International Booster- India China Relations: Ladakh Conflict

India China Relations: Ladakh Conflict

For more than 100 days, tensions have been high between India and China along their disputed Himalayan border. This tension has been most acute in eastern Ladakh, where, in mid-June, 20 Indian soldiers and an unspecified number of Chinese soldiers were killed in the Galwan Valley, the first fatalities along the de facto Line of Actual Control in 45 years. Even supposing a de-escalation will eventually occur — whether by diplomacy or by seasonal necessity — the likelihood of future cycles of conflict underscores the importance of examining the deeper roots of India and China’s missing border.

Over the last two decades India-China relations had been witnessing tangible improvement and increasing warmth. Tourism was increasing, student traffic from India to China was gaining in significance, academic visits and think tank conferences were becoming more frequent and friendly, Chinese investments — though not huge, was on the upswing just as trade was enormously expanding though much of it was not in India’s favour. Indications were there that India’s perception towards China was perhaps gaining in positivity. Facilitating these developments were the different agreements India entered into with China between 1993 and 2013 and her decision to continue to warm up towards China in the following years. This was also possible because Chinese leaders, from Deng Xiaoping onwards, invested their time and interest in improving relations with India.

The top leaders since Prime Minister Modi’s coming to power in 2014 met innumerable times in India, in China and elsewhere on different bilateral and multilateral platforms. Post Doklam, Modi-Xi meeting in Wuhan in April 2018 generated the phrase the “Wuhan spirit” promising a new era in relationship between India and China. It was followed by Mamallapuram meet in as late as October 2019 encouraging the Economic Times of 13 October to comment that Modi and Xi’s “strategic Communication is deepening.” Prime Minister had also encouraged several chief ministers to visit China more than once to secure investments in their states, visits which did produce some results. Earlier, Modi as Chief Minister of Gujarat, had set his eyes on China as a source of Investment for his state when in 2011 during his visit to China he declared that “the two great countries will make Asia the centre stage of global economy.

During Modi’s visit to China in May 2015 , he and Mr. Xi inaugurated a ‘State/Provincial Leaders’ Forum’ and in its first meeting he declared that in India “the states have a vital role to play in the national development’ and appreciated that both countries are ‘taking our relationship outside our national capitals to state capitals and cities.” In other words, there were clear signs that the new leaders were committed to inject new blood in their bilateral relationship taking advantage of the agreements and informal interactions of the recent past.

In this context, the events of May-June along the western sector of our border come as a surprise, or indeed as a shock. The events are only gradually making their way to the public. Questions such as when and where did they start, what exactly was the nature of the events, how did the two sides respond and with what consequences are still not very clear. What we know is the tragedy of what happened on 15 June. There are still considerable haziness about what really produced this outcome leading to the tragic end to the lives of our twenty soldiers and an unknown number of casualties on the Chinese side.

China suddenly feels globally isolated and criticised, even if covertly, for its ‘neglect’ in promptly reporting the occurrence of novel corona virus within China. Coupled with that is the accusation of exporting defective protective and test materials for fighing the virus. This isolation is leading China to renew its assertion of power both in South and East China seas as well as in India-China border. Secondly, it is being argued that China is taking advantage of India’s deteriorating relations with South Asian neighbours. Pakistan apart, our relations with Nepal is backsliding since the blockade of 2016. India’s domestic policies, such as, implementing National Population Register and Citizenship-2/”>Citizenship Amendment Act, have miffed Bangladesh. Bhutan has not shown any interest in BBIN. With Rajapaksha in power, Sri Lanka will have no love lost for India. Even the new regime in Maldives, supposedly friendly towards India unlike the earlier regime, is lately warming up to China.

Thirdly, there is also the apprehension that Chinese assertion on the LAC in Ladakh could be a response to India’s changing the status of Ladakh by deleting ARTICLE 370 of the Indian Constitution. Change in Ladakh’s status took place in August 2019 and Chinese activities on LAC reportedly started in early September that year and more decidedly right after the end of the following winter, an interesting coincidence indeed. Finally, it could be an attempt by Chinese PLA to gain strategic advantage by coming closer to the Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie all weather road that India has built over twenty years to strengthen access to DBO airport. It could then block or cut the road if and when it wanted to. Underlying any or all of these could be the Chinese intention to prevent India from getting close to the US and to pull India away from playing a leading role in the Indian Ocean in collaboration with the United States and Japan.

