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The Seuna, Sevuna or of Devagiri (c. 850–1334) was an Indian dynasty, which at its peak ruled a kingdom stretching from the Tungabhadra to the Narmada rivers, including present-day Maharashtra, north Karnataka and parts of Madhya Pradesh, from its capital at Devagiri (present-day Daulatabad in modern Maharashtra).

The initially ruled as feudatories of the Western Chalukyas. Around the middle of the 12th century, as the Chalukya power waned, the Yadava king Bhillama V declared independence. The Yadava kingdom reached its peak under Simhana II, and flourished until the early 14th century, when it was annexed by the Delhi Sultanate.

The earliest historical ruler of the Seuna/Yadava dynasty can be dated to the mid-9th century, but the origin of the dynasty is uncertain. Little is known about their early history: their 13th century court poet Hemadri records the names of the family's early rulers, but his information about the pre-12th century rulers is often incomplete and inaccurate.

The dynasty claimed descent from Yadu, a hero mentioned in the Puranic legends. According to this account, found in Hemadri's Vratakhanda as well as several inscriptions, their ancestors originally resided at Mathura, and then migrated to Dvaraka (Dvaravati) in present-day Gujarat. A Jain mythological legend states that the Jain saint Jainaprabhasuri saved the pregnant mother of the dynasty's founder Dridhaprahara from a great fire that destroyed Dvaraka. A family feudatory to the migrated from Vallabhi (also in present-day Gujarat) to Khandesh. But otherwise, no historical evidence corroborates their connection to Dvaraka. The dynasty never tried to conquer Dvaraka, or establish any political or cultural connections with that region. Its rulers started claiming to be descendants of Yadu and migrants from Dvaraka after becoming politically prominent. Dvaraka was associated with Yadu's descendants, and the dynasty's claim of connection with that city may simply be a result of their claim of descent from Yadu rather than their actual geographic origin.The Hoysalas, the southern neighbours of the dynasty, similarly claimed descent from Yadu and claimed to be the former lords of Dvaraka.

The territory of the early Yadava rulers was located in present-day Maharashtra, and several scholars (especially Maharashtrian historians) have claimed a "Maratha" origin for the dynasty. However, Marathi, the language of present-day Maharashtra, began to appear as the dominant language in the dynasty's inscriptions only in the 14th century, before which Kannada and Sanskrit were the primary language of their inscriptions. Marathi appears in around two hundred Yadava inscriptions, but usually as translation of or addition to Kannada and Sanskrit text. During the last half century of the dynasty's rule, it became the dominant language of epigraphy, which may have been a result of the Yadava attempts to connect with their Marathi-speaking subjects, and to distinguish themselves from the Kannada-speaking Hoysalas. The earliest instance of the using the term "marathe" as a self-designation appears in a 1311 inscription recording a donation to the Pandharpur temple, towards the end of the dynasty's rule.

The earliest historically attested ruler of the dynasty is Dridhaprahara (c. 860-880), who is said to have established the city of Chandradityapura (modern Chandor).He probably rose to prominence by protecting the people of Khandesh region from enemy raiders, amid the instability brought by the Pratihara-Rashtrakuta war.

Dridhaprahara son and successor was Seunachandra (c. 880-900), after whom the dynasty was called Seuna-vamsha and their territory was called Seuna-desha. He probably became a Rashtrakuta feudatory after helping the Rashtrakutas against their northern neighbours, the Paramaras. He established a new town called Seunapura (possibly modern Sinnar).

Not much information is available about Seunachandra's successors — Dhadiyappa (or Dadhiyappa), Bhillama I, and Rajugi (or Rajiga) — who ruled during c. 900-950. The next ruler Vandugi (also Vaddiga I or Baddiga) raised the family's political status by marrying into the imperial Rashtrakuta family. He married Vohivayya, a daughter of Dhorappa, who was a younger brother of the Rashtrakuta emperor Krishna III. Vandugi participated in Krishna's military campaigns, which may have resulted in an increase in his fief, although this cannot be said with certainty.

