Principles & Basis Of Indian Foreign Policy

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Principles & Basis of Indian Foreign Policy




India’s foreign policy is fundamentally based on the principles of peaceful co-existence, friendship and co-operation among all the countries of the world irrespective of their political systems. The foreign policy is aimed at promoting international peace and security and maintaining good and friendly relations with all the countries of the world. India, which was a colonial country under the mighty British rule, experienced the power politics of Super Powers during Cold War period, and chose for herself the path of non-alignment and peaceful co-existence.


India has adopted and pursued certain principles to realize these objectives. Some of these principles are given in ARTICLE 51 under the Directive Principles of Policy in the Constitution Of India. These principles are: promotion of international peace and security; friendly relations with other countries; respect for international law and international organizations like the UN; and finally the peaceful settlement of international disputes. The principles of India’s foreign policy and its objectives are closely interlinked with each other.



 The founder of India’s foreign policy, Nehru gave utmost importance to world peace in his policy planning.

India desired peaceful and friendly relations with all countries, particularly the big powers and the neighboring nations. While signing a peace agreement with China; he advocated adherence to five guiding principles known as Panchsheel.

Panchsheel includes the following five principles of foreign policy:

  1. Mutual respect for each other’s territorial Integrity and Sovereignty.
  2. Non-aggression against each other.
  3. Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.
  4. Equality and mutual benefit.
  5. Peaceful co-existence.


These principles of Panchsheel were later incorporated in the Bandung Declaration, signed in the Afro-Asian Conference held in 1955 in Indonesia.


  • Policy of Non-alignment


Non-alignment is the most important feature of India’s foreign policy. Its core element is to maintain independence in foreign affairs by not joining any military alliance formed by the USA and Soviet Union, which emerged as an important aspect of cold war politics after the Second World War. Non-alignment should not be confused with neutrality or non-involvement in international affairs or isolationism. It was a positive and dynamic concept. It postulates taking an independent stand on international issues according to the merits of each case but at the same time not committing to coming under the influence of any military bloc. 

India played a lead role in popularizing and consolidating the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). 


As the world faces greater threat from a unipolar world led by US after the disintegration of Soviet Union, the NAM can act as a check against undue dominance and hegemony of any country or block.


The developed (North) and developing (South) world have divergent views over several global and economic issues. The NAM may provide a forum for third world countries to engage the developed nations in a productive dialogue.



  • Policy of Resisting Colonialism, Imperialism, Racism


India has been victim of colonialism and racism and was as such opposed to these evils in any form. India considers colonialism and imperialism as the threat to international peace and security India was the first to bring the issue of Apartheid in the UN in 1946. India raised her voice for the independence of Indonesia and organized Asian Relations Conference for this purpose. Due to India’s consistent efforts through NAM and other international forums, 14 African countries were liberated from the yoke of colonialism in 1964. India made sincere efforts to end the scourge of apartheid in South Africa. At India’s initiative, NAM set up the Africa Fund (Action for Resisting Imperialism, Colonialism and Apartheid) in 1986 to help the frontline states, which were victims of aggression of South Africa for supporting the cause of fight against Apartheid. India made generous contribution to this fund. The end of racialism in South Africa in 1990 was a great success for Indian policy.


  • Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes


One of the core Elements of India’s foreign policy is its unflinching faith in the political solution and peaceful settlement of international disputes. This principle has been included in the Constitution of India, under the Directive Principles of State Policy as well as in the Charter of the UN. India has played leading role in the resolution of Korean conflict and supported negotiated settlement of Palestine issue, Kashmir problem, border problems with neighboring countries and other such disputes and problems. At present, India is in favour of resolution of peaceful settlement of Iranian nuclear issue, problem of democratic upsurge in Middle East and so on. India is always against foreign military intervention for resolving international problems. This principle continues to be the cornerstone of India’s policy.


  • Support to UN and International Law


India has deep respect for the international law and/or the principles of sovereign equality of nations and non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations as espoused by the UN. India has supported the cause of disarmament pursued by the UN. In 1988, India proposed a very ambitious programme of nuclear disarmament before the UN. Though, this proposal was not accepted by the other members of the UN, India stands committed to the cause of universal disarmament even today. India has played a key role in preserving world peace by helping in the decolonization process, and through active participation in UN peacekeeping activities.

These are in the form of guidelines to the policy makers through which India carries out its foreign relations. In essence, these are the means through which national interest is sought to be protected and promoted.