Way forward for China and India

The border agreements and confidence-building measures (CBMs) in the military field along the India-China border areas were based on the premise that maintenance of peace and tranquillity along the LAC is in the fundamental interest of the two countries and will contribute to the ultimate resolution of the boundary question. They also affirmed that neither side shall use/threaten to use force, or seek unilateral military superiority. These existing agreements and protocols now stand completely compromised and negated. There would thus be a requirement to redefine the norms of border management and lay down revised rules of engagement to be followed along the LAC (or the line adopted for defusing the border standoff). Violation of these norms should be made subject to punitive retaliation, as would be expected along a live border.,


The India-China border dispute is a long-running territorial dispute between India and China over the Aksai Chin region in the western Himalayas and the Arunachal Pradesh region in the eastern Himalayas. The dispute dates back to the early 20th century, when the British Indian Empire and the Qing Dynasty of China were both vying for control of the Himalayan region. The dispute was exacerbated after the Chinese Communist Party came to power in 1949, and the two countries have fought two wars over the border, in 1962 and 1967.

Timeline of the conflict

The current India-China border conflict began in May 2020, when Chinese troops intruded into the Galwan Valley in Ladakh, India. The two sides have been engaged in a standoff ever since, with both sides building up troops and fortifications along the border. The conflict has escalated several times, most notably in June 2020, when 20 Indian soldiers were killed in a clash with Chinese troops.

Causes of the conflict

The causes of the India-China border conflict are complex and disputed. However, some of the key factors that have contributed to the conflict include:

  • The disputed border: The India-China border is not clearly demarcated, and there are several areas along the border that are claimed by both countries. This has led to confusion and tensions between the two sides.
  • The rise of China: The rise of China as a major power has led to increased competition with India for influence in the region. This has exacerbated tensions between the two countries.
  • The legacy of the 1962 war: The 1962 war between India and China was a major turning point in the relationship between the two countries. The war left a legacy of mistrust and suspicion, which has made it difficult for the two sides to resolve their border dispute.

Consequences of the conflict

The India-China border conflict has had a number of negative consequences, including:

  • Increased tensions between the two countries: The conflict has led to increased tensions between India and China. The two sides have been engaged in a military standoff for over a year, and there is a risk of the conflict escalating into a full-scale war.
  • Instability in the region: The conflict has also contributed to instability in the region. The two countries are nuclear powers, and any conflict between them could have serious consequences for the entire region.
  • Economic impact: The conflict has also had a negative impact on the economies of India and China. The two countries are major trading partners, and the conflict has disrupted trade and investment.

Resolution of the conflict

The India-China border conflict is a complex and difficult issue to resolve. However, there are a number of possible solutions that could be explored, including:

  • Negotiations: The two sides could engage in direct negotiations to try to resolve the border dispute. However, these negotiations have been difficult in the past, and there is no guarantee that they would be successful.
  • Third-party mediation: The two sides could seek the mediation of a third party, such as the United Nations, to help resolve the conflict. However, China has been reluctant to accept third-party mediation in the past.
  • International arbitration: The two sides could submit the dispute to international arbitration. However, China has also been reluctant to accept international arbitration in the past.

Impact of the conflict on India-China relations

The India-China border conflict has had a significant impact on the relationship between the two countries. The conflict has led to increased tensions and mistrust between the two sides, and it has made it difficult for them to cooperate on other issues. The conflict has also damaged the image of both countries in the region.

Way forward

The India-China border conflict is a complex and difficult issue to resolve. However, it is important for the two sides to find a way to resolve the conflict peacefully. The conflict has the potential to destabilize the region and have serious consequences for both countries. The two sides should engage in direct negotiations to try to resolve the dispute. If these negotiations are not successful, the two sides could seek the mediation of a third party, such as the United Nations. The two sides should also work to improve their relationship and build trust.

The India-China border conflict is an ongoing territorial dispute between India and China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto border between the two countries. The conflict began in 1959, following the Chinese annexation of Tibet, and has been marked by several armed clashes, most recently in 2020.

The LAC is a disputed border that runs for over 4,000 kilometers (2,500 mi) along the Himalayas. The border was never formally demarcated, and both India and China claim large areas of territory that are controlled by the other.

The conflict has its roots in the British colonial period, when the Indian subcontinent was ruled by the British East India Company. The British and Chinese empires agreed to a border in 1899, but the border was never demarcated on the ground. After India gained independence in 1947, the border dispute with China became a major issue.

The first major armed clash between India and China occurred in 1962, when Chinese forces invaded India. The war lasted for two months and ended with a Chinese victory. The Chinese withdrew from most of the territory they had captured, but they retained control of Aksai Chin, a strategically important area in the Ladakh region.

The India-China border conflict has been a major source of tension between the two countries for decades. The conflict has been exacerbated by the Rise of Nationalism in both India and China. In recent years, there have been several incidents of Chinese troops crossing the LAC and building Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE in disputed areas.

