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Tissue, in physiology, a level of organization in multicellular organisms; it consists of a group of structurally and functionally similar cells and their intercellular material.

Tissues are absent from unicellular organisms. Even among the simplest multicellular species, such as sponges, tissues are lacking or are poorly differentiated. But multicellular animals and Plants that are more advanced have specialized tissues that can organize and regulate an organism’s response to its Environment.

Tissues in plants

Bryophytes (liverworts, hornworts, and mosses) are nonvascular plants; i.e., they lack vascular tissues (phloem and xylem) as well as true leaves, stems, and roots. Instead bryophytes absorb water and nutrients directly through leaflike and stemlike structures or through cells comprising the gametophyte body.

In vascular plants, such as angiosperms and gymnosperms, cell division takes place almost exclusively in specific tissues known as meristems. Apical meristems, which are located at the tips of shoots and roots in all vascular plants, give rise to three types of primary meristems, which in turn produce the mature primary tissues of the plant. The three kinds of mature tissues are dermal, vascular, and ground tissues. Primary dermal tissues, called epidermis, make up the outer layer of all plant organs (e.g., stems, roots, leaves, flowers). They help deter excess water loss and invasion by insects and Microorganisms. The vascular tissues are of two kinds: water-transporting xylem and food-transporting phloem. Primary xylem and phloem are arranged in vascular bundles that run the length of the plant from roots to leaves. The ground tissues, which comprise the remaining plant matter, include various support, storage, and photosynthetic tissues.

Secondary, or lateral, meristems, which are found in all woody plants and in some herbaceous ones, consist of the vascular Cambium and the cork cambium. They produce secondary tissues from a ring of vascular cambium in stems and roots. Secondary phloem forms along the outer edge of the cambium ring, and secondary xylem (i.e., wood) forms along the inner edge of the cambium ring. The cork cambium produces a secondary dermal tissue (periderm) that replaces the epidermis along older stems and roots.

Tissues in animals

Early in the evolutionary history of animals, tissues became aggregated into organs, which themselves became divided into specialized parts. An early scientific Classification of tissues divided them on the basis of the organ system of which they formed a part (e.g., nervous tissues). Embryologists have often classified tissues on the basis of their origin in the developing embryo; i.e., ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal tissues. Another method classified tissues into four broad groups according to cell composition: epithelial tissues, composed of cells that make up the body’s outer covering and the membranous covering of internal organs, cavities, and canals; endothelial tissues, composed of cells that line the inside of organs; stroma tissues, composed of cells that serve as a matrix in which the other cells are embedded; and connective tissues, a rather amorphous category composed of cells and an extracellular matrix that serve as a connection from one tissue to another.

The most useful of all systems, however, breaks down animal tissues into four classes based on the functions that the tissues perform. The first class includes all those tissues that serve an animal’s needs for Growth, repair, and energy; i.e., the assimilation, storage, transport, and Excretion of nutrients and waste products. In humans, these tissues include the alimentary (or digestive) tract, kidneys, liver, and lungs. The digestive tract leads (in vertebrates) from the mouth through the pharynx, stomach, and intestines to the anus. In vertebrates and some larger invertebrates, Oxygen and the nutrients secured by the alimentary tissues or liberated from storage tissues are transported throughout the body by the blood and lymph, which are themselves considered by many to be tissues. Tissues that secure oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide are extremely variable in the animal kingdom. In many invertebrates, gas exchange takes place through the body wall or external gills, but in species adapted to a terrestrial life, an internal sac capable of expansion and contraction served this purpose, and gradually became more complex over evolutionary time as animals’ demand for oxygen increased.

The second class of tissues consists of those used in coordination. There are basically two types: physical (nervous and sensory tissues), which operate via electrical impulses along nerve fibres; and the chemical (endocrine tissues), which release HORMONES into the bloodstream. In invertebrates, both physical and chemical coordination are performed by the same tissues, because the nervous tissues also serve as hormone sources. In vertebrates, most endocrine functions are isolated in specialized glands, several of which are derived from nervous tissue.

The basic unit of all nervous tissue is the neuron, aggregations of which are called ganglia. The bundles of axons along which neurons transmit and receive impulses are called nerves. By comparison, chemical control by hormones is much slower and longer-acting. In many invertebrates, chemical stimulators are secreted by the neurons themselves and then move to their site of action along the axon. In higher vertebrates, the principal endocrine tissues are the thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, and endocrine constituents of the pancreas and adrenal glands.

The third class of tissues includes those contributing to the body’s support and movement. The connective tissues proper surround organs, bones, and muscles, helping to hold them together. Connective tissues proper consist of cells embedded in a matrix composed of an amorphous ground substance and collagen, elastic, and reticular fibres. Tendons and ligaments are examples of extremely strong connective tissues proper. The other major structural tissues are cartilage and bone, which, like connective tissues proper, consist of cells embedded in an intercellular matrix. In cartilage the matrix is firm but rubbery; in bone the matrix is rigid, being impregnated by hard crystals of inorganic salts. Muscle tissue is primarily responsible for movement; it consists of contractile cells. There are two general types of muscle: striated muscle, which moves the skeleton and is under voluntary control; and smooth muscle, which surrounds the walls of many internal organs and cannot normally be controlled voluntarily.

A fourth class of tissues includes reproductive tissues, hemopoietic tissues, and tissue fluids. The most important reproductive tissues are the gonads (ovaries and testes), which produce the gametes (eggs and sperm, respectively). Hemopoietic tissues produce the cellular components of the blood. Among the important tissue fluids are lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and milk (in mammals).


The human body is made up of many different types of tissues, each with its own unique function. Epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue, blood, bone, cartilage, adipose tissue, lymphoid tissue, endocrine tissue, and sensory tissue are the 10 main types of tissue in the body.

