though influenced by the Sardars, Birsa, however, was not their mouthpiece and despite the common agrarian background of the two movements, there were considerable differences between them. The Sardars initially professed loyalty to the British and even to the Raja of Chhotanagpur and only wanted the elimination of intermediary interests. Birsa, on the other hand, had a positive political programme, his object being the attainment of independence, both religious and political. The movement sought the assertion of the rights of the Mundas as the real proprietors of the Soil. This ideal agrarian order, according to Birsa, would be possible in a world free from the influence of European officials and missionaries, thus necessitating the establishment of the Munda Raj.

The British, who feared a conspiracy, jailed Birsa for two years in 1895, but he returned from jail, much more of a firebrand. A series of nocturnal meetings were held in the forest during 1898-99, where Birsa allegedly urged the killing of thikadars, jagirdars, rajas, hakims and Christians.

The rebels attacked police stations and officials, churches and missionaries, and though there was an undercurrent of hostility against the dikus, there was no overt attack on them except in a couple of controversial cases. On Christmas Eve 1899, the Mundas shot arrows and tried to burn down churches over an area covering six police stations in the districts of Ranchi and Singhbhum. Next, in January 1900, the police stations were targeted and there were rumours that Birsa’s followers would attack Ranchi on 8 January, leading to panic there. On 9 January, however, the rebels were defeated. Birsa was captured and died in jail. Nearly 350 Mundas were put on trial and of them three were hanged and 44 transported for life.

The government attempted to redress the grievances of the Mundas through the survey and settlement operations of 1902-10. The Chhotanagpur Tenancy Act of 1908 provided some recognition to their khuntkatti rights and banned beth begari. Chhotanagpur tribals won a degree of legal protection for their land rights.


The Birsa Movement was a tribal rebellion against the British Raj in India. It was led by Birsa Munda, a tribal leader who was born in 1874. The movement began in 1895 and lasted until Birsa’s death in 1900.

The main goals of the Birsa Movement were to end British rule and to restore the rights of the tribal people. The movement was successful in achieving some of its goals, but it was ultimately unsuccessful in overthrowing British rule.

The Birsa Movement was a significant event in Indian history. It was one of the first major rebellions against British rule, and it helped to inspire other rebellions in the years that followed. The movement also helped to raise awareness of the plight of the tribal people in India.

Birsa Munda

Birsa Munda was born in 1874 in the village of Ulihatu in the Ranchi district of Jharkhand. He was the son of a Munda tribal chief. Birsa was educated at a mission school, but he was also exposed to the traditional beliefs and practices of his people.

Birsa began to speak out against British rule at a young age. He accused the British of exploiting the tribal people and of destroying their traditional way of life. He also called for the tribal people to unite and fight for their rights.

History of the Birsa Movement

The Birsa Movement began in 1895. The immediate cause of the movement was the British government’s decision to impose a new tax on the tribal people. The tax was seen as an unfair burden on the already impoverished tribal people.

The Birsa Movement also had deeper causes. The tribal people were suffering from economic exploitation, social discrimination, and religious persecution. They were also being displaced from their land by the British government.

Causes of the Birsa Movement

The Birsa Movement was caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Economic exploitation: The tribal people were being exploited by the British government and by the non-tribal landlords. They were forced to work for low wages and were often cheated out of their wages.
  • Social discrimination: The tribal people were discriminated against by the British government and by the non-tribal people. They were not allowed to own land or to hold government jobs.
  • Religious persecution: The tribal people were persecuted by the Christian missionaries. The missionaries tried to convert the tribal people to Christianity and to destroy their traditional culture.

Goals of the Birsa Movement

The main goals of the Birsa Movement were to:

  • End British rule
  • Restore the rights of the tribal people
  • Protect the tribal people from economic exploitation, social discrimination, and religious persecution

Methods of the Birsa Movement

The Birsa Movement used a variety of methods to achieve its goals, including:

  • Protests: The Birsa Movement organized protests against British rule. The protests were often violent and resulted in the deaths of many people.
  • Guerrilla warfare: The Birsa Movement also engaged in guerrilla warfare against the British government. The guerrilla fighters attacked British troops and government officials.
  • Social reform: The Birsa Movement also engaged in social reform. The movement tried to improve the lives of the tribal people by promoting education, Health care, and Economic Development.

Results of the Birsa Movement

The Birsa Movement was successful in achieving some of its goals. The British government was forced to make some concessions to the tribal people. The government also agreed to investigate the grievances of the tribal people.

However, the Birsa Movement was ultimately unsuccessful in overthrowing British rule. The movement was suppressed by the British government, and Birsa Munda was killed in 1900.

Impact of the Birsa Movement

The Birsa Movement had a significant impact on Indian history. It was one of the first major rebellions against British rule, and it helped to inspire other rebellions in the years that followed. The movement also helped to raise awareness of the plight of the tribal people in India.