Little is known about the next ruler, Dhadiyasa (c. 970-985). His son Bhillama II acknowledged the suzerainty of the Kalyani Chalukya ruler Tailapa II, who overthrew The Rashtrakutas. As a Chalukya feudatory, he played an important role in Tailapa's victory over the Paramara king Munja. Bhillama II was succeeded by Vesugi I (r. c. 1005-1025), who married Nayilladevi, the daughter of a Chalukya feudatory of Gujarat. The next ruler Bhillama III is known from his Kalas Budruk grant inscription. He married Avalladevi, a daughter of the Chalukya king Jayasimha II, as attested by a Vasai (Bassein) inscription. He may have helped his father-in-law Jayasimha and his brother-in-law Someshvara I in their campaigns against the Paramara king Bhoja.

For unknown reasons, the Yadava power seems to have declined over the next decade, during the reigns of Vesugi II (alias Vaddiga or Yadugi) and Bhillama IV. The next ruler was Seunachandra II, who, according to the Yadava records, restored the family's fortunes just like the god Hari had restored the earth's fortunes with his varaha incarnation. Seunachandra II appears to have ascended the throne around 1050, as he is attested by the 1052 Deolali inscription. He bore the feudatory title Maha-mandaleshvara and became the overlord of several sub-feudatories, including a family of Khandesh. A 1069 inscription indicates that he had a ministry of seven officers, all of whom bore high-sounding titles. During his tenure, the Chalukya kingdom saw a war of SUCCESSION between the brothers Someshvara II and Vikramaditya VI. Seunachandra II supported Vikramaditya (who ultimately succeeded), and rose to the position of Maha-mandaleshvara. His son Airammadeva (or Erammadeva, r. c. 1085-1105), who helped him against Someshvara II, succeeded him. Airammadeva's queen was Yogalla, but little else is known about his reign. The Asvi inscription credits him with helping place Vikramaditya on the Chalukya throne.

At the time of Bhillama V's ascension in c. 1175, his nominal overlords — the Chalukyas — were busy fighting their former feudatories, such as the Hoysalas and the Kalachuris. Bhillama raided the northern Gujarat Chaulukya and Paramara territories, although these invasions did not result in any territorial annexations. The Naddula Chahamana ruler Kelhana, who was a Gujarat Chaulukya feudatory, forced him to retreat Meanwhile, the Hoysala ruler Ballala II invaded the Chalukya capital Kalyani, forcing Bhillama's overlord Someshvara to flee. Around 1187, Bhillama forced Ballala to retreat, conquered the former Chalukya capital Kalyani, and declared himself a sovereign ruler.

In 1278, Ramachandra appears to have defeated the Turkic invaders from the Delhi Sultanate, as a Sanskrit royal inscription of that year glorifies him as a "Great Boar in securing the earth from the oppression of the Turks". However, in 1294, Ala-ud-din Khalji of the Delhi Sultanate successfully raided Devagiri. Khalji restored it to Ramachandra in return for his promise of payment of a high ransom and an annual tribute.However, this was not paid and the Seuna kingdom's arrears to Khalji kept mounting. In 1307, Khalji sent an army commanded by Malik Kafur, accompanied by Khwaja Haji, to Devagiri. The Muslim governors of Malwa and Gujarat were ordered to help Malik Kafur. Their huge army conquered the weakened and defeated forces of Devagiri almost without a battle. Ramachandra was taken to Delhi. Khalji reinstated Ramachandra as governor in return for a promise to help him subdue the Hindu kingdoms in South India. In 1310, Malik Kafur mounted an assault on the Kakatiya kingdom from Devagiri.

Ramachandra's successor Simhana III challenged the supremacy of Khalji, who sent Malik Kafur to recapture Devagiri in 1313. Simhana III was killed in the ensuing battle and Khalji's army occupied Devagiri. The kingdom was annexed by the Khalji sultanate in 1317. Many years later, Muhammad Tughluq of the Tughluq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate subsequently renamed the city Daulatabad.



