
  The Dams in Jharkhand mainly cater to the irrigation system of the state through a well managed system of Canal Irrigation in the local areas. The dams of Jharkhand are also utilized for power generation. The major dams of Jharkhand are the Maithon dam, the Panchet Dam and the Chandil Dam. The Maithon Dam was constructed … Read more

Drainage System

  The radial centrifugal drainage system of Jharkhand state has number of rivers. Most of these rivers remain relatively dry during summer months (February-May) but exhibit torrential flow during the months of monsoons (June-September). Jharkhand has a vast potential for generating hydel power as is exemplified by the location of the famous Damodar Valley Corporation … Read more

Geological history

  The spatial extent of Jharkhand State is approximately 21° 55’ to 25° 35’ North Latitude and 83° 20’ to 88° 02’ East Longitude. The state is land locked and it Shares its boundary with Orissa on the southeast, Chattisgarh on the southwest, Bihar on the north, West Bengal on the east and Uttar Pradesh … Read more

Important Ancient Terms for JPSC (Jharkhand) Prelims and Mains Examination

Lohit Ayas Copper Syam Ayas Iron Vanik Traders Gramini Village Head Bhagadugha Tax collector Sthapati Chief Judge Takshan Carpenter Niska Unit of currency Satamana Unit of currency Pana Term used for coin Shresthi Guilds Vihara Buddhist Monastery Chaitya Sacred Enclosure Pradeshika Head of District Administration Nagarka City administration Jesthaka Chief of a Guild Prathamakulika Chief … Read more