Rural #U2013 Urban Continuum

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Rural – Urban continuum

Rural- urban continuum, the merging of town and country, a term used in recognition of the fact that in general there is rarely, either physically or socially, a sharp division, a clearly marked boundary between the two, with one part of the Population wholly urban, the other wholly rural.

From the analytical point of view, the characteristics of these two modes of living are represented by two concepts namely ‘ruralism’ and ‘urbanism.’ Ruralism signifies the rural mode of living in which there is predominance of traditions, customs, and folk culture and joint family. On the other hand, urbanism signifies the urban mode of living in which there is predominance of impersonal relations, individualism and secondary associations.

The rural social world is different from the urban social world. There is a valid distinction between village and city in terms of two different ethos of life, cultural patterns, socio-cultural groupings and modes of earning and livelihood.

However, there are also structural similarities between the two with regard to the patterns of caste, kinship, rules of marriages, observance of religious practices, migrations, educational institutions, EMPLOYMENT opportunities and administration are the other institutional sources of linkages between villages and cities. Thus, villages and towns cannot be seen simply as dichotomous entities. They are interlinked and yet distinct from each other.

The concept of rural-urban continuum is based on the assumption of rural-urban differences. According to G. V. Fuguitt, ‘If rural-urban Sociology is to continue a specialized sub-field and has a meaningful conceptual basis, the need for a new orientation is evident.’

Professor Bertrand made the following observation: ‘Proponents of the continuum theory feel that rural-urban differences occur in a relative degree in a range extending between two polar extremes of rural and urban.’

The continuum theory lays emphasis on the rural-urban differences rather than on the rural-urban dichotomy. Irrespective of the course of evolution, distinction can be drawn between rural and urban way of life.

The difference between urban centres and rural areas may seem so obvious that the definitions should not be an issue. However, there can be major variations in the ways in which different nations define what is an urban centre. The criteria used include population size and density, and the availability of Services such as the secondary schools, hospitals and banks.

However, the combination of criteria applied can vary greatly. Even the population thresholds used can be different: for many African nations, it is 5,000 inhabitants, while for most Latin American and European nations, it can be as low as 2,000 or 2,500, or even just a few hundred inhabitants.

Official classifications should be treated with caution—for example, a large proportion of settlements classed as ‘rural’ in China and India would fall within the ‘urban’ category, if they used the criteria and population thresholds adopted by many other countries. Given the size of the population of these two countries, this would significantly increase the overall proportion of urban residents in Asia and in the world.

International comparisons are difficult, as they may look at settlements which, despite being classed in the same category, may be very different in both population size and Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE. In addition, the reliability of data on Urbanization trends within one nation can be compromised by changes in the definition of urban centres over time.

Public Investment in services and infrastructure tends to concentrate on the centres that are defined as urban. As a consequence, investment can bypass settlements not defined as urban even if these can, and often do, have an important ‘urban role in the development of the surrounding rural areas. Within national and regional urban systems, larger cities also tend to be favoured with public investment over small- and intermediate-sized urban centres, including those with important roles in supporting agricultural production, processing and Marketing.

An Indian perspective

In India, during the last three decades the development of transport and road Communication has connected the remote tribal areas, villages and urban centres rapidly within a very short period of time. New occupations and modern educational institutions have attracted the people of rural areas.

Thus rural to urban Migration has taken place. This reduces the separation between tribal areas, villages and cities. The distant tribal areas show traits of urbanism, tribal and rural culture. Due to migration from tribal-rural areas to urban areas, cities may exhibit combination and amalgamation of such cultural traits.




The Rural-Urban Continuum (RUC) is a system used by the United States Census Bureau to classify counties in the United States based on their level of urbanization. The RUC system is based on the Percentage of the county’s population living in urban areas, with counties with less than 20% of their population living in urban areas classified as rural and counties with 80% or more of their population living in urban areas classified as urban. Counties with intermediate levels of urbanization are classified as either “suburban” or “small town.”

The RUC system is used by the Census Bureau for a variety of purposes, including the allocation of federal funds and the development of statistical programs. The system is also used by researchers to study the differences between rural and urban areas.

The RUC system has been criticized for being too simplistic and for not taking into account the diversity of rural areas. However, the system remains the most widely used method for classifying counties by level of urbanization.

The following are some of the key characteristics of rural areas:

  • Low population density: Rural areas have a low population density, meaning that there are relatively few people living in a large area.
  • Economic dependence on agriculture: Many rural areas are economically dependent on agriculture. Agriculture is the primary source of employment in many rural areas, and rural areas are home to a large number of farms.
  • Low levels of Education: Rural areas tend to have lower levels of education than urban areas. This is due to a number of factors, including the lack of access to quality education in rural areas and the fact that many rural residents are employed in low-wage jobs that do not require a high level of education.
  • High rates of POVERTY: Rural areas have high rates of poverty. This is due to a number of factors, including the lack of economic opportunities in rural areas, the low levels of education in rural areas, and the high cost of living in rural areas.
  • Lack of access to healthcare: Rural areas often lack access to quality healthcare. This is due to a number of factors, including the low population density in rural areas, the lack of doctors in rural areas, and the high cost of healthcare in rural areas.
  • Lack of public transportation: Rural areas often lack public transportation. This is due to a number of factors, including the low population density in rural areas, the high cost of providing public transportation in rural areas, and the fact that many rural residents own cars.