Indian foreign policy is based on the principles of non-alignment, Panchsheel, sovereignty and territorial integrity, peaceful co-existence, non-violence, Economic Development, global peace and security, Human Rights, Democracy, Rule of Law, multilateralism, international cooperation, Sustainable Development, Climate change, nuclear disarmament, terrorism, regional cooperation, bilateral relations, and diaspora.

Non-alignment is the policy of not aligning with any major power bloc during the Cold War. India was one of the founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which was established in 1961. The NAM is a group of countries that are not aligned with any major power bloc and that advocate for peaceful co-existence and cooperation among all nations.

Panchsheel is the principle of five principles of peaceful co-existence. These principles were first enunciated by Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1954. The five principles are: respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty; non-aggression; non-interference in each other’s internal affairs; equality and mutual benefit; and peaceful co-existence.

Sovereignty and territorial integrity are the principles of respect for the independence and self-determination of all nations and the inviolability of their borders. These principles are enshrined in the UN Charter and are fundamental to international law.

Peaceful co-existence is the principle of living together in peace and harmony with other nations, regardless of their political, economic, or social systems. This principle is based on the idea that all nations have the right to live in peace and security and that they should cooperate with each other to promote peace and development.

Non-violence is the principle of resolving conflict without resorting to violence. This principle is based on the belief that violence is never justified and that it only leads to more violence. Non-violence is a central tenet of Indian philosophy and has been an important part of Indian foreign policy since independence.

Economic development is the principle of promoting economic Growth and prosperity for all nations. This principle is based on the belief that economic development is essential for peace and security and that it can be achieved through cooperation and trade.

Global peace and security are the principles of promoting peace and security around the world. These principles are based on the belief that all nations have a responsibility to work together to prevent conflict and to resolve disputes peacefully.

Human rights are the rights that are inherent to all human beings, regardless of their race, religion, nationality, gender, or any other status. These rights include the right to life, Liberty, and security of person; the right to freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; the right to equality before the law; and the right to freedom of expression.

Democracy is the principle of government by the people, for the people, and of the people. This principle is based on the belief that all people have the right to participate in government and that government should be accountable to the people.

Rule of law is the principle that all people, including those in government, are subject to the law. This principle is based on the belief that the law is supreme and that no one is above the law.

Multilateralism is the principle of working together with other nations to address common problems. This principle is based on the belief that cooperation is essential to solving global problems and that no nation can solve these problems on its own.

International cooperation is the principle of working together with other nations to promote peace, security, and development. This principle is based on the belief that cooperation is essential to achieving these goals and that no nation can achieve them on its own.

Sustainable development is the principle of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This principle is based on the belief that we have a responsibility to protect the Environment and to ensure that all people have access to the Resources they need to live a decent life.

Climate Change is the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place. Climate change could refer to a particular location or the planet as a whole. Climate change may cause weather patterns to be less predictable. A region might experience lower or higher than Average temperatures. Climate change may cause more frequent and severe weather events, such as storms, floods and droughts.

Nuclear disarmament is the elimination of nuclear weapons. This goal is based on the belief that nuclear weapons are a threat to peace and security and that they should be eliminated to prevent their use.

Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism is a threat to peace and security and it should be condemned and combated by all nations.

Regional cooperation is the principle of working together with other countries in a region to address common problems. This principle is based on the belief that cooperation is essential to solving regional problems and that no country can solve these

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about Indian foreign policy:

  1. What are the principles of Indian foreign policy?

The principles of Indian foreign policy are:

  • Swarajya: This means self-reliance and independence. India is a sovereign country and will not allow any other country to interfere in its internal affairs.
  • Panchsheel: This means the five principles of peaceful coexistence. These principles are: mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.
  • Non-alignment: This means not aligning with any major power bloc. India believes in maintaining friendly relations with all countries, regardless of their political or economic system.
  • Third World solidarity: This means supporting the interests of developing countries. India believes that developing countries should work together to promote their common interests.
  • South-South cooperation: This means cooperation between developing countries. India believes that developing countries can learn from each other and work together to overcome common challenges.

  • What are the basis of Indian foreign policy?

