Madhya Pradesh Major Projects and Schemes

Madhya Pradesh Major Projects and Schemes

Madhya Pradesh government has implemented various schemes in the state for all round development of state. We will learn about major schemes of the state which have been implemented recently.

MukhyamantriKaushalSamvardhanYojana (MMKSY)

The State Legislature of Madhya Pradesh has presented the MukhyamantriKaushalSamvardhanYojana (MMKSY) or CM Skill development Scheme in the state. The point of this plan is to give free of cost expertise preparing to the young of the state. As indicated by the notice, this plan will cover around 2,50,000 youth consistently over the state.

Through MukhyamantriKaushalSamvardhanYojana (MMKSY), the legislature will enhance the general way of life and guarantee better quality existence of the adolescent. MMKSY is a vital piece of Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development Mission (MPSSDM).



MukhyamantriBhavantarBhugtanYojana is a value shortfall back plan propelled by the state legislature of Madhya Pradesh in the start of September, 2017. The legislature is welcoming on the web enlistments from ranchers for the BhavantarBhugtanYojana through the official site of MP E-Uparjan site at

The State Government would give the pay to farming items at whatever point its value fall beneath the reported least help costs (MSP) by the focal government. AT display the MP govt. has broadened the plan for 8 crops including oil seeds and a few heartbeats.





Single tick benefits conveyance conspire propelled by Madhya Pradesh government is another plan for elderly individuals in the state. Under the plan, the state government expects to send the annuity of all the qualified elderly beneficiaries straightforwardly into their ledgers with a solitary snap. The plan would be executed from first October 2017.

The benefits will straightforwardly be kept specifically into the ledger of the elderly retired people. They would not be required to visit the bank offices to enquire about their benefits. The state government would guarantee that every one of the retired people get their benefits on first of consistently. The administration would endeavor nonstop endeavors to enhance the execution of the plan.



Madhya Pradesh government has begun portable workstation circulation under the MedhaviChhatraProtsahanYojana 2017 for those understudies who are securing higher checks in class twelfth. This plan will urge more understudies to accomplish higher stamps in class twelfth and seek after higher examinations in school.

Under MedhaviChhatraProtsahanYojana, state government will give Rs. 25000 to buy new tablets for those understudies who will accomplish least 85% checks in class twelfth from MP instruction Board. This plan is being controlled by school instruction division of Madhya Pradesh since 2009.



The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh has reported an advance plan named as “KrishakUdhyamiYojana”, a business enterprise conspire for the offspring of ranchers. This plan will give advance offices to the offspring of ranchers and their wards at moderate rates. The credits would be given to the young to setup custom preparing habitats for the farming produce. The handling focuses would enable agriculturists to clean their produces and get it reviewed for value expansion.

Under the KrishakUdhyamiYojana, the state government will give advance offices to the ranchers’ children and girls from Rs. 10 lakh to Rs 2 crore with 15% concede. This plan is likewise giving 5% concede on enthusiasm to 5 years. In state, around three fourth of the populace is occupied with agribusiness and unified exercises.

Advantages of the KrishakUdhyamiYojana

  1. This plan will decrease the budgetary weight on the ranchers and their kids.
  2. Scheme will create greater business open doors for the adolescent in the state.
  3. KrishakUdhyamiYojana would expand the salary of agriculturist people over the state.
  4. The state govt. will give gainful cost to specific yields.
  5. It diminishes the requirement for movement from rustic to urban locales.


The state government is urging the adolescent to get advance with the assistance of banks to setup their own particular custom handling focuses. These focuses will help the agriculturists to clean their create and grade with the value expansion. For the foundation of custom preparing focuses, the state govt. will give 40% allow on a credit up to Rs. 25 lakh.


Shala Siddhi ProhatsanYojana and other schemes

MP state government is executing many plans in instruction segment, for example, ‘Shala Siddhi ProhatsanYojana’, ‘HamariShalaKaisi Ho’ and ‘Shala Siddhi Karyakram’ to enhance the nature of training in schools. Under these plans state govt. has settled a period table for grant procedure to perform well at area level.Madhya Pradesh Major Projects and Schemes


The Shala Siddhi ProhatsanYojana has been begun in 25,000 govt. schools of the State to give subjective instruction to the students.Thisyojana would urge the instructors to join the govt schools by perceiving their best work.


Ruk Jana Nahiyojana

The Madhya Pradesh govt. is actualizing Ruk Jana Nahiyojana for disappointment understudies. The plan would give a chance to around 22,000 of Classes tenth and twelfth understudies who flopped in the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Examination March 2017 to seek after advanced education.

The state govt. has given amazement for understudies who have not prevailing in first time under Ruk Jana NahiYojana. Those understudies will be given one more possibility in the long stretch of November and December. The procedure of enrolment for this plan would be begin in the principal seven day stretch of August. The understudies who pass the exam will be helped to motivate admission to seek after further classes.


Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Yojana

Online applications for Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Yojana in Madhya Pradesh are being welcomed through the official site of the plan at Under CM sun based pump conspire, the state government is giving gigantic appropriation up to 90% of the cost of sun oriented pump to the ranchers. Intrigued ranchers can apply for the Chief Minister Solar Pump plot in Madhya Pradesh through the official site or by going by the region office of MP UrjaVikas Nigam Ltd.





MukhyamantriKanyaVivahYojana is a welfare plan of Madhya Pradesh government to give budgetary help to recently wedded ladies. The plan has likewise got a few alterations as of late, now the recipients of the plan will get free cell phone. Madhya Pradesh government has chosen to circulate free cell phone to the recently wedded young ladies under MukhyamantriKanyaVivahYojana MP.

Under the plan, the legislature is giving budgetary help of around 50,000 rupees is being given to recently ladies. Alongside this sum, the recently wedded couples will likewise get a free portable.


DeendayalAntyodayaRasoiYojana in Madhya Pradesh

To join the battle of giving nourishment to destitute individuals, Madhya Pradesh government has propelled DeendayalAntyodayaRasoiYojana in 49 areas under which sustenance at sponsored rates would be made accessible for poor.

Many state governments has propelled financed sustenance plot over their states under which quality nourishment is being given to needy individuals and workers at vigorously sponsored rates.

Each state’s administration is doing additional endeavors towards making the ‘Lodging for All’ mission fruitful. The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh has passed a point of interest charge proposing to guarantee lodging for every one of the nationals of MP state.


MP Skill and Quality Improvement Program

The principle target of the plan is to create work and give labor to enterprises through the extension of preparing foundation and expertise advancement limit. Under the plan, the different existing Aptitude improvement establishments would be modernized to give quality preparing to the young.

The administration is wanting to begin the principal scholarly session from the coming Money related year under the plan. The administration would prepare around 7.5 Lakh youth in semi-gifted and talented labor to give a lift to business age. The state government intends to set-up no less than one aptitude advancement focus each in every one of the 313 squares of the state.


Samarth SanginiYojana

Samarth SanginiYojana in Madhya Pradesh will now be propelled in every one of the areas of the state. The state police office is actualizing the plan over the state for the wellbeing of ladies.,

Madhya Pradesh is a state in central India. It is the second-largest state in India by area, after Rajasthan. The state has a Population of over 75 million people, making it the seventh-most populous state in India. The capital of Madhya Pradesh is Bhopal.

Madhya Pradesh is a land of contrasts. It is home to both the Vindhya and Satpura mountain ranges, as well as the vast plains of the Ganges River. The state is also home to a variety of wildlife, including tigers, leopards, and elephants.

Madhya Pradesh is a major agricultural state. The main crops grown in the state are rice, wheat, and soybeans. The state is also home to a number of industries, including steel, cement, and textiles.

The government of Madhya Pradesh has implemented a number of major projects and schemes in recent years. These projects and schemes are aimed at improving the lives of the people of Madhya Pradesh.

Some of the major projects and schemes implemented by the government of Madhya Pradesh include:

  • The Farmer Empowerment and Agricultural Development Programme (FEADP): This programme is aimed at providing financial assistance and other support to farmers in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Rajya Krishi Vikas Yojana (MPKVY): This scheme is aimed at promoting agricultural development in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Beej Vikas Yojana (MPBVY): This scheme is aimed at promoting the development of seeds in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Pashupalan Vikas Yojana (MPPVY): This scheme is aimed at promoting the development of Animal Husbandry in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Fishery Development Programme (MPFDP): This scheme is aimed at promoting the development of Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh State Highway Development Project (MPSHDP): This project is aimed at developing the state highways in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Programme (MPUDP): This programme is aimed at developing the urban areas in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Rural Development Programme (MPRDP): This programme is aimed at developing the rural areas in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Water supply and sanitation Programme (MPWSSP): This programme is aimed at providing water supply and sanitation facilities to the people of Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Energy Development Programme (MPEDP): This programme is aimed at developing the Energy sector in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Education Programme (MPEP): This programme is aimed at improving the education system in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Health Programme (MPHP): This programme is aimed at improving the health care system in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Women and Child Development Programme (MPWCD): This programme is aimed at improving the lives of women and children in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Tribal Development Programme (MPTDP): This programme is aimed at improving the lives of the tribal people in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Backward Classes Development Programme (MPBCDP): This programme is aimed at improving the lives of the backward classes in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh industrial development Programme (MPIDP): This programme is aimed at promoting industrial development in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Tourism Development Programme (MPTDP): This programme is aimed at promoting tourism in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Environment Protection Programme (MPEPP): This programme is aimed at protecting the environment in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Disaster Management Programme (MPDMP): This programme is aimed at managing disasters in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Madhya Pradesh Information Technology Programme (MPITP): This programme is aimed at developing the information technology sector in Madhya Pradesh.

