Organisational Behaviour and Management Concepts



Organizing is the process of identification and grouping of activities, assigning duties and delegating authority to the managers, allocating necessary Resources and establishing coordination among individuals and department of an organization with a view to attain its objectives.




The process of organising consists of the following steps –


  1. Identification of activities: Every enterprise is created with a specific purpose. Based on this, the activities involved can be identified. For example, in a manufacturing firm, producing goods and selling them are the major activities in addition to routine activities like, paying salary to employees; raising loans from outside, paying taxes to the government etc. and these activities vary when the organisation is a service concern or a trading firm.


  1. Grouping of activities: Once activities are identified, then they need to be grouped. They are grouped in different ways. The activities which are similar in nature can be grouped as one and a separate department can be created. For example – activities undertaken before sale of a product, during the sale of the product and after the sale of the product can be grouped under the functions of a Marketing department. Normally, all activities of a manufacturing unit can be grouped into major functions like purchasing, production, marketing, accounting and finance, etc. and each function can be subdivided into various specific jobs.



  1. Assignment of Responsibilities: Having completed the exercise of identifying, grouping and classifying all activities into specific jobs, they can be assigned to individuals to take care of.


  1. Granting authority: On the basis of responsibilities given to specific individuals, they are also to be given the necessary authority to ensure effective performance.


  1. Establishing relationship: This is a very important job of management as everybody in the organisation should know as to who he/she is to report, thereby establishing a structure of relationships. By doing so, relationships become clear and delegation is facilitated.




Organization structure is a Network of formal authority relationships among people within which behaviour and activities of people are regulated for the accomplishment of organizational objectives.


Forms of Organizational Structure


  • Line Organization


  • Pure Line: – Activities at a particular level are same, every employee performs by & large the same type of work.


  • Departmental Line: – Whole work divided into functional Departments. Each Department works as a self-sufficient unit under the supervision & direction of a department manager who himself work under the immediate boss.


  • Line and Staff Organization


It is one that has line managers with direct vertical relationships between different levels in the organization in addition to the specialist responsible for advising and assisting the line managers.


  • Functional Organization


According to this, Line authority is channelized through the staff specialists. In such an organizational structure, Line authority runs through many functional experts who have authority to issue orders in their respective areas of specialisation.


  • Project Organization


It is a temporary structure designed to accomplish a specific task or project with the help of specialists drawn from different functional departments within the organization.



  • Matrix OR Grid Organization


It is permanent Organizational Structure designed to accomplish specific project or result by using using teams of specialists drawn from different functional departments within the organization.It is a combination of project organization and functional organization.


  • Committee Organization


It is a group of 2 or more appointed, nominated or elected persons to consider, discuss decide, recommend or report on some issue or matter assigned to it.



Informal & Formal Organization


Formal organisation refers to the officially established pattern of relationships among departments, divisions and individuals to achieve well-defined goals and is a consciously designed structure of roles.


Informal organisations on the other hand, refers to relationship between individuals in the organisation based on personal attitudes, likes and dislikes and originates to meet their social and emotional needs and develops spontaneously.




The active process of entrustment of a part of work or responsibility and authority to another and the creation of accountability for performance is known as delegation. Thus, there are three Elements of delegation as follows-


  • Assignment of Responsibility: This is also known as entrustment of duties. Duties can be divided into two parts: one part, that the individual can perform himself and the other part, that he can assign to his subordinates to perform.


  • Granting Authority: Authority refers to the official powers and position required to carry on any task. When duties are assigned to subordinates then the required authority must also be conferred to him


  • Creating Accountability: The delegatee is fully answerable to his superior for performance of the task assigned to him. Thus, the superior ensures performance through accountability by his subordinate.





Decentralisation refers to a systematic effort to delegate authority at all levels of management and in all departments. This shifts the power of DECISION MAKING to lower level under a well considered plan.

Decentralisation has number of benefits. Firstly, it reduces the workload of the top level management. Secondly, it motivates the employees and gives them more autonomy. It promotes initiative and creativity. It also helps employees to take quick and appropriate decisions. In this process, the top management is freed from the routine jobs and it enables them to concentrate on crucial areas and plan for Growth.


Distinction between Delegations and Decentralisation


Decentralisation is not same as delegation. The points of differences are –

  • While delegation is the process of assigning responsibility and authority and thereby creating accountability; decentralisation is the ultimate outcome of planned delegation.
  • Delegation of authority takes place between the manager and his subordinates while decentralisation involves the entire organisation, and is between top management and divisions/departments.
  • Delegation is done to speed up the work and is essential in trace; while decentralisation is optional and is usually done in large scale organisations.
  • In case of delegation the responsibility and authority delegated may be withdrawn by the delegator; which is not so easy in case of decentralisation.