The India-China border conflict is a complex and intractable issue. It is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. The conflict has the potential to escalate into a major war between the two countries.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the India-China border conflict:

  1. What is the India-China border conflict?

The India-China border conflict is a territorial dispute between India and China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto border between the two countries. The conflict began in 1959, following the Chinese annexation of Tibet, and has been marked by several armed clashes, most recently in 2020.

  1. What is the Line of Actual Control?

The Line of Actual Control (LAC) is the de facto border between India and China. The LAC is not a formally demarcated border, and it is disputed by both India and China. The LAC runs for over 4,000 kilometers (2,500 mi) along the Himalayas.

  1. What are the causes of the India-China border conflict?

The India-China border conflict has its roots in the British colonial period, when the Indian subcontinent was ruled by the British East India Company. The British and Chinese empires agreed to a border in 1899, but the border was never demarcated on the ground. After India gained independence in 1947, the border dispute with China became a major issue.

  1. What have been the major events in the India-China border conflict?

The first major armed clash between India and China occurred in 1962, when Chinese forces invaded India. The war lasted for two months and ended with a Chinese victory. The Chinese withdrew from most of the territory they had captured, but they retained control of Aksai Chin, a strategically important area in the Ladakh region.

There have been several incidents of Chinese troops crossing the LAC and building infrastructure in disputed areas in recent years. The most recent major incident occurred in 2020, when Chinese and Indian troops clashed in the Galwan Valley in Ladakh. The clash resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers and an unknown number of Chinese soldiers.

  1. What is the current status of the India-China border conflict?

The India-China border conflict is a complex and intractable issue. It is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. The conflict has the potential to escalate into a major war between the two countries.

  1. What are the implications of the India-China border conflict for the region?

The India-China border conflict is a major source of tension in the region. The conflict has the potential to destabilize the region and lead to a wider conflict. The conflict is also a major obstacle to improved relations between India and China.

  1. What are the possible solutions to the India-China border conflict?

There are no easy solutions to the India-China border conflict. The conflict is likely to continue for many years to come. The two countries need to find ways to manage the conflict and prevent it from escalating into a major war.

Question 1

The Ladakh conflict is a border dispute between India and China. The conflict began in May 2020, when Chinese troops entered Indian-controlled territory in Ladakh. The two sides have since engaged in a series of skirmishes and standoffs.

Which of the following is not a reason for the Ladakh conflict?

(A) The two countries have different interpretations of the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto border between India and China.
(B) China has been building infrastructure in the Ladakh region, which India sees as a threat to its security.
(C) India has been increasing its military presence in the Ladakh region, which China sees as a provocation.
(D) The two countries have different strategic interests in the region.


(B) China has been building infrastructure in the Ladakh region, which India sees as a threat to its security.

Question 2

The Ladakh conflict has had a significant impact on the relationship between India and China. The two countries have suspended high-level meetings and increased military deployments along the LAC.

Which of the following is not a possible outcome of the Ladakh conflict?

(A) The two countries reach a negotiated settlement.
(B) The conflict escalates into a full-scale war.
(C) The two countries agree to demilitarize the LAC.
(D) The conflict leads to a change in the border between India and China.


(C) The two countries agree to demilitarize the LAC.

Question 3

The Ladakh conflict has also had a significant impact on the region. The conflict has increased tensions between India and China, and has raised concerns about the potential for a wider conflict.

Which of the following is not a possible impact of the Ladakh conflict on the region?

(A) The conflict could lead to a decrease in trade and investment between India and China.
(B) The conflict could lead to an increase in arms sales to the region.
(C) The conflict could lead to a decrease in tourism to the region.
(D) The conflict could lead to an increase in instability in the region.


(A) The conflict could lead to a decrease in trade and investment between India and China.

Question 4

The Ladakh conflict is a complex issue with no easy solutions. The two countries have different strategic interests in the region, and they have different interpretations of the LAC.

Which of the following is not a possible solution to the Ladakh conflict?

(A) The two countries agree to a negotiated settlement.
(B) The two countries agree to demilitarize the LAC.
(C) The two countries agree to change the border between India and China.
(D) The two countries agree to increase military cooperation.


(D) The two countries agree to increase military cooperation.

Question 5

The Ladakh conflict is a major challenge for both India and China. The two countries need to find a way to resolve the conflict peacefully in order to maintain stability in the region.

Which of the following is not a necessary condition for a peaceful resolution of the Ladakh conflict?

(A) The two countries need to agree on a mutually acceptable solution.
(B) The two countries need to build trust and confidence.
(C) The two countries need to reduce tensions along the LAC.
(D) The two countries need to increase military cooperation.


(D) The two countries need to increase military cooperation.