Jainism With Reference To Uttar Pradesh

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Originated in India thousands of years ago and is thought to have heavily influenced the two other main belief systems of the region at that time: Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism and Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism. The religion centres on the progress of one’s soul towards a divine consciousness through self-reformation, wisdom and self-control and pacifism towards all living creatures. There are two main sects of Jains today; the Digambara and the Svetambara. There are thought to be 10 million Jains worldwide, the majority of them in India and amongst Indian expatriate communities in North America, Asia and East Africa.


Jainism grew in India many thousands of years ago. As with Hinduism, some Jains believe that the origins are millions of years ago, although obviously it is impossible to verify the exact origins. The more realistic assessment is that the religion dates back to the second or third millennium BCE, and there are archaeological remnants found among the Indus Valley civilisations (sites such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in modern Pakistan) from around 1500 BCE that appear to mention Jain Tirthankaras.

Jains believe that there had been 24 great teachers known as ‘Tirthan-karas’ (‘those who have discovered and then shown the way to eternal salvation’) who taught people how to live in harmony with the universe and ultimately to achieve spiritual liberation through their own example. The first of these Tirthankaras was Rushabha. The 23rd was Parsva who lived from 872-772 BCE according to some sources.

The last of these teachers born in northern India in 599 BCE was Virdhamana, the son of King Siddhartha. At the age of 30, he went into seclusion as an ascetic and following twelve years of intense prayer and contemplation, claimed to reach enlightenment. It was at that point that he was given the title Mahavira (great hero). He spent the rest of his life teaching others how to fulfil the purpose of their existence and to achieve complete liberation from the shackles of modern life. He is widely accredited with establishing the present ‘Jain’ belief system. Mahavira passed away in 527 BCE at the age of 72 years leaving behind 14,000 monks and 36,000 nuns.

The 24 Tirthankaras in order are:

Rushabha, Ajitnath, Sambhavanath, Abhinandan Swami, Sumatinath, Padmaprabhu, Suparshvanath, Chandraprabhu, Pushpadanta, Sheetalnath, Shreyansanath, Vasupujya Swami, Vimalnath, Anantnath, Dharmanath, Shantinath, Kunthananth, Aranath, Mallinath, Munisuvrata Swami, Nami Nath, Neminath, Parshavnath and Mahavira.

As mentioned earlier, through various interactions in India, Jainism had an influence on Hinduism and Buddhism, and they share concepts such as the seeking of freedom from worldly life and reincarnation of the soul. Some scholars suggest that Hinduism adopted vegetarianism through strong Jain influence across India.


Sacred Texts

Jains believe that the knowledge of the true path (dharma) reaches a zenith and then wanes several times through the cycle of history, and each time the knowledge is revived through a Tirthankara just as other monotheistic faiths believe that prophets were sent by a Creator to revive faith.

Mahavira is believed to have recorded his teachings in a series of texts known as the Agamas, although the Jain texts are the major source of controversy between the sects. The Digambara sect believes that following a vast famine in 350 BCE when many monks died, the original texts were also lost, whereas the Svetambara sect (whilst acknowledging that the Purvas texts were lost) believes that the majority of the texts survived in the form that we have today.

The most often cited book of the Jains is the Tattvartha Sutra (Book of Reality) thought to date from the second millennium BCE, but only recorded in written form in the 5th century CE by Umasvati, and it is at that point that Jainism splintered into the two main sects.



The Jains have 5 great vows by which they try to live their lives:

Non-violence (Ahimsa) towards all living beings (human, animal or plant life) including a spectrum of harm from insult and injury to death;

Not getting too attached (Aparigraha) to material possessions, people or places;

Not telling lies (Satya);

Not stealing (Asteya) or taking things that are not willingly handed over;

Sexual restraint (Brahmacarya) practised as celibacy by monks and nuns, and monogamy by normal Society.

They believe that all human, animal and plant life has a soul and therefore all of these life forms must be treated equally and fairly.

Jains believe that the purpose of man and creatures is to realise the soul’s true nature through the triple gems of (1) true perception, (2) true knowledge and (3) true conduct.

Unlike many other faiths, the Jains do not believe in a creator God or in spiritual beings such as angels, but do focus on the concept of reincarnation through which the soul evolves in life cycles until it reaches enlightenment when the soul is called jina (victorious). Whereas the major monotheistic faiths also believe in a spiritual journey, in the case of those faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), their followers seek the help of the Creator God to achieve spiritual liberation, whereas Jains believe that this journey is undertaken purely through their own efforts to achieve inner peace.

Moreover, the philosophy is that every soul is the architect of its own destiny. As a result of these beliefs, Jains also believe in an infinite Universe that was never created and will never end, but goes through major cycles.