Organizational Behavior and Management Concepts are the foundation of all business and management Education. They provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to understand and manage people and organizations.

Organizational Behavior is the study of human behavior in organizations. It focuses on the individual, group, and organizational levels of analysis. Organizational Behavior concepts include motivation, Leadership, Communication, teamwork, Conflict Management, decision making, problem solving, change management, Stress management, ethics, diversity and inclusion, organizational culture, organizational structure, organizational design, organizational change, strategic management, human resource management, MARKETING MANAGEMENT, financial management, operations management, information technology management, international management, project management, quality management, risk management, and sustainability management.

Management Concepts are the principles and practices that managers use to achieve organizational goals. They include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Management concepts include strategy, structure, culture, leadership, motivation, communication, teamwork, conflict management, decision making, problem solving, change management, stress management, ethics, diversity and inclusion, organizational behavior, and organizational design.

Organizational Behavior and Management Concepts are essential for understanding and managing organizations. They provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their careers.


Leadership is the process of influencing others to achieve a common goal. Leaders are able to motivate and inspire others to follow them. They are also able to create a vision for the future and develop a plan to achieve that vision.

There are many different styles of leadership. Some leaders are authoritarian, while others are more democratic. Some leaders are task-oriented, while others are more people-oriented. The best style of leadership depends on the situation and the people involved.


Motivation is the driving force behind human behavior. It is what causes people to act and to persist in their actions. There are many different theories of motivation, but most agree that motivation is based on a combination of internal and external factors.

Internal factors include things like needs, goals, and values. External factors include things like rewards, punishments, and social pressure.

Motivation is important because it affects how people perform. When people are motivated, they are more likely to be productive and to achieve their goals.


Communication is the process of exchanging information and meaning between two or more people. It is essential for effective management and for building relationships.

There are many different types of communication, including verbal, nonverbal, and written communication. Each type of communication has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Effective communication requires both sender and receiver skills. Senders need to be clear and concise, and they need to be able to adapt their communication style to the audience. Receivers need to be attentive and to listen actively.


Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way. Teams are made up of individuals who have different skills and abilities, and who work together to achieve a common goal.

Teamwork is important because it allows organizations to achieve more than they could achieve individually. Teams can pool their resources and knowledge, and they can work together to solve problems and overcome challenges.

Conflict Management

Conflict is a natural part of life, and it is inevitable in organizations. Conflict can occur between individuals, between groups, or between individuals and groups.

Conflict can be positive or negative. Positive conflict can lead to innovation and creativity. Negative conflict can lead to stress, anxiety, and decreased productivity.

Conflict management is the process of resolving conflict in a constructive way. There are many different conflict management styles, and the best style depends on the situation.

Decision Making

Decision making is the process of choosing between two or more alternatives. It is a complex process that involves gathering information, evaluating alternatives, and making a choice.

Decision making is important because it affects the future of an organization. Good decisions can lead to success, while bad decisions can lead to failure.

There are many different decision making models, and the best model depends on the situation.

Problem Solving

Problem solving is the process of identifying and resolving a problem. It is a complex process that involves gathering information, identifying the root cause of the problem, and developing and implementing a solution.

Problem solving is important because it allows organizations to identify and address issues that are preventing them from achieving their goals.

There are many different problem solving models, and the best model depends on the situation.

Change Management

Change management is the process of helping people and organizations adapt to change. It is a complex process that involves understanding the need for change, developing a plan for change, and implementing the plan.

Change management is important because it allows organizations to adapt to a changing Environment.

There are many different change management models, and the best model depends on the situation.

What is Organizational Behavior?

Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of human behavior in organizations. It is a field of study that draws on psychology, Sociology, and other social sciences to understand how people behave in organizations. OB scholars seek to understand the factors that influence individual and group behavior, and to develop theories and practices that can improve organizational effectiveness.

What are the different types of organizational behavior?

There are many different types of organizational behavior, but some of the most common include:

  • Individual behavior: This type of behavior focuses on the individual employee and their motivations, attitudes, and behaviors.
  • Group behavior: This type of behavior focuses on the interactions between employees and how they work together to achieve common goals.
  • Organizational culture: This type of behavior focuses on the shared values, beliefs, and norms that exist within an organization.
  • Leadership: This type of behavior focuses on the ability of individuals to influence and motivate others.
  • Decision making: This type of behavior focuses on the process by which organizations make decisions.
  • Conflict management: This type of behavior focuses on the ways in which organizations deal with conflict between employees.

