Performance of public sector and privatization.

INFRASTRUCTURE, exploration and exploitation of Minerals and oil, technology development and products with strategic consideration. Thus, we have seen that various Industrial Policies, formulated by the Government since 1948 have given due consideration to the relative role of both public and private sector in Indian economy. Therefore, these policies have made sincere attempts for the … Read more

Policies and Performance of Industry

Objectives: To create high quality world class Horticulture, Floriculture, Bio-technology etc. To provide assured, good quality, uninterrupted and affordable power for industries. To simplify and rationalize labour laws and procedures in tune with the current day requirements To promote Small scale, Cottage and Khadi and Village Industries and Handicrafts Silk and Handloom sectors To address … Read more

Cottage industries

Cottage And Village Industries In India problems and prospects Cottage Industry is a form of small scale industry where the productivity of the good£ takes place in the houses of the workers, and the workforce include the members of the family. The equipment’s used to generate products are not the hi-tech ones but generally those … Read more

Population growth as a factor of economic development and demographic dividend

Demographic Dividend And Transition Demographic dividend The term “demographic dividend” (DD) refers to the accelerated economic Growth that a country can achieve when it has a low dependency ratio or, in other words, when the proportion of its Population that is of working age is greater than the proportion of its population that doesn’t work … Read more

Urbanization and economic growth in India

Introduction Urban areas have been recognized as “engines of inclusive economic Growth”. Of the 121 crore Indians, 83.3 crore live in rural areas while 37.7 crore stay in urban areas, i.e approx 32 % of the Population. The Census Of India, 2011 defines urban settlement as :- All the places which have Municipality, corporation, Cantonment Board … Read more

Employment and Unemployment-size of workforce, rate of participation, occupational structure, rural & urban unemployment, employment policies/schemes in India

  EMPLOYMENT and Development: Human Resource Management and Human resource development and its indicators in India. Nature, types and Problems of Unemployment in India. Employment Schemes and Programmes both of Union Government and Uttarakhand Government. Rural Development and Community Development Programmes- Role of related Institutions and Organizations including all centrally and State sponsored schemes.   … Read more

Skill India

Skill development Introduction India is passing through the phase of demographic transition which could be the biggest opportunity or the biggest concern of the country depending upon the utilization of its huge work force. India adds 12 million people to its workforce annually, but very few have any formal skill training. Today, less than four … Read more

Make in India and Start-Ups

Make-in India – Start- up and Stand-up programmes Make-in India Make in India is the government’s flagship campaign intended to boost the domestic manufacturing Industry and attract foreign investors to invest into the Indian economy. The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi first mentioned the keyphrase in his maiden Independence Day address from the ramparts … Read more

Foreign Institutional Investment (FII) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

The development of any Society or country without Economic Development is a myth. Economic development brings prosperity which in turns is directly proportional to the amount of goods and Services produced quantitatively or in broad sense we can say in Money equivalent. So the factor of production depends on the following parameters. Land Labour Capital … Read more

Fiscal, investment and monetary policy issues and their impact

  Monetary Policy TOOL:   There are several direct and indirect instruments that are used for implementing monetary policy. Repo rate: The (fixed) interest rate at which the Reserve Bank provides overnight liquidity to banks against the collateral of government and other approved securities under the Liquidity Adjustment facility (LAF). Reverse Repo Rate: The (fixed) … Read more