The Yadavas were a Hindu warrior clan that ruled over the Indian subcontinent for centuries. They are believed to have originated in the region of Mathura, and their early history is shrouded in legend. The Yadavas are best known for their role in The Mahabharata, in which they fought on the side of the Kauravas against the Pandavas. After the war, the Yadavas were defeated and scattered, and their kingdom was destroyed. However, they continued to play an important role in Indian history, and their descendants can still be found in many parts of the country.

The Yadavas are a fascinating and complex group, and their history is full of intrigue and drama. They were a powerful and influential clan, and their legacy continues to this day.

Origin of the Yadavas

The Yadavas are believed to have originated in the region of Mathura, which is located in the present-day state of Uttar Pradesh. Their early history is shrouded in legend, but it is believed that they were descended from the god Krishna. Krishna was a powerful warrior and a wise statesman, and he is considered to be one of the most important figures in Hindu mythology.

The Yadavas were a powerful and influential clan, and they ruled over a large territory in northern India. They were known for their military prowess, and they were often involved in conflicts with other clans. The Yadavas were also known for their love of luxury and their extravagant lifestyle.

Early history of the Yadavas

The Yadavas reached the height of their power during the reign of Krishna’s grandson, Vasudeva. Vasudeva was a wise and just ruler, and he ushered in a period of peace and prosperity for the Yadavas. However, Vasudeva’s reign was not without its challenges. The Yadavas were constantly under threat from other clans, and they were also plagued by internal strife.

Role of the Yadavas in the Mahabharata

The Yadavas played a major role in the Mahabharata, one of the most important Epics in Hindu literature. The Mahabharata tells the story of a conflict between two branches of the same family, the Kauravas and the Pandavas. The Yadavas were allied with the Kauravas, and they fought on their side in the war.

The Yadavas were a formidable force on the battlefield, and they played a key role in the early stages of the war. However, they were eventually defeated by the Pandavas, and their kingdom was destroyed.

Defeat of the Yadavas and destruction of their kingdom

The Yadavas were defeated in the Mahabharata, and their kingdom was destroyed. However, they continued to play an important role in Indian history. The Yadavas were a powerful and influential clan, and their descendants can still be found in many parts of the country.

Continued importance of the Yadavas in Indian history

The Yadavas continued to play an important role in Indian history after the Mahabharata. They were involved in many conflicts with other clans, and they also played a role in the spread of Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism. The Yadavas were a powerful and influential clan, and their legacy continues to this day.

Descendants of the Yadavas

The Yadavas are a large and diverse group, and their descendants can be found in many parts of India. The Yadavas are known for their strong sense of community, and they often maintain close ties with their extended families. The Yadavas are also known for their love of music and dance, and they have a rich cultural heritage.

Legacy of the Yadavas

The Yadavas are a fascinating and complex group, and their history is full of intrigue and drama. They were a powerful and influential clan, and their legacy continues to this day. The Yadavas are a source of pride for many Indians, and their history is an important part of the Indian Cultural Heritage.

What is the meaning of the word “Yadava”?

The word “Yadava” means “cowherd” or “shepherd”. It is a Sanskrit word that is derived from the root word “yadu”, which means “to tend cattle”.

Who are the Yadavas?

The Yadavas are a Hindu warrior clan that is mentioned in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. They are said to have descended from the god Krishna, and they were one of the most powerful clans in ancient India.

What is the history of the Yadavas?

The Yadavas are said to have originated in the city of Mathura, which is located in the present-day state of Uttar Pradesh. They were originally a pastoral people, but they later became a powerful warrior clan. The Yadavas are said to have ruled over a large part of northern India during the Mahabharata era.

What is the religion of the Yadavas?

The Yadavas are Hindus. They worship the god Krishna, who is said to be their ancestor.

What is the culture of the Yadavas?

The Yadavas are a very traditional people. They have a strong sense of community and family. They are also very proud of their heritage.

What are the customs of the Yadavas?