What are the different theories of organizational behavior?

There are many different theories of organizational behavior, but some of the most common include:

  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: This theory suggests that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs, starting with basic physiological needs and moving up to higher-level needs such as self-actualization.
  • McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y: This theory suggests that there are two types of people: Theory X people, who are lazy and need to be controlled, and Theory Y people, who are motivated and self-directed.
  • Herzberg’s two-factor theory: This theory suggests that there are two types of factors that influence job satisfaction: motivators, such as achievement and recognition, and hygiene factors, such as pay and working conditions.
  • Vroom’s expectancy theory: This theory suggests that people are motivated to behave in certain ways based on their expectations of the outcomes of their behavior.
  • Adam’s Equity theory: This theory suggests that people are motivated to maintain a sense of fairness in their relationships with others.

What are the different management concepts?

There are many different management concepts, but some of the most common include:

  • Planning: This is the process of setting goals and developing strategies to achieve those goals.
  • Organizing: This is the process of creating a structure for an organization and assigning tasks to employees.
  • Leading: This is the process of motivating and directing employees to achieve organizational goals.
  • Controlling: This is the process of monitoring performance and making adjustments as needed.
  • Decision making: This is the process of choosing between alternative courses of action.
  • Communication: This is the process of exchanging information with others.
  • Problem solving: This is the process of identifying and resolving problems.
  • Change management: This is the process of helping an organization to adapt to change.

What are the different leadership styles?

There are many different leadership styles, but some of the most common include:

  • Authoritarian leadership: This style is characterized by a high degree of control and direction from the leader.
  • Democratic leadership: This style is characterized by a high degree of participation and input from employees.
  • Laissez-faire leadership: This style is characterized by a low degree of control and direction from the leader.
  • Transformational leadership: This style is characterized by a high degree of charisma and vision from the leader.
  • Transactional leadership: This style is characterized by a high degree of focus on rewards and punishments.

What are the different types of organizational structures?

There are many different types of organizational structures, but some of the most common include:

  • Functional structure: This type of structure is based on the functional areas of the organization, such as marketing, finance, and operations.
  • Divisional structure: This type of structure is based on the products or Services that the organization offers.
  • Matrix structure: This type of structure is a combination of the functional and divisional structures.
  • Team structure: This type of structure is based on teams of employees who work together to achieve common goals.

What are the different types of organizational cultures?

There are many different types of organizational cultures, but some of the most common include:

  • Power culture: This type of culture is characterized by a high degree of centralization and control.
  • Role culture: This type of culture is characterized by a high degree of formality and structure.
  • Task culture: This type of culture is characterized by a high degree of focus on achieving goals.
  • Person culture: This type of culture is characterized by a high degree of focus on the individual employee.

**What are the different

  1. Which of the following is not a type of organizational structure?
    (A) Functional structure
    (B) Divisional structure
    (C) Matrix structure
    (D) Hierarchical structure

  2. Which of the following is not a type of leadership style?
    (A) Autocratic
    (B) Democratic
    (C) Laissez-faire
    (D) Transactional

  3. Which of the following is not a type of motivation?
    (A) Intrinsic motivation
    (B) Extrinsic motivation
    (C) Achievement motivation
    (D) Power motivation

  4. Which of the following is not a type of conflict?
    (A) Intrapersonal conflict
    (B) Interpersonal conflict
    (C) Intragroup conflict
    (D) Intergroup conflict

  5. Which of the following is not a type of decision-making?
    (A) Programmed decision-making
    (B) Non-programmed decision-making
    (C) Rational decision-making
    (D) Intuitive decision-making

  6. Which of the following is not a type of communication?
    (A) Verbal communication
    (B) Non-verbal communication
    (C) Written communication
    (D) Electronic communication

  7. Which of the following is not a type of group?
    (A) Formal group
    (B) Informal group
    (C) Primary group
    (D) Secondary group

  8. Which of the following is not a type of organizational culture?
    (A) Strong culture
    (B) Weak culture
    (C) Open culture
    (D) Closed culture

  9. Which of the following is not a type of change?
    (A) Planned change
    (B) Unplanned change
    (C) Evolutionary change
    (D) Revolutionary change

  10. Which of the following is not a type of innovation?
    (A) Radical innovation
    (B) Incremental innovation
    (C) Disruptive innovation
    (D) Sustaining innovation
