DPPQ- Indian Pre History Part 1

<2/”>a >Question:Which of the following site is considered to be the earliest lower palaeolithic sites in India
>>>Belan Valley

Question:Which of the following is known as old stone age(500,000 B.C to 8000 B.C.)

Question:Which of the following is known as Middle stone age(8000 B.C to 6000 B.C.)

Question:Which of the following is known as New stone age(6000 B.C to 1000 B.C.)

Question:Which of the following is an important site in Belan Valley where fossil animal bones have been found
>>>Chopani Mando

Question:Hard rock called quardzite was used during which age

Question:A mesolithic site in Rajasthan is
>>>Chopani Mando

Question:A mesolithic site in Gujarat is
>>>Chopani Mando

Question:A mesolithic site in Uttar Pradesh is
>>>Chopani Mando

Question:Rock Shelters of Adamgarh are located in
>>>Madhya Pradesh
>>>Uttar Pradesh

Question:The Bhimbetka Rock Shelters are located in
>>>Madhya Pradesh
>>>Uttar Pradesh

Question:Domestication of Animals was started during

Question:Sarai Nahar in Kunda(Pratapgarh) is a neolithic site of
>>>Uttar Pradesh
>>>Madhya Pradesh

Question:Bahera (Mirzapur) is a megalithic site of
>>>Uttar Pradesh
>>>Madhya Pradesh

Question:The Sanghao cave sequence now in northeast of Mardan, Pakistan is of

Question:Kurnool caves of Andhra Pradesh are of

Question:Which of the following site is one of the earliest Neolithic sites on the Indian subcontinent
>>>Belan Valley

Question:Neolithic ashmounds are man-made landscape features found in some parts of southern India mainly in

Question:During the Mesolithic there are instances of intentional extended burials with mostly orientations for the bodies

Question:Burzahom is a neolithic site in
>>>Jammu and Kashmir
>>>Madhya Pradesh

Indian Prehistory

The history of India is long and complex, dating back to the Stone Age. The first humans to inhabit India were hunter-gatherers who lived in small groups. Over time, these groups began to form larger communities, and eventually, the first civilizations emerged.

The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the earliest civilizations in the world. It flourished in the northwestern part of India from around 2600 to 1900 BCE. The Indus Valley Civilization was a complex Society with a sophisticated urban culture. Its people built large cities, developed a system of writing, and traded with other cultures throughout Asia.

The Indus Valley Civilization declined around 1900 BCE, and its people disappeared from history. The reasons for its decline are not fully understood, but it may have been due to a combination of factors, such as Climate change, warfare, or internal strife.

After the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization, India entered a period of transition. During this time, many different cultures and peoples migrated to India, and the country began to take on its modern shape.

The Aryans were one of the most important groups to migrate to India. They arrived in India from Central Asia around 1500 BCE. The Aryans were a pastoral people who spoke a language called Sanskrit. They brought with them their own culture and religion, which had a profound impact on the development of Indian civilization.

The Aryans settled in the northern part of India and began to build a new society. They established a system of Social Classes, and their religion, Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism, became the dominant Religion in India.

The Aryans also introduced a new system of writing, called the Brahmi Script. This script was used to write Sanskrit, and it eventually evolved into the modern Indian scripts.

The Aryans ruled India for many centuries, and their culture and religion had a lasting impact on the country. Hinduism is still the dominant religion in India, and the Aryan caste system is still in effect in some parts of the country.

The Gupta Period was a golden age for India. It lasted from around 320 to 550 CE, and it was a time of great cultural and economic prosperity. The Guptas were a powerful dynasty who ruled much of northern India. They were patrons of the arts and sciences, and they built many temples and universities.

The Gupta Period was also a time of great religious and philosophical development. The Hindu and Buddhist religions flourished during this time, and many important texts were written.

The Gupta Period came to an end in the 6th century CE, but its legacy continues to this day. The Guptas left behind a rich cultural heritage that has shaped the modern Indian identity.

The Medieval Period in India was a time of great change and upheaval. The Mughal Empire, which was founded in the 16th century, brought a new era of stability and prosperity to India. However, the Mughal Empire declined in the 18th century, and India was soon divided into a number of smaller kingdoms.

The British East India Company began to establish trading posts in India in the 17th century. Over time, the Company gained more and more control over India, and it eventually became the dominant power in the country.

The British ruled India for nearly 200 years. During this time, India was transformed into a modern nation. The British built roads, railways, and schools, and they introduced Western ideas and technology to India.

However, the British also exploited India’s Resources and people. The Indian people were forced to work in factories and mines for little pay, and they were often treated as second-class citizens.

The Indian independence movement began in the late 19th century. The movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi, who advocated for non-violent resistance to British rule. After years of struggle, India finally gained independence in 1947.

The Republic of India was founded in 1947. It is a secular, democratic country with a Population of over 1.3 billion people. India is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the G20.

India is a land of great diversity. It is home to a wide range of cultures, religions, and languages. India is also a rapidly developing country, and it is poised to play a major role in the 21st century.

What is Indian Prehistory?

Indian Prehistory is the study of the human past in India before the invention of writing. It covers a period of over 100,000 years, from the earliest evidence of human habitation in India to the beginning of the historical period.

What are the main sources of evidence for Indian Prehistory?

The main sources of evidence for Indian Prehistory are archaeology, physical anthropology, and linguistics. Archaeology provides evidence of human activity in the form of tools, artifacts, and sites. Physical anthropology provides evidence of human biology in the form of skeletal remains. Linguistics provides evidence of human language in the form of words and phrases.