Epithelial tissue is the most abundant type of tissue in the body. It covers the surface of the body and lines the organs and cavities. Epithelial tissue has several functions, including protection, absorption, secretion, and excretion.

Connective tissue is the second most abundant type of tissue in the body. It provides support and structure to the body. Connective tissue also helps to protect organs and tissues, and it transports nutrients and wastes.

Muscle tissue is responsible for movement. There are three types of muscle tissue: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle is attached to bones and allows us to move our bodies. Cardiac muscle is found in the heart and pumps blood throughout the body. Smooth muscle is found in the walls of organs and helps to move food through the Digestive System and blood through the blood vessels.

Nervous tissue is responsible for sending and receiving messages throughout the body. Nervous tissue is made up of neurons, which are cells that transmit electrical signals. These signals control all of the body’s functions, from movement to thought.

Blood is a fluid connective tissue that carries oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells and removes waste products. Blood is made up of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Plasma is the liquid part of blood. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body’s cells. White blood cells fight infection. Platelets help to stop bleeding.

Bone is a type of connective tissue that provides support and structure to the body. Bone is also involved in blood cell production and mineral storage. Bone is made up of living cells, Minerals, and proteins.

Cartilage is a type of connective tissue that is found in joints, the nose, and ears. Cartilage is a flexible and strong tissue that helps to cushion bones and protect joints.

Adipose tissue is a type of connective tissue that stores fat. Fat is a Source Of Energy for the body. Adipose tissue also helps to insulate the body and protect organs.

Lymphatic tissue is a type of connective tissue that is involved in the immune system. Lymphatic tissue helps to fight infection and disease.

Endocrine tissue is a type of tissue that produces hormones. Hormones are chemicals that control many of the body’s functions. Endocrine tissue is found in the glands, which are organs that produce hormones.

Sensory tissue is a type of tissue that detects changes in the environment. Sensory tissue helps us to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. Sensory tissue is found in the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin.

The 10 main types of tissue in the body work together to keep us healthy and functioning properly. Each type of tissue has its own unique function, and they all play an important role in our overall Health.


  • What are cells?

Cells are the basic units of life. They are the smallest living things and they are the building blocks of all living things.

  • What are the different types of cells?

There are two main types of cells: prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are the simplest type of cell and they do not have a nucleus. Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells and they have a nucleus.

  • What are the parts of a cell?

The parts of a cell include the cell membrane, the cytoplasm, the nucleus, and the organelles. The cell membrane is the outer layer of the cell and it protects the cell. The cytoplasm is the jelly-like substance inside the cell and it contains all of the cell’s organelles. The nucleus is the control center of the cell and it contains the cell’s DNA. The organelles are the tiny structures inside the cell that carry out different functions.

  • What are the functions of cells?

Cells carry out all of the functions that are necessary for life. These functions include Metabolism, Reproduction, and Communication. Metabolism is the process by which cells convert food into energy. Reproduction is the process by which cells produce new cells. Communication is the process by which cells send and receive signals to each other.


  • What are organs?

Organs are groups of tissues that work together to perform a specific function. For example, the heart is an organ that pumps blood throughout the body.

  • What are the different types of organs?

There are many different types of organs, but some of the most common include the heart, lungs, brain, liver, kidneys, and stomach.

  • What are the functions of organs?

Organs perform a variety of functions, depending on their type. For example, the heart pumps blood throughout the body, the lungs take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, the brain controls all of the body’s functions, the liver detoxifies the body, the kidneys filter waste products from the blood, and the stomach digests food.


  • What are systems?

Systems are groups of organs that work together to perform a complex function. For example, the digestive system is a system that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients.

  • What are the different types of systems?

There are many different types of systems, but some of the most common include the digestive system, the Circulatory System, the Respiratory System, the nervous system, the Endocrine System, the immune system, and the reproductive system.

  • What are the functions of systems?

Systems perform a variety of functions, depending on their type. For example, the digestive system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients, the circulatory system transports blood throughout the body, the respiratory system takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, the nervous system controls all of the body’s functions, the endocrine system produces hormones, the immune system protects the body from disease, and the reproductive system produces offspring.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of tissue?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood

  2. Which of the following is not a function of epithelial tissue?
    (A) Protection
    (B) Secretion
    (C) Absorption
    (D) Movement
    (E) Excretion

  3. Which of the following is not a function of connective tissue?
    (A) Support
    (B) Protection
    (C) Transportation
    (D) Movement
    (E) Excretion

  4. Which of the following is not a function of muscle tissue?
    (A) Movement
    (B) Heat production
    (C) Contraction
    (D) Relaxation
    (E) Secretion

  5. Which of the following is not a function of nervous tissue?
    (A) Control
    (B) Coordination
    (C) Sensation
    (D) Movement
    (E) Excretion

  6. Which of the following is the most abundant type of tissue in the human body?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood

  7. Which of the following is the least abundant type of tissue in the human body?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood

  8. Which of the following is the type of tissue that lines the organs and cavities of the body?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood

  9. Which of the following is the type of tissue that forms the bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments of the body?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood

  10. Which of the following is the type of tissue that makes up the heart, skeletal muscles, and smooth muscles of the body?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood

  11. Which of the following is the type of tissue that makes up the brain, spinal cord, and nerves of the body?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood

  12. Which of the following is the type of tissue that carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body and removes waste products from the cells?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood

  13. Which of the following is the type of tissue that helps to regulate body temperature, produce hormones, and fight off infection?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood

  14. Which of the following is the type of tissue that helps to protect the body from injury and infection?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood

  15. Which of the following is the type of tissue that helps to move the body and maintain posture?
    (A) Epithelial tissue
    (B) Connective tissue
    (C) Muscle tissue
    (D) Nervous tissue
    (E) Blood