The ultimate goal of self-reformation and the application of the Jain triple gems is to break free from the cycle of birth and death. In Jainism, a soul that frees itself (moksha) from the samsara cycle of life and death is called siddha (liberated soul) whereas those souls which are still attached to the wordly life are called samsarin (mundane souls). A liberated soul experiences boundless knowledge, power, perception and happiness.

As a result of these beliefs, they are vegetarians and aim to live in a manner which minimises the use of natural Resources so as to limit the impact upon other life forms. Rigid followers will allow head lice to survive on their head and not shave their head or take any medicine. Even  bacteria is not supposed to be killed.

Jains believe in soul reincarnation through phases including hell-being, sub-human (animal, plant and insects), human and super-human, and that there are an infinite number of souls in the Universe, that like matter, pre-existed creation.

Modern Jains

Modern Jain society has a concept of monks and nuns similar to Buddhism and Christianity, but has no priestly class. Monks and nuns live a celibate and ascetic lifestyle and take on greater vows and responsibilities than normal society.

Jains are recognised by their symbol which is the Swastika. Although this symbol was misused by the Nazis of Germany in the last century, the original Jain symbol signifies peace and well-being. The Jain Swastika appears in all temples and holy books, and during ceremonies, a swastika is created using rice.

Jains do have some idols, but these represent souls that have conquered their passions rather than deities.

Jains have several days of fasting on which they abstain from all food but can take water. During the fast, they focus on worship, contemplation and reading scriptures. Although there are specific fast days, Jains also perform voluntary fasts at any time of the year to cleanse themselves.

Their festivals include the following:

Mahavira Jayanti – a celebration of the birth of Mahavira

Paryushana – 8 days of fasting

Divali – a festival of renewal and lights also celebrated by Hindus, but significant for Jains as the day that Mahavira achieved enlightenment

Kartak Purnima – an annual pilgrimage to the key Jain sites in India

Mauna Agyaras – a single day of fasting

Kshamavaani – a day to seek forgiveness from everyone else

Jains are renowned for the value that they place on Education, and are recognised in India as the most literate community. Their libraries are well respected and complement the zeal for knowledge to enrich the soul.


Jainism in Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh, a state in north India has a long association with Jainism. Today the state is home to a number of Jain monuments, such as Jain Temples and Jain Tirths.

Parshvanatha, the twenty-third tirthankara, was born in Benaras (now Varanasi) in 872 BCE. According to Jain tradition, Kashi (now Varanasi) is the birthplace of three more tithankaras, namely Suparshvanatha, Chandraprabha and Shreyansanatha. According to Jain tradition, five tirthankaras were born at Ayodhya including Rishabhanatha,  Ajitanatha, Abhinandananatha, Sumatinatha  and Anantanatha. The famous naked Jain male torso found at Lohanipur, whether Mauryan or, more likely Kushana, is generally taken as indicative evidence of some sort of representational cult in early Jainism which reached an early height at Mathura, and certainly inscriptions from the many ayagapatas of the Mathura region make clear that puja to the tirthankaras with lay and ascetic involvement was an important dimension to this.








Jainism is one of the oldest religions in the world, and it has a long and rich history in Uttar Pradesh. The first Jains are believed to have arrived in the region in the 6th century BCE, and they have played an important role in the development of its culture and society.

There are many Jain temples in Uttar Pradesh, some of which are among the most important in the world. The most famous Jain temple in the state is the Dilwara Temples in Mount Abu, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other important Jain temples in Uttar Pradesh include the Ranakpur Jain Temple, the Osian Jain Temples, and the Jain temples in Shravasti.

Jainism has also produced many great saints and scholars from Uttar Pradesh. Some of the most famous Jain saints from the state include Mahavira, Parshvanatha, and Acharya Kundkunda. Jain Literature from Uttar Pradesh includes the Agamas, the Upanishads, and the Puranas. Jain art and architecture from Uttar Pradesh is some of the most beautiful and intricate in the world.

Jainism has a rich tradition of festivals, which are celebrated with great pomp and show. Some of the most important Jain Festivals in Uttar Pradesh include Mahavir Jayanti, Paryushan, and Akshaya Tritiya. Jain cuisine is also very distinctive, and it is based on the principles of non-violence and vegetarianism.

Jain culture is very vibrant and diverse, and it is influenced by the state’s rich history and culture. Jains in Uttar Pradesh are known for their hospitality, their generosity, and their commitment to education. Jain education in Uttar Pradesh is very well-developed, and there are many Jain schools and colleges in the state.

Jain social welfare is also very important in Uttar Pradesh, and there are many Jain organizations that work to improve the lives of the poor and the needy. Jain politics in Uttar Pradesh is also very active, and there are many Jain politicians who are involved in the state’s government.

Jain economics in Uttar Pradesh is also very strong, and there are many Jain businesses and industries in the state. Jain Environment in Uttar Pradesh is also very important, and there are many Jain organizations that work to protect the environment.