The following are some of the key characteristics of urban areas:

  • High population density: Urban areas have a high population density, meaning that there are a large number of people living in a small area.
  • Economic diversity: Urban areas are economically diverse, meaning that there are a variety of businesses and industries located in urban areas.
  • High levels of education: Urban areas tend to have higher levels of education than rural areas. This is due to a number of factors, including the fact that there are more colleges and universities located in urban areas, the fact that there are more job opportunities in urban areas that require a high level of education, and the fact that urban residents are more likely to value education.
  • Low rates of poverty: Urban areas have low rates of poverty. This is due to a number of factors, including the fact that there are more job opportunities in urban areas, the fact that urban residents are more likely to have access to quality healthcare, and the fact that urban residents are more likely to have access to public transportation.
  • Access to healthcare: Urban areas often have access to quality healthcare. This is due to a number of factors, including the high population density in urban areas, the fact that there are more doctors in urban areas, and the fact that the cost of healthcare is lower in urban areas.
  • Public transportation: Urban areas often have public transportation. This is due to a number of factors, including the high population density in urban areas, the fact that the cost of providing public transportation is lower in urban areas, and the fact that many urban residents do not own cars.

The RUC system is a useful tool for understanding the differences between rural and urban areas. However, it is important to remember that the system is just a tool, and that it does not capture the full diversity of rural and urban areas.

What is the difference between rural and urban areas?

Rural areas are sparsely populated areas with a low population density, while urban areas are densely populated areas with a high population density.

What are the characteristics of rural areas?

Rural areas are typically characterized by small towns, farms, and open spaces. They often have a slower pace of life than urban areas.

What are the characteristics of urban areas?

Urban areas are typically characterized by large cities, tall buildings, and a fast pace of life. They often have a diverse population and a wide range of cultural and economic opportunities.

What are the benefits of living in rural areas?

The benefits of living in rural areas include lower cost of living, less traffic, and a slower pace of life. Rural areas are also often seen as being more environmentally friendly than urban areas.

What are the benefits of living in urban areas?

The benefits of living in urban areas include more job opportunities, more cultural and economic opportunities, and a wider range of housing Options. Urban areas are also often seen as being more cosmopolitan and diverse than rural areas.

What are the challenges of living in rural areas?

The challenges of living in rural areas include limited job opportunities, lack of public transportation, and long distances to travel for basic services. Rural areas are also often seen as being more isolated and less diverse than urban areas.

What are the challenges of living in urban areas?

The challenges of living in urban areas include high cost of living, traffic congestion, and crime. Urban areas are also often seen as being more polluted and less environmentally friendly than rural areas.

What is the future of rural and urban areas?

The future of rural and urban areas is uncertain. Some experts believe that rural areas will continue to decline in population, while others believe that they will experience a resurgence as people seek a more affordable and slower-paced lifestyle. Urban areas are expected to continue to grow in population, and some experts believe that they will become even more diverse and cosmopolitan.

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of rural areas?
    (A) Low population density
    (B) High population density
    (C) A focus on agriculture
    (D) A focus on Industry

  2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of urban areas?
    (A) High population density
    (B) A focus on industry
    (C) A focus on agriculture
    (D) A diverse economy

  3. Which of the following is a major difference between rural and urban areas?
    (A) The type of economy
    (B) The population density
    (C) The Climate
    (D) The culture

  4. Which of the following is a major similarity between rural and urban areas?
    (A) The presence of a government
    (B) The presence of schools
    (C) The presence of businesses
    (D) The presence of people

  5. Which of the following is a major challenge facing rural areas?
    (A) Out-migration
    (B) In-migration
    (C) Economic decline
    (D) Economic Growth

  6. Which of the following is a major challenge facing urban areas?
    (A) Poverty
    (B) Crime
    (C) Pollution
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is a major benefit of living in a rural area?
    (A) Peace and quiet
    (B) Slower pace of life
    (C) Lower cost of living
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is a major benefit of living in an urban area?
    (A) More job opportunities
    (B) More cultural and entertainment options
    (C) More diversity
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is a major factor that determines whether an area is rural or urban?
    (A) The population density
    (B) The type of economy
    (C) The climate
    (D) The culture

  10. Which of the following is a major trend that is affecting rural and urban areas alike?
    (A) The growth of the suburbs
    (B) The decline of manufacturing
    (C) The rise of the service sector
    (D) All of the above