Legacy of the Birsa Movement

The Birsa Movement is still remembered today. Birsa Munda is considered a hero by the tribal people of India. He is remembered for his courage, his Leadership, and his commitment to the rights of the tribal people.

What is the Birsa Movement?

The Birsa Movement was an indigenous uprising against British rule in India. It was led by Birsa Munda, a tribal leader who preached a return to traditional Munda values and a rejection of British rule. The movement began in 1895 and lasted until Birsa’s death in 1900.

What were the causes of the Birsa Movement?

The Birsa Movement was caused by a number of factors, including:

  • The British government’s policy of land alienation, which resulted in the loss of land by many tribal people.
  • The British government’s policy of forced labor, which required many tribal people to work for the government without pay.
  • The British government’s policy of religious conversion, which sought to convert tribal people to Christianity.
  • The British government’s policy of cultural suppression, which sought to destroy tribal culture and traditions.

What were the goals of the Birsa Movement?

The goals of the Birsa Movement were to:

  • Restore traditional Munda values and culture.
  • Reject British rule.
  • Obtain land rights for tribal people.
  • End forced labor.
  • Stop religious conversion.

What were the methods used by the Birsa Movement?

The Birsa Movement used a number of methods to achieve its goals, including:

  • Protests.
  • Demonstrations.
  • Attacks on government property.
  • Armed resistance.

What was the outcome of the Birsa Movement?

The Birsa Movement was ultimately unsuccessful in achieving its goals. However, it did succeed in drawing attention to the plight of tribal people in India and in forcing the British government to make some concessions.

What were the long-term effects of the Birsa Movement?

The Birsa Movement had a number of long-term effects, including:

  • It helped to raise awareness of the plight of tribal people in India.
  • It led to some concessions from the British government, such as the return of some land to tribal people.
  • It inspired other indigenous uprisings in India.
  • It helped to lay the foundation for the Indian independence movement.

What are some of the key figures in the Birsa Movement?

Some of the key figures in the Birsa Movement include:

  • Birsa Munda: The leader of the movement.
  • Thakur Vishwanath Shahdeo: A Munda leader who supported the movement.
  • Sidhu and Kanhu Murmu: Two Munda brothers who were early leaders of the movement.
  • Bhagwan Birsa: Birsa Munda’s son, who continued the movement after his father’s death.

What are some of the sources of information about the Birsa Movement?

Some of the sources of information about the Birsa Movement include:

  • Primary sources: These include documents and records from the time of the movement, such as government reports, newspaper articles, and eyewitness accounts.
  • Secondary sources: These include books, articles, and websites that have been written about the movement since it occurred.
  • Oral history: This includes interviews with people who lived through the movement or who have knowledge of it.

What are some of the challenges in studying the Birsa Movement?

Some of the challenges in studying the Birsa Movement include:

  • The lack of primary sources: Many of the documents and records from the time of the movement were destroyed or lost.
  • The bias of secondary sources: Many of the books, articles, and websites that have been written about the movement are biased in favor of one side or the other.
  • The difficulty of obtaining oral history: Many of the people who lived through the movement are no longer alive, and those who are may be reluctant to talk about it.

Sure, here are some MCQs about the topics you mentioned:

  1. The Birsa Movement was a tribal uprising against the British in the late 19th century. Which of the following was NOT a demand of the Birsa Movement?
    (A) The British should stop taking away tribal land.
    (B) The British should stop forcing tribal people to work for them.
    (C) The British should stop converting tribal people to Christianity.
    (D) The British should stop teaching tribal children in English.

  2. The Birsa Movement was successful in achieving some of its goals. Which of the following was NOT one of the movement’s successes?
    (A) The British government agreed to stop taking away tribal land.
    (B) The British government agreed to stop forcing tribal people to work for them.
    (C) The British government agreed to stop converting tribal people to Christianity.
    (D) The British government agreed to stop teaching tribal children in English.

  3. The Birsa Movement had a significant impact on the history of India. Which of the following is NOT one of the movement’s impacts?
    (A) The movement helped to raise awareness of the plight of tribal people in India.
    (B) The movement helped to inspire other tribal uprisings in India.
    (C) The movement helped to lead to the formation of the Indian National Congress.
    (D) The movement helped to lead to the independence of India.

  4. Birsa Munda was the leader of the Birsa Movement. He was born in 1874 in the village of Ulihatu in the Ranchi district of Jharkhand. He was a member of the Munda tribe. He was a charismatic leader who was able to unite the tribal people against the British. He was killed in 1900 in a battle with the British.

  5. The Birsa Movement was a significant event in the history of India. It was a major uprising by tribal people against the British. The movement was successful in achieving some of its goals, and it had a significant impact on the history of India.