The future of Jainism in Uttar Pradesh is very bright, and the religion is expected to continue to grow and prosper in the years to come. The state’s rich history and culture, its strong economy, and its vibrant society provide a fertile ground for the Growth of Jainism.

What is Jainism?

Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that teaches a path of non-violence, non-attachment, and renunciation. The goal of Jainism is to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering.

What are the basic principles of Jainism?

The five basic principles of Jainism are ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (chastity), and aparigraha (non-possession).

Who is the founder of Jainism?

The founder of Jainism is Mahavira, who lived in India from 599 to 527 BCE. Mahavira was a spiritual teacher who renounced his wealth and family to live a life of asceticism. He is considered the 24th tirthankara, or savior, of Jainism.

What are the sacred texts of Jainism?

The sacred texts of Jainism are the Agamas, which are a collection of scriptures that contain the teachings of the tirthankaras. The Agamas are divided into two main categories: the Shvetambara Agamas and the Digambara Agamas.

What are the practices of Jainism?

The practices of Jainism include ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (chastity), and aparigraha (non-possession). Jains also practice a number of rituals, such as fasting, bathing, and meditation.

What is the history of Jainism?

Jainism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It originated in India in the 6th century BCE. Jainism spread to other parts of the world, such as Southeast Asia and Europe, but it has always been a minority religion.

What is the current status of Jainism?

Jainism is a minority Religion in India. There are about 4.5 million Jains in India, making up about 0.4% of the Population. Jains are also found in other parts of the world, such as Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States.

What are the challenges facing Jainism?

One of the challenges facing Jainism is the decline in the number of Jains. The Jain population has been declining in recent years due to a number of factors, such as intermarriage, conversion to other religions, and emigration.

Another challenge facing Jainism is the rise of fundamentalism. In recent years, there has been a rise in fundamentalist movements within Jainism. These movements have been criticized for their intolerance of other religions and their promotion of violence.

What is the future of Jainism?

The future of Jainism is uncertain. The religion is facing a number of challenges, such as the decline in the number of Jains and the rise of fundamentalism. However, Jainism is a resilient religion with a long history. It is possible that Jainism will survive these challenges and continue to thrive in the future.

Sure. Here are some MCQs about Jainism without mentioning the topic Jainism With Reference To Uttar Pradesh:

  1. Which of the following is not one of the five main principles of Jainism?
    (A) Ahimsa (non-violence)
    (B) Satya (truthfulness)
    (C) Asteya (non-stealing)
    (D) Brahmacharya (chastity)
    (E) Aparigraha (non-possession)

  2. The Jains believe that the universe is eternal and cyclical. What does this mean?
    (A) The universe has always existed and will always exist.
    (B) The universe goes through cycles of creation, destruction, and rebirth.
    (C) The universe is constantly changing.
    (D) The universe is a perfect place.
    (E) The universe is a place of suffering.

  3. The Jains believe that the soul is eternal and indestructible. What does this mean?
    (A) The soul is always reborn into a new body.
    (B) The soul is never reborn into a new body.
    (C) The soul is always in a state of bliss.
    (D) The soul is always in a state of suffering.
    (E) The soul is always in a state of change.

  4. The Jains believe that the goal of life is to achieve moksha, or liberation from the cycle of rebirth. How can this be achieved?
    (A) By following the five main principles of Jainism.
    (B) By meditating on the nature of the soul.
    (C) By performing good deeds.
    (D) By giving up all possessions.
    (E) By starving oneself to death.

  5. The Jains are known for their strict asceticism. What does this mean?
    (A) They practice extreme self-denial.
    (B) They live in isolation from the world.
    (C) They eat only a very simple diet.
    (D) They wear white clothes.
    (E) They cover their mouths with a cloth to avoid harming insects.

  6. The Jains have a long and rich history. What is the earliest known mention of Jainism?
    (A) The Vedas
    (B) The Upanishads
    (C) The Mahabharata
    (D) The Ramayana
    (E) The Arthashastra

  7. The Jains have made significant contributions to Indian culture. What is one example of this?
    (A) The development of the decimal system.
    (B) The invention of the zero.
    (C) The construction of the Taj Mahal.
    (D) The development of the Kama Sutra.
    (E) The writing of the Mahabharata.

  8. The Jains are a minority religion in India. What is the approximate Percentage of the Indian population that is Jain?
    (A) 0.1%
    (B) 0.5%
    (C) 1%
    (D) 2%
    (E) 5%

  9. The Jains are found in many parts of the world, but they are concentrated in India. What are the two states in India with the largest Jain populations?
    (A) Gujarat and Rajasthan
    (B) Maharashtra and Karnataka
    (C) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
    (D) Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
    (E) Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

  10. The Jains have a rich and diverse culture. What is one example of this?
    (A) The Jain Temple Architecture
    (B) The Jain art
    (C) The Jain music
    (D) The Jain literature
    (E) The Jain cuisine