The Yadavas have many unique customs. For example, they have a tradition of marrying within their own clan. They also have a tradition of celebrating the birth of a son by throwing a large feast.

What are the challenges facing the Yadavas?

The Yadavas are facing many challenges today. They are one of the poorest communities in India, and they are often discriminated against. They are also facing a number of social problems, such as alcoholism and drug abuse.

What are the hopes and dreams of the Yadavas?

The Yadavas hope to improve their lives and to achieve Equality in Society/”>Indian Society. They also hope to preserve their culture and traditions.

What is the future of the Yadavas?

The future of the Yadavas is uncertain. They are facing many challenges, but they are also a resilient people. It is possible that they will overcome their challenges and achieve a better future.

Sure. Here are some MCQs on the following topics:

  • The Mahabharata
  • The Ramayana
  • The Vedas
  • The Upanishads
  • The Bhagavad Gita

  • The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic poem that tells the story of the Kurukshetra War. It is one of the longest epic poems in the world, with over 100,000 verses. The Mahabharata is traditionally ascribed to Vyasa, who is also a character in the poem.

  • The Ramayana is another ancient Indian epic poem that tells the story of Rama, a prince who is exiled from his kingdom and must fight to reclaim his throne. The Ramayana is one of the most popular epics in India, and it has been adapted into many different forms, including films, television shows, and plays.

  • The Vedas are a collection of ancient Indian texts that are considered to be the foundation of Hinduism. The Vedas are divided into four parts: the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Sama Veda, and the Atharva Veda. The Vedas contain hymns, prayers, and rituals that are used in Hindu worship.

  • The Upanishads are a collection of philosophical texts that are part of the Hindu tradition. The Upanishads are considered to be the source of Hindu philosophy, and they deal with topics such as the nature of reality, the soul, and liberation.

  • The Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu scripture that is part of the Mahabharata. The Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between the warrior Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna, who is an incarnation of the god Vishnu. The Bhagavad Gita deals with topics such as duty, action, and the nature of God.

  • The Gupta Empire was a powerful Indian empire that ruled from the 3rd to the 6th centuries CE. The Gupta Empire was a time of great cultural and economic prosperity in India. The Gupta Empire is also known for its contributions to mathematics, science, and literature.

  • The Mauryan Empire was an ancient Indian empire that ruled from the 4th to the 2nd centuries BCE. The Mauryan Empire was one of the largest and most powerful empires in Indian history. The Mauryan Empire is also known for its contributions to law, administration, and art.

  • The Mughal Empire was a Muslim empire that ruled over much of India from the 16th to the 18th centuries CE. The Mughal Empire was a time of great cultural and artistic achievement in India. The Mughal Empire is also known for its contributions to architecture, painting, and music.

  • The British Raj was the period of British rule in India from 1858 to 1947. The British Raj was a time of great change and upheaval in India. The British Raj is also known for its contributions to Education, Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, and Industry in India.

  • The Indian independence movement was a struggle for independence from British rule that lasted from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. The Indian independence movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. The Indian independence movement is also known for its contributions to non-violence, civil disobedience, and Democracy in India.

  • The Republic of India is a federal republic in South Asia. India is the second most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion people. India is also a nuclear-weapon state.

  • The Indian economy is the world’s sixth-largest economy by Nominal GDP and the third-largest economy by purchasing power parity. India is a major player in the global economy, and it is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.

  • The Indian culture is a diverse and rich culture that has been shaped by centuries of history. Indian culture is influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism, Islam, and other religions. Indian culture is also influenced by the country’s geography, Climate, and people.

  • The Indian cuisine is a diverse and delicious cuisine that is influenced by the country’s many cultures. Indian cuisine is known for its use of spices, herbs, and vegetables. Indian cuisine is also known for its use of rice, lentils, and bread.

  • The Indian people are a diverse and friendly people who are proud of their culture and heritage. Indian people are known for their hospitality, generosity, and sense of humor. Indian people are also known for their hard work and dedication.