What are the main stages of Indian Prehistory?

The main stages of Indian Prehistory are the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and Iron Age. The Paleolithic period is the earliest period of human habitation in India, and is characterized by the use of stone tools. The Mesolithic period is a transitional period between the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, and is characterized by the use of both stone and bone tools. The Neolithic period is characterized by the development of agriculture and the use of polished stone tools. The Chalcolithic period is characterized by the development of copper and bronze metallurgy. The Iron Age is characterized by the development of iron metallurgy.

What are some of the important sites from Indian Prehistory?

Some of the important sites from Indian Prehistory include the Soan Valley in Pakistan, the Bhimbhetka rock shelters in Madhya Pradesh, the Mehrgarh site in Balochistan, the Harappan sites in the Indus Valley, and the sites of the megalithic cultures of southern India.

What are some of the important discoveries from Indian Prehistory?

Some of the important discoveries from Indian Prehistory include the discovery of the earliest evidence of human habitation in India at the Soan Valley site, the discovery of the earliest evidence of Agriculture In India at the Mehrgarh site, the discovery of the Indus Valley Civilization, and the discovery of the megalithic cultures of southern India.

What are some of the important theories about Indian Prehistory?

Some of the important theories about Indian Prehistory include the Out-of-Africa theory, the Aryan Invasion theory, and the Indus Valley Civilization theory. The Out-of-Africa theory is the theory that humans originated in Africa and then migrated to other parts of the world. The Aryan Invasion theory is the theory that a group of people from Central Asia invaded India and brought with them the Aryan language and culture. The Indus Valley Civilization theory is the theory that a complex civilization developed in the Indus Valley region in the 3rd millennium BCE.

What are some of the important controversies about Indian Prehistory?

Some of the important controversies about Indian Prehistory include the dating of the Indus Valley Civilization, the Origin of the Aryans, and the relationship between the Indus Valley Civilization and the Vedic culture. The dating of the Indus Valley Civilization is controversial because there is no consensus on the exact date of its beginning and end. The origin of the Aryans is controversial because there is no consensus on whether they were indigenous to India or whether they migrated from Central Asia. The relationship between the Indus Valley Civilization and the Vedic culture is controversial because there is no consensus on whether the two cultures were related or whether they were separate cultures.

Question 1

The earliest known human habitation in India dates back to:

(A) 200,000 years ago
(B) 100,000 years ago
(C) 50,000 years ago
(D) 25,000 years ago

Answer (A)


The earliest known human habitation in India dates back to 200,000 years ago. The first humans to arrive in India were hunter-gatherers who came from Africa. They lived in small groups and moved around frequently in search of food.

Question 2

The first major civilization to develop in India was the:

(A) Indus Valley Civilization
(B) Harappan Civilization
(C) Mohenjo-daro Civilization
(D) Harappa Civilization

Answer (A)


The Indus Valley Civilization was the first major civilization to develop in India. It flourished from around 2600 to 1900 BCE. The Indus Valley Civilization was centered in the Indus River valley, which is now located in Pakistan and northwestern India.

Question 3

The Indus Valley Civilization was a major urban civilization. The largest cities of the Indus Valley Civilization were:

(A) Mohenjo-daro and Harappa
(B) Harappa and Lothal
(C) Mohenjo-daro and Lothal
(D) Dholavira and Rakhigarhi

Answer (A)


The largest cities of the Indus Valley Civilization were Mohenjo-daro and Harappa. Mohenjo-daro was located in what is now Pakistan, while Harappa was located in what is now northwestern India. Both cities were well-planned and had sophisticated Drainage Systems.

Question 4

The Indus Valley Civilization was a major trading civilization. The Indus Valley people traded with people from all over the world. They traded goods such as:

(A) Cotton, spices, and gems
(B) Cotton, spices, and ivory
(C) Cotton, gems, and gold
(D) Cotton, gold, and ivory

Answer (A)


The Indus Valley people traded goods such as cotton, spices, and gems. They traded with people from Mesopotamia, Persia, and even as far away as Egypt.

Question 5

The Indus Valley Civilization declined around 1900 BCE. The decline of the Indus Valley Civilization is thought to have been caused by a number of factors, including:

(A) Drought, floods, and Earthquakes
(B) Drought, floods, and invasions
(C) Drought, invasions, and earthquakes
(D) Floods, invasions, and earthquakes

Answer (A)


The decline of the Indus Valley Civilization is thought to have been caused by a number of factors, including drought, floods, and earthquakes. These natural disasters may have caused the Indus Valley people to abandon their cities and move to other areas.

Question 6

The Indus Valley Civilization was a major achievement of the Indian people. The Indus Valley Civilization was a sophisticated civilization with a rich culture. It made significant contributions to the development of Indian Society.

Answer (True)


The Indus Valley Civilization was a major achievement of the Indian people. The Indus Valley Civilization was a sophisticated civilization with a rich culture. It made significant contributions to the development of Indian society, including the development of writing, mathematics, and architecture.

Question 7

The Indus Valley Civilization was a major influence on the development of Hinduism. Hinduism is the oldest major religion in the world. It is a polytheistic religion that originated in India. Hinduism is based on the Vedas, which are a collection of sacred texts.

Answer (False)


The Indus Valley Civilization was not a major influence on the development of Hinduism. Hinduism is a religion that originated in India, but it is not based on the Indus Valley Civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization was a sophisticated civilization with a rich culture, but it did not have a major influence on the development of Hinduism.