The basis of Indian foreign policy is the country’s national interests. India’s national interests include:

  • Security: India’s security is its top priority. India wants to protect itself from external threats and maintain its territorial integrity.
  • Economic development: India wants to achieve rapid economic development. India believes that economic development is essential for improving the lives of its people.
  • Regional stability: India wants to promote peace and stability in its region. India believes that regional stability is essential for its own security and economic development.
  • Global peace and security: India wants to promote peace and security in the world. India believes that global peace and security is essential for its own security and economic development.

  • What are the challenges to Indian foreign policy?

The challenges to Indian foreign policy include:

  • Terrorism: India is facing a serious threat from terrorism. India has been a victim of numerous terrorist attacks, and the threat of terrorism is a major challenge to its security.
  • POVERTY and underdevelopment: India is a developing country with a large Population. Poverty and underdevelopment are major challenges to India’s economic development.
  • Regional instability: India’s region is facing a number of challenges, including terrorism, religious extremism, and ethnic conflict. Regional instability is a major challenge to India’s security and economic development.
  • Global challenges: India is also facing a number of global challenges, including climate change, nuclear proliferation, and the rise of China. Global challenges are a major challenge to India’s security and economic development.

  • What are the achievements of Indian foreign policy?

India has achieved a number of successes in its foreign policy. These include:

  • Maintaining its independence and sovereignty: India has been able to maintain its independence and sovereignty despite the challenges it has faced.
  • Promoting peace and stability in its region: India has played a key role in promoting peace and stability in its region.
  • Achieving economic development: India has achieved rapid economic development in recent years.
  • Playing a leading role in international organizations: India is a leading member of several international organizations, including the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement, and the G20.

  • What are the future challenges and opportunities for Indian foreign policy?

The future challenges and opportunities for Indian foreign policy include:

  • Terrorism: The threat of terrorism will continue to be a major challenge to India’s security. India will need to continue to work with its partners to combat terrorism.
  • Poverty and underdevelopment: India will need to continue to work to reduce poverty and underdevelopment. India will need to invest in Education, healthcare, and Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE to improve the lives of its people.
  • Regional instability: India’s region will continue to face a number of challenges, including terrorism, religious extremism, and ethnic conflict. India will need to work with its partners to address these challenges.
  • Global challenges: India will also face a number of global challenges, including climate change, nuclear proliferation, and the rise of China. India will need to work with its partners to address these challenges.

Despite the challenges, India has a bright future. India is a young and dynamic country with a large population. India has a strong economy and is a rising power in the world. India is well-positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead.

  1. India’s foreign policy is based on the principles of:
    (a) Non-alignment
    (b) Panchsheel
    (c) Sovereignty and territorial integrity
    (d) All of the above

  2. India’s foreign policy is guided by the following objectives:
    (a) To promote peace and security in the world
    (b) To promote economic development
    (c) To promote human rights and democracy
    (d) All of the above

  3. India’s foreign policy is implemented through the following mechanisms:
    (a) The Ministry of External Affairs
    (b) The Indian embassies and consulates abroad
    (c) The Indian missions to the United Nations and other international organizations
    (d) All of the above

  4. India’s foreign policy has been successful in achieving the following goals:
    (a) Maintaining its independence and sovereignty
    (b) Promoting economic development
    (c) Promoting peace and security in the region
    (d) All of the above

  5. India’s foreign policy has been criticized for the following reasons:
    (a) It is too idealistic
    (b) It is too rigid
    (c) It is too focused on the United States
    (d) All of the above

  6. India’s foreign policy is likely to be shaped by the following factors in the future:
    (a) The rise of China
    (b) The rise of India
    (c) The changing global order
    (d) All of the above

  7. India’s foreign policy is likely to have the following impact on the world:
    (a) It will promote peace and security
    (b) It will promote economic development
    (c) It will promote human rights and democracy
    (d) All of the above

  8. India’s foreign policy is likely to have the following impact on India:
    (a) It will help India to maintain its independence and sovereignty
    (b) It will help India to promote economic development
    (c) It will help India to promote peace and security in the region
    (d) All of the above

  9. India’s foreign policy is likely to have the following impact on the region:
    (a) It will help to promote peace and security in the region
    (b) It will help to promote economic development in the region
    (c) It will help to promote human rights and democracy in the region
    (d) All of the above

  10. India’s foreign policy is likely to have the following impact on the world order:
    (a) It will help to promote a more just and equitable world order
    (b) It will help to promote a more peaceful and secure world order
    (c) It will help to promote a more prosperous and sustainable world order
    (d) All of the above