These projects and schemes have had a positive impact on the lives of the people of Madhya Pradesh. They have helped to improve the state’s economy, Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, and social welfare. The government of Madhya Pradesh is committed to implementing more such projects and schemes in the future.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Madhya Pradesh Major Projects and Schemes, along with short answers:

  1. What are some of the major projects and schemes in Madhya Pradesh?

Some of the major projects and schemes in Madhya Pradesh include the Narmada Valley Project, the Indira Sagar Dam, the Chambal River Project, the Betwa River Project, the Ken-Betwa Link Project, the Rewa Ultra Mega Power Project, the Gwalior-Jabalpur Expressway, the Indore-Bhopal Expressway, the Bhopal Metro Rail Project, and the Jabalpur Metro Rail Project.

  1. What are the benefits of these projects and schemes?

The benefits of these projects and schemes include increased Irrigation, flood control, electricity generation, water supply, and transportation. They also provide EMPLOYMENT opportunities and promote Economic Development.

  1. What are the challenges associated with these projects and schemes?

Some of the challenges associated with these projects and schemes include Environmental Degradation, displacement of people, and financial costs.

  1. What is the government doing to address these challenges?

The government is taking steps to address these challenges, such as implementing environmental impact assessments, providing compensation to displaced people, and raising funds for the projects.

  1. What is the impact of these projects and schemes on the people of Madhya Pradesh?

The impact of these projects and schemes on the people of Madhya Pradesh is mixed. On the one hand, they have brought many benefits, such as increased irrigation, flood control, electricity generation, water supply, and transportation. On the other hand, they have also caused some problems, such as environmental degradation, displacement of people, and financial costs.

  1. What is the future of these projects and schemes?

The future of these projects and schemes is uncertain. Some of them, such as the Narmada Valley Project, are already completed, while others, such as the Rewa Ultra Mega Power Project, are still under construction. It is unclear whether all of these projects and schemes will be completed, and if so, when.

  1. What are the lessons learned from these projects and schemes?

Some of the lessons learned from these projects and schemes include the importance of careful planning, the need to address environmental concerns, and the importance of public consultation.

Sure, here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Madhya Pradesh Major Projects and Schemes:

  1. Which of the following is not a major project of the Government of Madhya Pradesh?
    (A) Narmada Dam
    (B) Indira Sagar Dam
    (C) Chambal Dam
    (D) Sardar Sarovar Dam

  2. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched a scheme to provide free laptops to students. What is the name of this scheme?
    (A) Mukhyamantri Yuva Laptop Yojana
    (B) Mukhyamantri Kanya Vivah Yojana
    (C) Mukhyamantri Jan Dhan Yojana
    (D) Mukhyamantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

  3. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched a scheme to provide free health insurance to all citizens of the state. What is the name of this scheme?
    (A) Mukhyamantri Swasthya Bima Yojana
    (B) Mukhyamantri Janani Suraksha Yojana
    (C) Mukhyamantri Bal Bima Yojana
    (D) Mukhyamantri Kisan Bima Yojana

  4. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched a scheme to provide free housing to all citizens of the state. What is the name of this scheme?
    (A) Mukhyamantri Awas Yojana
    (B) Mukhyamantri Gramin Awas Yojana
    (C) Mukhyamantri Shahri Awas Yojana
    (D) Mukhyamantri Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

  5. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched a scheme to provide free electricity to all farmers of the state. What is the name of this scheme?
    (A) Mukhyamantri Kisan Vidyuti Yojana
    (B) Mukhyamantri Bijli Suvidha Yojana
    (C) Mukhyamantri Bijli Sanrakshan Yojana
    (D) Mukhyamantri Bijli Utpadan Yojana

  6. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched a scheme to provide free water to all citizens of the state. What is the name of this scheme?
    (A) Mukhyamantri Jal Jeevan Mission
    (B) Mukhyamantri Jal Shakti Abhiyan
    (C) Mukhyamantri Jal Sanrakshan Abhiyan
    (D) Mukhyamantri Jal Utpadan Abhiyan

  7. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched a scheme to provide free education to all children of the state. What is the name of this scheme?
    (A) Mukhyamantri Kanya Shiksha Yojana
    (B) Mukhyamantri Bal Shiksha Yojana
    (C) Mukhyamantri Vidya Vikas Yojana
    (D) Mukhyamantri Shiksha Kaushal Vikas Yojana

  8. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched a scheme to provide free food to all poor people of the state. What is the name of this scheme?
    (A) Mukhyamantri Annapurna Yojana
    (B) Mukhyamantri Anna Yojana
    (C) Mukhyamantri Anna Seva Yojana
    (D) Mukhyamantri Anna Vikas Yojana

  9. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched a scheme to provide free employment to all unemployed youth of the state. What is the name of this scheme?
    (A) Mukhyamantri Yuva Swabhiman Yojana
    (B) Mukhyamantri Yuva Rozgar Yojana
    (C) Mukhyamantri Yuva Kaushal Vikas Yojana
    (D) Mukhyamantri Yuva Vikas Yojana

  10. The Government of Madhya Pradesh has launched a scheme to provide free transportation to all women of the state. What is the name of this scheme?
    (A) Mukhyamantri Mahila Shakti Yojana
    (B) Mukhyamantri Mahila Vikas Yojana
    (C) Mukhyamantri Mahila Jan Dhan Yojana
    (D) Mukhyamantri Mahila Swabhiman Yojana